The perfect gift for your favorite gardener on Valentine's Day! Gardens require planning and cultivation, yielding beauty and joy. This garden journal helps make planning and organizing easy, and is autographed personally by Paul! The cover holds a 5x7 or 4x6 photo and a heavy-duty D-ring binder. Includes free delivery!

Also included:

8 tabbed sections
5 garden details sections with pockets for seeds, tags...
Weather records page
6 three year journal pages
Insect & diseases page - 3 project pages
3 annual checklist pages
Plant wish list page
2 large pocket pages
Sheet of garden labels
5 garden detail sheets
5 graph paper pages for layouts
5 photo pages, each holding four 4x6 photos in landscape or portrait format

                                         Valentine Day February 14 only 16 days away

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Sweet Peas

The fragrant sweet Pea grew as a native wildflower in Sicily and southern Italy. A Sicilian monk named Cupani sent some of the wild flower seeds to Dr. Uvedale, Horticulturist from Enfield, England in the 17th Century. The sweet pea flower named 'Cupani' is thought to be most like the native variety. In 1730, a sweet pea flower named Painted Lady was developed by a Mr. Eckford from Scotland where he worked in his garden to develop new hybrids of Sweet peas His work in breeding and developing the new grandiflora types which have larger flowers and more color selection. Then in Althorp, England at the country seat of the Earl of Spencer {related to Lady Diana}, crossed produced a new hybrid family of sweet peas called 'Prima Donna} and other outstanding sweet peas he called the "Spencer's Hybrids." The next Royal series of sweet peas were develop in America by Frank Cuthbertson from the Ferry Morse Seed Company as he crossed these Spencer hybrids with early flowering sweet peas to produce the Cuthbertson Hybrids which are more tolerant of hot weather. A one more hybridizer named Hammett from New Zealand, developed the large flowering plants with striped petals, he called Streamers. Today plant breeders from around the world are creating new varieties to make your garden more enjoyable and fragrant. Sweet Peas of today grow from Knee-Hi to up to 7 feet tall and there are also perennial varieties available at your local garden center.

When I was a freshman in high school, I got a wonderful job as a gardener on the weekends. When summer came, I got to work 3 or 4 days a week learning what I love to do today. This man, Mr Seifert Smith was my first teacher and was responsible for me going to college. He was also responsible for my love of sweet peas. One of my first jobs in the spring was to clean out the sweet pea clumps and install the cages for them to grow in and repair the trellis that others grew on. Next to the fenced pen where his two hunting dogs lived during the day, as tall growing climbing sweet peas covered the fencing on the outside. One reason for the sweet peas on the fencing was for the fragrant flowers and less dog smell!

I quickly found out that when he got married 51 years earlier, sweet peas were in his wife's bridal bouquet. When they purchased this house, all she wanted was a sweet pea garden. Like a general talking to his troops he told me that first day, that I had been assigned to care for this garden and it better look good or we would both pay the price (if you know what I mean). I listened very carefully and did everything he said--and by summer, we were both heroes--yes!

So let me tell you what we did to get started on the sweet pea garden, so you too can become someone's hero. Let's begin with the annual types, because they need more care and must be planted every spring. First, you will need a location with full sun all day, not just half a day but all day for the best plants. Your soil "MUST" be well drained and never have standing water or the plants will get root rot and die. Next--and again, very important--good air circulation, because during a wet seasons or humid summer sweet peas can develop powdery mildew disease-- and that is not a good thing. So be sure to give them lots of room to grow without competition around them.

The soil must be conditioned every year, as these wonderful plants will reward you, if you do a good job and make it rich and fertile. Sweet peas are heavy feeders and the more you condition the soil with compost, animal manure, and conditioners like seaweed, worm castings and organic fertilizers the more flowers your plants will make for you. Blend these soil amendments into the soil as deep as possible up to a foot deep or the depth of your shovel or garden spade before planting.

If your soil is acidic, be sure to lime every year spring or fall with powdered limestone or use wood ash from your fireplace or wood stove--better still use turf-turbo or lighting lime substitute for instant results. Fertilize at time of planting with Dynamite or Espoma Flower-tone All Natural Plant Food with Bio-tone� Microbes.

You can start your seeds indoors in pots 4 weeks before planting into the garden for a good head start and flowers earlier in the season. Or you can plant directly in the garden in early May, as the seed will germinate better in warm soils. Seedlings will not tolerate frost, so don't rush the season--and they love the heat, so cold nights don't help them either. The secret to good germination is to soak the seed overnight in a glass of warm water--just over night and not longer. Any seeds that float to the surface and do not swell..throw them out, because they are no good. I have had great results also by using a large pair of nail clippers and cutting into the thick skin coat of the seed, before planting into the garden(a nick not a gouge).

Plant the seed one inch deep and 3 inches apart and thin to 5 inches when plants reach 3 to 5 inches tall. Seeds will take from 7 to 14 days to germinate if the soil is warm and kept moist (but not wet), so go easy on the water and check the soil before you water the garden. Now, when the plant has developed 3 to 4 sets of new leaves pinch off the top set and watch the plant quickly begin to branch out and develop. Once you pinch the plant, spread compost or mark mulch around the plants 2 inches thick to keep the soil evenly moist during the summer heat and control weeds.

If you're going to pick the flowers from the plant, pick them early in the morning before it gets too hot out. Pick often and the plant will keep blooming. If you don't, it will make seed and slow down on making flowers. As soon as the first flower bud opens on the stem, pick it and it will last longer for you in your vase of water. Like all flowers in the garden, the flowers stems seem to get shorter later on during the season and there will be fewer buds to the cluster but they are still beautiful. Plants will flower for most of the summer if kept watered and well fed. Annual sweet peas come in all sizes from 12 inches to the vining types that grow 5 to 10 feet again depending on your soil preparation.

The color selection is almost endless so check your seed racks but expect to find better selections in seed catalogs or on the internet. Sweet peas have always been a favorite of the British people and they have developed many new hybrids so look for English hybrids. If you're coming with me to the Chelsea Flower show in England your selection will be endless--and your garden will be the talk of the town this summer--so come with me!

Now, perennial sweet peas are much easier to care for, because once you prepare the soil and plant, the sweet pea will come back every year all by itself. Just clean the area where they are growing carefully and remove all the dead foliage from last year. Add a couple handfuls of organic fertilizer like Espoma Flower-tone or Natural Alternative 5-0-5 Organic All-Purpose Plant Food and you're ready to go.

Place your wire cages around the area so they have something to climb on and hold on to--or provide a trellis for them to grow on--and you're ready to go. You will have to tie them up every now and then as they climb up the trellis but you do have some help from their "leaf tendrils," a modified leaf stem that will twist around a structure to help hold up the plant as it climbs.

Perennial sweet peas do not have the fragrance that the annual types do but they make just as nice a bouquet of cut flowers. For northern gardens, the perennial sweet pea has a limited flower color selection but the plant will do very well even in Central Maine, N.H., VT, western Mass. and northern NY State down to zone 4.

These perennial sweet pea plants are better to naturalize an old fashion country stone wall or a long wooden or wire fence bowering your property. They are much more drought and wind tolerant than the annual climber types and they come back every year. If you like the look of a rambling rose but not the work needed to keep them looking good for your stone wall or fence, this is your plant. Plant along the side of the road and don't worry about the winter weather, as they are much stronger than most flowering vines for that purpose. I love perennial sweet peas when planted up against a brick or stone fireplace on your house. Finally, both types are loved by butterflies and hummingbirds. Enjoy!
Tommy Roe - Sweet Pea
Tommy Roe - Sweet Pea

If you're a first time flower gardener and are looking for something easy to grow that will give you arms full of fresh cut flowers all summer long, look no further than the Zinnia family of annual flowers. If you're just looking to add color to your flower gardens or you want to attract butterflies to them, zinnias are unbeatable! Zinnias are so easy to grow; you can even start growing them from seed on your windowsill without much care. Zinnias are such a wonderful flower that they were chosen as the flower of the year in 2011 because of their wide selection of glorious colors, the unusual wide selection of heights that they grow and their ability to form new flower buds once you have picked their long flower stems.

The zinnia originated in Mexico--growing as a wild flower--and is still found there in sunny fields. It was not always the beautiful flower we grow in our gardens today. In fact, it was known to the Spanish as the flower of "sickness of the eye." Not a real compliment of a name, is it!? In the 18th century, collected seeds were brought to Europe, where well-known German Horticulturist Dr. Johann Gottfried Zinn worked on the new plant to improve its appearance but it took until the mid-19 th century to become a popular garden flower.

In the 1920, seed companies began to work very hard on this plant and soon their efforts paid off with introductions of new plants that grew from 6 inches to 4 feet tall. The color selection also grew to match the rainbow along with the size, shape and petal count of the flowers. In 1939, the zinnia became a household name with the development of a new variety called the dahlia-flowering zinnia developed by Ferry Morse Seed co. It was called "State Fair" and it had more resistance to disease problems, much more vigorous growing and the stems were stronger and better able to hold large flowers on the plant without falling over like past hybrids.

With all this work being done to the zinnia plant, it quickly grew to be as popular a flower to gardeners as the dahlia and the chrysanthemums were, because of the many flower forms. This flower once known as "sickness of the eye" was now one of the most popular flower in the world. The flower that had only a single row of petals in Mexico many years ago now has flowers with forms that are single, semi-double or double. But the shapes of the flowers are what gave them character from the button-types, beehive-types, the cactus-types with twisted petals, and dahlia-types with large flat flowers.

The zinnia plant has rich medium to dark green foliage that has a nice shine to it all season long. The leaf is oval with a point on its tip and, depending on the variety, will grow from 2 to 6 inches long. The leaves grow opposite each other on long stems making it perfect for cutting except for the dwarf varieties. The leaves also curl under at the edges giving them a rounded look--almost like basil foliage. The flower buds look like buttons and each bud is covered with green looking scales that are edged with black. The flower bud swells and opens slowly, exposing the flower petals in a tightly rolled ball on its top, and one by one the petals begin to emerge and create a wonderful daisy-like flower.

Plant zinnias in a garden that receives full sun all day long if possible, but they must get at least 6 hours of mid-day sunshine to bloom non-stop. Your soil should be rich and fertile so be sure to mix compost, animal manure or seaweed kelp before planting every year, the better the soil, the more flowers your plant will make for you. Your soil should also be well-drained especially when you're planting seedlings or they will develop root rot during wet and rainy periods. If your soil has clay in it, use garden gypsum when you condition the soil before planting, I recommend using  gypsum because it will break down clay in just a couple of weeks and open up the soil to improve drainage. Plants do best in a soil near neutral so lime every other spring to control acidity in the soil. You can also use your wood ash from your wood stoves or fireplace or Lighting lime to sweeten up your garden soil.

Set out your seedlings when the weather has warmed up and the threat of frost is over. They will grow best when the soil is warm, so don't rush to set out seedlings, wait! The one word of advice I have for you is not to crowd the seedlings together when planting, as they will fill in quickly, and they need good air circulation to prevent disease problems like powdery mildew. Zinnias love the heat of summer and when the warm evening temperatures arrive, you can almost see them grow. I add Plant Thrive to all my seedlings to help stimulate root development; mycorrhizal fungi makes a big difference when planting.

Water the plants regularly to keep the soil moist, especially during the heat of summer. Always water early in the morning and never at night to prevent disease problems--like all garden plants. If your garden is flat, remove the nozzle from the hose and flood the soil with the hose rather than using a sprinkler. Fertilize with Dynamite timed-release pellet fertilizer when planting and repeat in early August or use a water-soluble plant food like Blooming and Rooting every two weeks from June to September.

Insect problems are minimal but if you have a bad year with a lot of Japanese beetles, they will cause some damage to the foliage, so spray foliage regularly with garden Eight from Bonide Lawn and Garden. When your zinnia plant start flowering you should be picking the flowers regularly as the more you cut the plant for flowers, the more they will develop new growth and make new branches filled with flowers. Their long stems make this plant the perfect plant for cutting. Cut the flowers when the flowers bud is half way opened and watch them mature in your vase of water. Buds still tight with no flower petals open will not open when cut so give them time to mature before cutting.

Cut zinnias will last 10 days or more in a vase of water as long as you keep them out of the direct sun. I worked at a farm stand during junior high school. Every morning early, the owner and I went out into the field to cut flowers for bouquets she made. We always brought a bucket filled with about 6 inches of water to put the flowers in when we cut them--and even in the heat of summer, they never wilted. She also let the flowers sit in the buckets for an hour or two to acclimate the flowers to the cutting--and they did much better when arranged.

The seed of the zinnia is large and easy to germinate, making it easy for children to grow for your garden. As the flowers fade on your plant, remove them along with 2 sets of foliage below them to encourage new shoots to develop on the plant faster. The taller growing varieties made large flowers and the plant got heavy so by July we placed a green pencil stake near the plant base and attached the plant to it with twist ties just in case we has strong summer thunder storms to prevent damage to the plant.

Here are my favorite varieties: 'Priulla' or 'Timberlines' for your front rows; they will grow 6 to 15 inches tall. Next my favorite--and sometimes hard to find--called "Cut and Come Again" (the name fits them well, the more you cut, the more they flower). They will grow 18 to 30 inches tall with 2-inch flowers. For tall growing varieties that will grow 3 to 5 feet tall, plant the 'State Fair' or 'California Giants' for 3 to 5 inch flowers. Zinnias come in all colors, except blue and white is hard to find when buying mixed colors. Common colors are yellow, orange, red, chartreuse, purple, lavender, lilac and white. With the new hybrids today, look for the many new two-tone varieties now available.

One last thing, zinnias will attract butterflies and hummingbirds to your garden, so plant them for additional excitement in your summer cut flower garden. You can also plant smaller growing varieties in your rock garden and be sure to plant some taller growing varieties in your perennial garden to replace the early flowering perennials and keep these gardens bright and colorful all summer long. Zinnias will also do very well in mixed plant planters of all types--as long as you water and feed regularly. 

A bit more information for you about Zinnias: in January 2016 NASA announced that the Zinnia which had blossomed on the International Space Station was the first flower to grow in space, outside the Earth's biosphere. I saw the picture and it is wonderful.

Zinnias planted in the garden will attract hummingbirds and creates a defense against whiteflies and make a wonderful companion plant to keep some insects off other plants in your garden. So if you have a problem with whitefly in your garden plant some Zinnias this year for color and defense of your garden. Some of the newer varieties are a lot more resistant to Powdery Mildew disease. A common problem "WHEN" you water the garden, late in the day or at night, as the disease spores can stick to the wet foliage as they blow around the garden, so water early in the day so the foliage has time to dry off and try to prevent overhead watering of the garden. Fertilome lawn and garden has a great liquid fungicide called Liquid Systemic Fungicide 11 or F-Stop fungicide and Bonide has Infuse fungicide and Copper fungicide. These products can be found at your local garden center, Feed and Grain store and some hardware stores to control a multitude of problems in your flower garden.

Brian Crain & Rita Chepurchenko - Andantino
Brian Crain & Rita Chepurchenko - Andantino the Zinnia song

Snapdragons Flowers
Snapdragons one of my favorite annuals have been grown since the rise of the Roman Empire. The plant originated in the Mediterranean region and southern Europe and has spread throughout the world with the help of Monks, explorers and horticulturist. The flower itself came in purple and white only, but today it comes in every color of the rainbow and sizes that range from the dwarf 6 inches tall to the tall growing Rocket 3 to 4 feet tall.

The Romans and Greeks thought that Snapdragons had the power to protect them against which craft. Greek Physicians wrote that protection would be given to those who wore snapdragons around their neck. In the Medieval periods, Snapdragons were thought to be guardians of European castles and were always planted near the gates of the castle. Women of that time thought that if they boiled The Snapdragons and applied the resulting infusion to their face it would keep them beautiful and restore youth. East German's thought that if you hung a bunch of fresh cut Snapdragons near a baby it would keep the baby from being afraid of evil spirits. In Russia, Snapdragons were believed to boost the body's energy and oil was made from the seeds and used like butter.

Thomas Jefferson grew Snapdragons in his garden in the late 1700's. In Victorian times if you received a bouquet of cut snapdragons it meant a proposal was coming soon. If you hid Snapdragons in clothing it was supposed to make a person fascinating and alluring. During the 1950's Snapdragons were one of the most popular flowers in America and every seed company in America were breeding new varieties for the gardening public. My favorite variety developed during the late 60 is called "Rocket" and it won six All American Silver Awards in Horticulture, and is called the Dragon Jays variety. Then came, the "Bright Butterflies" varieties and because it looked like butterflies. In the 70'S a new variety called "Madame Butterflies" and had more petals then the Bright Butterflies and resembled a double Azalea flower.

Snapdragons are Deer Resistant, a real plus for some gardeners. They have very strong stems and make a wonderful LONG lasting cut flower that is fragrant. They do best when planted early in the season as they prefer cool weather and will also tolerate a frost in the spring and fall. Grow in full sun, in a well-drained soil with lots of organic matter. They are winter hardy some years in zone 5 to 7 and several years at the end of the season I cut all the flowers from the plant that remained and covered the garden with pine needles and shredded leaves as winter protection and I would get over 50% survival rate.

A few quick tips for you: If you grow your own or purchase plants, "Pinch the tips off the pants" to 2 to 4 inches tall and be sure to remove any flower buds that have formed. I know this will be hard for you but this will encourage the plant to produce many side shoots and many more flowers for you. Always remove faded flowers and seed pods so new buds can form on the plant right up until October as they are frost resistant, remember.
If you live in an area of the country where spring is late to arrive and fall arrives early, then you need to plant snapdragons in your garden this year. You should sow your seeds right now, so they are ready for planting by the end of April into your garden. You can also purchase seedlings at the same time as pansies are available at your local garden center. When planted early, snapdragons will be in bloom in your garden before your warm season annuals like impatiens and marigolds begin flowering.

Snapdragons do best in a cool climate like the Northeast and west to Oregon and Northern California. They are very tolerant of cold weather and often flower well into early November. Because of their love of cool weather, they will give you great fall color when you plant mums and flowering cabbage to fill in the holes of the fading summer flowers like your impatiens and geraniums. When I lived in southern Massachusetts, I would cover the plants with pine needles in late October, and the following spring more than half would have survived the winter in my garden.

Snapdragons were found in southwestern Europe, growing as a wild pink flower in open sunny fields. Over the years, seed companies have developed many new hybrids of this plant and the work continues today to improve the color selection, flower size and flower numbers on the plant. Snapdragons grow 9 inches to 4 feet tall in your garden and will bush out 6 to 12 inches wide or more from spring to fall. If you live near the ocean or a lake where temperatures are always cooler than inland this is a must-have flower for your garden; the plant will also tolerate a bit of late in the day shade.

Snapdragons love a fertile soil so the better you prepare it with animal manure, compost or seaweed kelp, the better the plant will grow for you. In the fall, blend your shredded leaves and pine needles into the garden to help add organic matter to the soil. Just push your lawn mower over your leaves to chop them up a bit before mixing with the soil. Go to the beach and pick up seaweed that washed up onto the beaches in September or October and add that to your garden soil. If you have woods behind your house, take your wheelbarrow and a shovel along with you and dig up some of the wonderful composted leaf mulch to add to your garden soil. All these things will help to better the soil in your gardens and help your plants grow better with less fertilizer.

Snapdragons have wonderful dark green foliage that is oval with a slight point on the tip. Leaves grow 1 to 3 inches long and less than 1 inch wide, with a sunken vein running down the center on the leaf. The leaves grow alternately up the stem and almost look like they are growing in a whirl around the flower stem. Unlike most annuals, the foliage of the plant will tolerate frost once the plant has acclimated to the weather, so be sure to harden off your seedlings you're going to plant out in the garden properly before planting.

You can plant snapdragons two ways in the spring, pinched or un-pinched. If you set out the plant without pinching the tip of the plant, it will quickly grow tall and make a single large and tall flower stock filled with flowers in just a few weeks, depending on the age of the plant. When the flower stem fades remove it and the plant will quickly begin to develop many side shoots that in time will all make spikes of flowers and continue flowering all summer long.

Or at the time of planting, you can pinch back the tips of the stems to encourage side shoots to develop early. This will delay flowering by 2 to 3 weeks--but the plants will grow much bushier and produce many more flower stems to give your garden better color. As these flower stems fade, pinch them off and the plant will bush off again and continue to make additional flowers stems all summer long. I always pinch my plants and it really pays off with more flowers during the growing season.

Snapdragons love to be fertilized every 2 weeks during the growing season, and this will pay off with large and more flower spikes. So use Blooming and Rooting fertilizer from Ferti-lome or, if you're a busy gardener, apply Dynamite time-release fertilizer when planting and again in late July for endless flowers right up to November. I like to do both and my plants provide me with endless stems for cutting.

Snapdragons can be planted in flowerbeds, in borders and do very well in containers also. Because snapdragons grow vertically, they will help give your garden extra height--and they make a great accent flower for the garden. Each flower spike will last for several weeks in the garden and the flowers bloom from the bottom up and slowly open new flowers on top of the older ones, keeping the top of the flower spike in constant color.

Here are a few of the wonderful varieties to look for at your local garden center or seed packs to purchase:

'Floral Carpet' will grow 8 to 10 inches tall and 12 inches wide. Great for flower borders, window boxes rock gardens and containers. Comes in White, yellow, pink and red colors--and if you continually clean faded stems, the plant will not stop flowering for you all season long. 'Floral Carpet' also looks great when planted on top of a wall or when used as edging along a walkway.

'Sonnet' will grow 18 to 24 inches tall and looks great in mixed borders or large planters like whiskey barrels. Plants come in shades of reddish/pink, yellow/bronze, and white flowers; the plant stays bushy and full growing. Stems can be cut for small vase arrangements.

'Bright Butterfly' will grow 2 to 2.5 feet tall and is great for borders, in cut flower gardens, and looks wonderful when added to large perennial flowerbeds to keep color all season long. Flower colors come in shades of red, pink, bronze, yellow and white. The flowers are also more ruffled than the other varieties of snapdragons and look unique.

'The Rocket' will grow 2.5 to 3 feet tall--and more if you prepare your soil properly. Plants grow large and full--12 inches or more in diameter--and are very sturdy, but should be sheltered from strong winds because of the height of the flowers. The flowers come in shades of red, pink, bronze, yellow and white. Some of the plants will also have bronze to red stems and foliage for extra character. The best for tall-cutting flower stems. The plants will look wonderful in mixed borders, in perennial flower beds or up against a wall or fence to soften the surface behind them. 'Rockets' are my favorite variety, and I grow them every year in my garden.

One last thing: insect and disease problems are minimal and the plants are very easy to grow--even for beginners! Enjoy.
The Beauty Of Nature
The Beauty Of Nature

"Flowers always make people better, happier, more helpful; They are sunshine, food, and medicine to the soul."

Luther Burbank

Greek Spinach Dip
If you're looking for something unusual to munch on during the big game next week here is something that everyone, even your non vegetarian friends will love. All the ingredients are fresh and it takes its flavor cues from "Spanakopita." Serve with pieces of warm pits bread and sit back to enjoy the commercials during the game.


1 tablespoon of minced garlic
� cup of fresh chopped shallots
4 green onions, white and green foliage chopped
2 Tablespoons of olive oil
12 to 16 ounce bag of fresh Spinach, wash well and remove thick stems
� teaspoon salt
� teaspoon fine lemon zest
2 tablespoons of fresh lemon juice
1 cup of plain Greek style yogurt
� cup of finely crumbled Feta cheese
2 tablespoons of fresh dill chopped finely
Fresh ground black pepper to taste


1} Cook the garlic, shallots, and green onions in olive oil in a large
frying pan over high heat, until fragrant. Add the washed spinach
that has been patted dry between towels, and cook until wilted.

2} Scoop the Spinach mixture into a food processor using a slotted spoon:
Pulse until roughly pureed. Add the salt, lemon zest, and lemon juice,
the Greek yogurt, Feta cheese, and fresh Dill. Pulse to mix and add your
fresh ground pepper to taste.

3} the recipe will make 2 � cups and is ready in about 20 minutes.
If you have a big crowd you can double the recipe. I use the small pita bread
and cut it into 8 pieces pie shape. One package of 8 to 10 pita breads per recipe
of dip. Enjoy!

Day to look forward to:

Groundhog Day February 2 only 4 days away

Valentine Day February 14 only 16 days away

President Day February 15 only 17 days away

Daylight Saving day March 13 only 45 days away

St. Patrick's Day March 17 only 49 days away

Spring arrives March 20 only 52 days away

Easter Sunday March 27 only 59 days away



Garden Journal

        Garden Journal - A garden is a friend you can visit any time. Gardens require planning and cultivation, yielding beauty and joy. This garden journal helps make planning and organizing easy. This book makes a great gift for gardeners, family, friends, birthdays, Christmas, new home or as a self purchase.


Cover holds a 5 x7 or 4x6 photo, Heavy-duty D-ring binder

1. 8 tabbed sections
2. 5 garden details sections with pockets for seeds, tags....
3. Weather records page
4. 6 three year journal pages
5. Insect & diseases page - 3 project pages
6. 3 annual checklist pages
7. Plant wish list page
8. 2 large pocket pages
9. Sheet of garden labels
10. 5 garden detail sheets
11. 5 graph paper pages for layouts
12. 5 photo pages holds - 4- 4x6 photos in landscape or portrait format

Journal, Planning, Inspirations. 

 To Order call 207-590-4887

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Mention Paul Parent Garden Club and save 10% and get free shipping. 

  Call 1-(888)-546-5941 don't forget to tell them Paul sent you.

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