Paul forgot the cream so the recipe has been updated and in bold face is the amount of cream.

Of course I wanted to show off our new granddaughter again

The newest seedling in the Paul Parent Garden Club  -  Proud Parents: Patrick, Kristen and Katherine Ruth Parent (aka Katie) born 10/11/2015

*How to print articles at bottom of newsletter.                                                                          

"Pray for good harvest, but continue to hoe"
Old Saying

Granny Smith Apple Cr�me Brulee

My wife Chris "LOVES" Cr�me Brulee and I found this recipe in an old cook book that I bought at a flea Market this summer. I gave it a try and used some fresh picked apples that we picked last week at a local apple orchard to make the recipe and it turned out to be "Elegant." Granny Smith does not grow well in Maine so I substituted Cortland apples and it was wonderful. It is supposed to serve 6 but 4 of us ate the whole dissert after supper last week, so good, give it a try.

3 large Granny Smith Apples or another type of firm cooking apple
1 tablespoon ground cinnamon
� cup of water or fresh apple cider
6 egg yolks
6 tablespoons granulated sugar
1 tablespoon of pure vanilla extract
1 1/2 cups of heavy whipping Cream 
A little extra granulated sugar for topping

1} Preheat oven to 325 degrees

2} peeled, cored, and cut up into bite size pieces your apples

3} Stir and cook your apples, cinnamon, � cup of sugar and water or cider in a sauce pan over medium heat until tender but not soft and mushy, about 6 to 8 minutes. Set aside and cool

4} Whisk your egg yolks and 6 tablespoons of white sugar, until mixture is light yellow. Add vanilla. Gradually whisk in the cream

5} Divide the apples evenly into ungreased ramekins. Top evenly with cream mixture. Place the ramekins in a baking dish and add hot water to the baking dish until it reaches half way up the sides of the ramekins.

6} Bake until it has set up, about 40 minutes. Remove from the oven, but keep the ramekins in water for 30 minutes. Remove the ramekins from the water bath and refrigerate and chill overnight.

7} When you're ready to serve, sprinkle � teaspoon of granulated sugar on top of the cr�me and carefully torch until golden brown. Refrigerate any leftovers, Enjoy!

*How to print article's from our Newsletter -  Constant contact does not allow us to print articles one at a time

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Select the text you want on a web page where there is a story, paragraph, or a few lines that you want to print. Left-click on the mouse at the beginning and drag across to the end of the text you want and release. While the text is selected (highlighted), go to the top menu line and click "File" / "Print", in the print window that shows.  click on "Selection," and then click the OK or Print button. Some printers need you to select apply .

Do the same for emails. If you want to print a joke or article that you receive, do not click the Print icon. Select the text as above and use the "File" / "Print" menu and click "Selection", click OK or "Print".

Try another way to do a print job for text only. This involves selecting the text you want as above; then right click, copy and right click, paste to a word processor or even Wordpad (located in "Start" / "Programs" / "Accessories" / "Wordpad") and print from there. This method will produce a copy with no extra information. 

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