The E-Tower

Trinity Church Newport
News and Notes from Trinity Newportfor Sunday, March 30, 2014
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Laetare Jerusalem: et conventum facite omnes qui diligitis eam: gaudete cum laetitia, qui in tristitia fuistis: ut exsultetis,et satiemini ab uberibus consolationis vestrae.


Rejoice, O Jerusalem: and come together all you that love her: rejoice with joy, you that have been in sorrow: that you may exult, and be filled from the breasts of your consolation.


So begins the Latin Introit, or opening, to the Mass on the Fourth Sunday of Lent. Laetare Sunday, which we celebrate in just a few days, reminds us that while we still walk in the desert, and still keep our Lenten disciplines, the hope of the resurrection is never far off. Indeed, we know that what we eagerly await on Easter has already been accomplished. If Trinity owned Rose colored vestments, they would be used this week, offering a change from the lenten purple. (Here's a photo of a lovely rose chasuble.) In some parishes flowers are allowed in the church on Laetare Sunday - crazy, right? So, if not with different fabrics or flowers, how do we "rejoice" in the midst of Lent? 


By being together. By lifting up our heads and looking around the sanctuary and giving thanks for each and every person you see, whether you know them or not, whether you like them or not. Rejoice that we are blessed by such companions along the way.


See you on Sunday!
Anne Marie+
The Rev. Canon Anne Marie Richards, Rector
office: 401-846-0660
cell & home: 401-324-9832
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Sunday Forum


On Sunday, March 30 using the 23rd Psalm as an example, the Rev. Paul Koumrian will invite us to discuss the following: What makes a Psalm a Psalm? What were the meaning and purpose behind their usage during the time they were written? How are they used in today's liturgies?


Sunday Forum for April 6

The calendar from Palm Sunday through Easter is filled with so many services - how do I know which ones to attend? Why do we suddenly switch to having church every day? And why on earth is The Great Vigil of Easter being held at St. John's instead of at Trinity? Come along and pepper the Rector with these and any other questions you have about the liturgies of Holy Week and Easter. A rich spiritual experience awaits you - come and find out how you can participate.


This Week At Trinity

(Don't forget - there is a calendar on Trinity's website that has information about all our events.) 


Sunday, March 30


Holy Eucharist

Traditional Language

The Church  8:00am 


Sunday Forum   

See below for this week's program

Hawes Room   9:05am


Holy Eucharist

 Modern Language with music

Child Care provided for children up to age four

Sunday Stories (Children's Chapel) for ages four and up

The Church   10:00am


This Week:



Monday, March 31

Community Meal

Hawes Room



Women's Bible Study

The Seamen's Church Institute



Tuesday, April 1                                   

Men's Bible Study 

The Seamen's Church Institute 




Wednesday, April 2

Newport Community Youth Choir

Hawes Room

4:30 - 5:30pm


Lenten Speaker Series

Honyman Hall



Thursday, April 3

Trinity Intercessory Prayer Group

Hawes Room



Choir Practice

Hawes Room







"The Interaction of Life and Faith": A Speakers Series

Wednesdays April 2 & 9 at 7pm

Just two more weeks left in this outstanding series! And you don't want to miss the final speakers - both women with deep connections to Aquidneck Island, and both dynamic leaders.

  • April 2 Sr. Jane Gerety, President of Salve Regina University
  • April 9 RADM USN (Ret.) Barbara McGannInterim Superintendent of Portsmouth Schools

Registering online is the best way to be sure you have a seat! You may also sign-up after the Sunday services in Honyman Hall or call the church office (401-846-0660).

Spring IS Coming!


Calling all those who would like to help with outside clean-up! Saturday, April 12 at 9:00am. It's been a long, hard winter and there is a lot of debris around the campus. Please come armed with gardening gloves! Questions?  Call Bill Bohmbach, Jr. Warden, 401-835-1287.


It's Tough to do Homework without a Home:

Effects of Homelessness on Children 

Sunday, March 30, 2014 at 3PM (doors open 2:45) 

St. Mary's Roman Catholic Church, Spring & William Streets, Newport


A meeting sponsored by Newport County Citizens To End Homelessness (NCCEH) will have a group of expert panelists discuss the effects of homelessness on children in our community and around the state.  Participating panelist are: Stephanie Geller of Rhode Island Kids Count, a children's policy and advocacy organization, Jennifer Barerra, Director of Lucy's Hearth, a family shelter in Middletown, a counselor with Newport County Community Mental Health Center.  After presentations the panel will be open to answering questions from the audience.


The meeting is open to the public and free. Voluntary donations of school supplies and toiletries (shampoo, soap, lotion, etc.) will be collected at the door. Refreshments will be served. Parking may be available at the Library and on William St.




Roland Chase -Co-Chair NCCEH at

Mary Reynolds - Co-Chair NCCEH at

Cairn: A Lenten Project


Maybe you remember this from last year, maybe this is your first experience with this Lenten project. Either way, as you come into the church this Lent, you'll find a growing collection of items on the clerk's desk, the lowest level of our three-tiered pulpit - you'll find a cairn. The word cairn comes from Irish Gaelic and means, Cairn 1 2014 literally, a man-made pile of stones. Travelers have built them for centuries as trail markers and monuments, and they are still found along paths in North America and Europe to guide hikers. As we make our Lenten journey, you are invited to help build a cairn in our sanctuary, to mark the path from the dust of Ash Wednesday to the splendor of Easter. We'll start with all those precious objects that we collected last year, and see what new treasures we find this year.


Go out and gather something, or some things, that mark your path. A rock. A piece of wood. A shell. Whatever speaks to you along your journey. Bring that to the sanctuary, and offer it to God, offer it to the community. Add your marker, your gift, your object to our cairn, our marker. Go out and begin the journey that is Lent.
New Choral Scholar


Please join the Trinity Choir in welcoming Michael Genese as the new Tenor Choral Scholar. Michael is a sophomore at URI majoring in music. 


In addition to singing, our Choral Scholars lead sectional rehearsals, write program notes, and occasionally conduct the choir. We benefit from their considerable talents while they gain valuable practical experience beyond the scope of their formal education.


On the 4th and 5th Mondays of the month Trinity hosts a Community Meal for anyone needing food or a place to rest and enjoy fellowship. 
Update from Trinity Campus & Community Team


This week, Paul TaylorJim Brunhoeffer, and the Rector met with Glenn Gardiner, principle architect at Northeast Collaborative Architects, to discuss Trinity's campus needs for the next twenty years, and together they outlined the space requirements of our parish and the organizations interested in a future partnership with us. Prompted by the closing of the Carr Rice building, we are called upon to re-think how to make use of our tremendous physical assets - mainly, a campus in the center of the city - and to envision a future for Trinity as a vibrant center for worship, ministry and community outreach. We look forward to the ideas and recommendations of the team at Northeast Collaborative, who will help this vision take shape.



Recognizing individuals who have gone above and beyond!
 Thank You Corner



Thank you to Paul Taylor for his wise and gentle leadership of the Trinity Community & Campus Project. We are grateful for the countless hours you are spending to help us plan for the next great phase of Trinity Church.







From Palm Sunday to Easter Morning, a rich week of sacred liturgy. Wait in the garden, walk the way of the cross, and rejoice at the empty tomb.
Detailed daily schedule may be found here.
Tower Lighting
The tower was lit on Mondayday, March 24, to the glory of God and in loving memory of George R. Seaforth, by his family.


Participants in Sunday's Liturgies


Celebrant/Preacher:    The Rev. Canon Anne Marie Richards

8:00am Server:           Miriam Smith

Chalicist:                   Paul Rosbolt    

Lector:                      Jim Brunnhoeffer

Intercessor:               Marilyn McCarthy

Acolyte:                    Cameron Doherty

Greeters:                  Wendy Durudogan

Coffee Hour:              Wendy Durudogan

Ushers:                     Rufus Meadows, Polly Meadows,

                                Brook Richards, Jerry Slocum


Altar Society:             Miriam Smith, Bev Lobecker, Nancy Ryan

                               Debbie Bartlett, Pat Blakeley


Tour Guide:                John Hattendorf       


March TLC Coordinators: Mary Johnstone, 401.862.5028, 

                                  Bev Lobecker, 401.847.9297,


April TLC Coordinators:  Jackie Hanson, 401.855.0506,

                                Pam Fisher, 401.849.3233,


Sunday's Readings


You may find Sunday's readings at The Episcopal Lectionary Page,