Upcoming PNWER events:
Jan. 22 - 23: PNWER Capital Visit in Juneau, Alaska
Feb.: PNWER Capital Visit in Salem, Ore.
Mar. 6: PNWER Arctic Policy Forum in Washington, D.C.
Mar. 6 - 9: PNWER / Energy Council conference in Washington, D.C.
April 1 - 2: 2014 Cyber Security Summit in Auburn, Wash.
Coming soon: Registration for the
July 20 - 24, 2014
Whistler, B.C.
PNWER is hosting its 24th Annual Summit in British Columbia July 20 - 24, 2014.
Check out the SUMMIT HOMEPAGE in the coming weeks as registration will open up. Hotel information is already available, so don't forget to book early! Whistler has a busy summer tourism season. The sooner you book, the better!
Stay in style at the beautiful Fairmont Chateau Whistler.
Mark your calendar, and plan to join us for what will be a very informative Summit.
About the Summit
Key issues discussed at the Summit will include:
- Energy
- Transportation
- Disaster Resilience
- Arctic Issues
- Agriculture and Livestock Health
- Workforce Development
- Tourism
- Natural Gas Vehicles
- Innovation
- Invasive Species
- Mining
- Border Issues
The PNWER Annual Summit also offers policy tours and networking activities highlighting the natural beauty of Whistler and the innovative best practices of local industry.
Bring your whole family along for a memorable vacation, and join more than 600 business leaders, legislators and government leaders from PNWER's ten states, provinces and territories to address the major policy issues impacting the region.
About Whistler
Consistently ranked as North America's top ski and snowboard resort, Whistler is nestled amongst the spectacular Coast Mountains of British Columbia, Canada. At one time an isolated wilderness frequented only by the Lil'wat and the Squamish First Nations as a waypoint for trading, today's Whistler is home to 9,500 permanent residents from around the globe. With its role as Host Mountain Resort for the 2010 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games, Whistler was further established as the ultimate winter destination.
However, there is another side to Whistler - summer. As the snow melts, rolling expanses explored by snowshoe enthusiasts reveal four championship golf courses designed by legendary players such as Arnold Palmer and Jack Nicklaus. Forested pathways that once housed groomed cross-country ski tracks transform into a network of family-friendly and single-track biking trails. Ski runs make way for alpine hiking and downhill-biking in the world famous Whistler Mountain Bike Park. Winter made Whistler famous but its natural beauty, diverse residents and limitless year-round offerings make it an original and unforgettable place.
Photo credit: Tourism Whistler / Mike Crane
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PNWER visits Olympia, Washington and Boise, Idaho
PNWER began its annual legislative capital visits to discuss regional issues impacting our economy, learn about potential agenda items to discuss at the 2014 Summit, and extend delegate recruiting efforts during visits to two regional state capitols, January 14 - 17, 2013. Additional PNWER capitol visits are also being planned for Juneau, Alaska (Jan. 22 - 24) and Salem, Ore. (February).
Olympia, Washington
The Olympia capital visit began on Jan. 14 in Olympia, Wash. The delegation included Senator Kevin Ranker, Washington, PNWER President; Alana DeLong, MLA, Alberta; Simon Gibson, MLA, British Columbia; Senator Curt McKenzie, Idaho; Colin Smith, APEGBC; Dan Kirschner, NWGA; David Kettles, Alberta Government; Edith St-Hilaire, Consulate General of Canada, Seattle; Dr. Don Alper, WWU; and Matt Morrison, PNWER Executive Director. Highlights of the visit included a meeting with Wash. Gov. Jay Inslee, Lt. Gov. Brad Owen, Senate leadership, and LEHI Alumni Meeting.
PNWER President Sen. Kevin Ranker during a meeting with Gov. Jay Inslee and Policy Adviser Keith Philips.
In the afternoon of Jan. 15, the PNWER delegation met with Washington Governor Jay Inslee and Energy Policy Adviser Keith Philips. The meeting focused on regional energy issues, invasive species and the upcoming Summit in July.
The PNWER delegation with Wash. Governor Jay Inslee.
The PNWER delegation also met with Lieutenant Governor Brad Owen to discuss several issues impacting US-Canada trade and border security preceding the State of the State address at noon on Jan. 14. The PNWER delegation was introduced in the gallery during the State of the State.
The PNWER delegation meets with Lt. Gov. Brad Owen.
A meeting with Senate leadership was also a highlight of the Olympia visit. The PNWER delegation met with Sen. Rodney Tom, Majority Coalition Caucus Leader and Sen. Tim Sheldon, Senate President Pro Tempore. Sen. Jim Honeyford also attended, and the group focused on the upcoming Summit in Whistler in July and several action items PNWER is working on related to invasive species and border issues.
Meeting with Sen. Rodney Tom, Majority Coalition Caucus Leader.
The group also participated in a Legislative Energy Horizon Institute (LEHI) alumni meeting attended by Rep. Jeff Morris, Rep. Gael Tarleton, Rep. Shelly Short, Sen. Linda Evans Parlette, Sen. Jim Honeyford, Bill Kidd, BP, and other LEHI alums. This was a great opportunity to discuss the future of the LEHI program and get input from past students to improve this very successful project. Boise, Idaho
The Delegation headed to Boise on January 16th, 2014. The delegation included Alana DeLong, MLA, Alberta; Herb Cox, MLA, Saskatchewan, Colin Smith, APEGBC; Dan Kirschner, NWGA; David Kettles, Alberta Government; Bruce Agnew, Cascadia Center for Regional Development; and Matt Morrison, PNWER Executive Director.
Delegates attended a PNWER Idaho Council meeting led by Lt. Gov. Brad Little. The PNWER Idaho Council was established by a Governor's Executive Order in 2012, and includes appointed members from the executive and legislative branches as well as invited private sector participants. Dr. Gloria Totoricagüena coordinates the Idaho Council and works with council members to set the agenda. The Council meets three times per year to plan Idaho's agenda for the PNWER Working Groups and has determined that the top agenda items for 2014 include 1) Transportation, 2) Cyber Security and Emergency and Disaster Management, 3) Food Security and Agribusiness, and 4) Workforce Development.
The PNWER Idaho Council Meeting was led by Lt. Gov. Brad Little.
The visiting PNWER delegation also attended and presented to the Idaho Transportation Board statewide meeting and invited Director Brian Ness and other board members to the Annual Summit in Whistler. PNWER Transportation Co-Chair Bruce Agnew will be working directly with Gloria Totoricagüena and Director Ness to plan the July sessions regarding truck weight and size limits streamlining and permitting.
Alana DeLong, MLA Alberta, presents to the Idaho Transportation Board.
Idaho Bureau of Homeland Security Director, Brigadier General Brad Richy, participated in PNWER's all day events on January 16th and also had a private meeting with the PNWER Delegation the next day to discuss the preliminary planning for Idaho- led workshops related to cyber security.
A joint discussion with the House and Senate majority and minority party leadership focused on food security and the importance of the Columbia River Treaty negotiations for securing water availability and irrigation issues. House Speaker Scott Bedke, Pro Tem Brent Hill, House Majority Leader Mike Moyle, House Minority Leader John Rusche and Senate Minority Leader Michelle Stennett insisted that these are of fundamental importance to the State of Idaho and they expect PNWER to be an influential avenue for influencing best practices and continuation of good relations for water issues. Private sector sponsors Nunhems Seed and the Idaho Dairyman's Association are also especially interested.
PNWER meeting with leadership of Idaho.
This week, PNWER leadership will meet for a capital visit in Juneau, Alaska.