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August 2016
Title Notes E-News

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Unleashing Your Employees' Super Powers
by Meghan M. Biro

Make a list of five of your good employees. Not the stars, and not the laggards, but people who come in everyday, do a good job, and go home. (This applies to telecommuting roles too btw) Now take a look at that list, and take a minute to think about each of those five people. What percent of their potential do you think they're delivering at work? 50%? 60%? 70%? Can you imagine them taking their performance up a notch or two?  What would that mean for your organization's results?

It would mean a lot! So why not rethink employee engagement and retaining your talent that shows up every day?

Unleashing Career Potential Matters
Great leaders inspire people and find ways to unleash their hidden power. And from that, flows success. And satisfaction. And energy. And innovation. And profits. And a better workplace culture. Read on...

Here are additional articles related to Leadership and Culture you may enjoy: 
Three Tips for Growing Core Customer Relationships
by Achim Griesel

Have you heard this from a community banker? "We are uniquely positioned to service the affluent customer." And, "Our service is second to none."

Don't fool yourself. Your prospects don't know about your service unless it causes problems for them. And, very few community-based financial institutions are more uniquely positioned to serve the affluent class than are their large competitors at the regional and national banks.

Real growth requires much more than the false perception that customers are privileged to bring their relationships to your organization. It takes a variety of factors, such as your brand, your product, your policies, your employees and their execution and your marketing. As banks try to build and sustain growth of their customer base, they often fall into the trap of focusing on only one of these factors or activities. But each of these activities has an impact and some are more important than others. Real growth requires a coordinated system of activities. Read on...

Here are additional articles related to Community Banks you may enjoy: 
Automating Loan Decisions for Small Business
by Pullen Daniel

It's no secret that small business loans historically offer small profit; in fact, there is little economic difference in funding a $100,000 loan versus a $1 million loan. However, even though these loans may not always be the biggest movers to a bank's bottom line, this type of lending is essential to establishing and building lasting relationships with small businesses.

So, how do banks make these small business loans not only a strong relationship-building tool, but also more beneficial to the bottom line without sacrificing quality? The answer lies in process improvement. Read on...

Here are additional articles related to Business Banking you may enjoy: 
The First Question in Strategic Planning: 
'What Can Go Wrong?'
by Clifford Rossi

Comprehensive risk management cannot be limited to assessing the potential successes and failures of your everyday business. How your bank considers a change in business is just as important.

Relatively poor earnings growth, nonbank competition and intense regulation are but a few of the realities threatening the core business model of banking these days. Some of these realities have warranted bank management to weigh transformational changes to compensate: a new product, an M&A deal or new pricing, to name just a few examples.

But a discussion about any strategic change, even if a new strategy is never implemented, must include an assessment of the risks involved. Read on...

Here are additional articles related to Bank Leadership you may enjoy: 
Creating a Great Customer Experience

A few recent articles for your reference:

Like-Kind Exchange Gaining in Popularity

There is growing interest in the tax advantages available in like-kind exchanges of properties.

Like-kind exchanges, also known as Internal Revenue Code Section 1031, give individuals and businesses a tax deferment on gains after they get rid of one property as long as the proceeds are reinvested in a similar property.

Realtors participate in like-kind exchanges for many reasons besides deferring capital gains taxes; they use them as equity to buy more properties, as well as in estate planning, diversifying their portfolio, and completing development projects, according to a NAR report. Read on...

Here are additional articles related to Realtors� and Real Estate Trends you may enjoy:


**Remember to offer your borrowers Owner's Coverage on their most valuable investment. It's a one time premium with a lifetime of security. In addition, they will receive a reduced premium rate when they obtain it simultaneously with your Lender's Coverage.**

What Topics Are On Your Mind?

Virginia Title Center wants to provide you with pertinent information in future E-Blasts and Webinars. What questions are on your mind regarding the real estate and mortgage lending industry? What topics would you like addressed in future E-blasts? Send Patti your thoughts.
Past issues of the Virginia Title Center E-News are archived on our website HERE
Patti L. Dickerson                                      

Give us a call and let us know how we can better serve you and your team!

Director of Operations & Marketing
Virginia Title Center, LLC
Integrity. Security. Excellence.


Virginia Title Center is committed to serve you with unmatched expertise, exceptional customer service and a comprehensive selection of title and settlement solutions to help you grow and succeed. 


 Our professionalism, technical knowledge and experience provide security as we insure protection for your most valued investment.