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April 2014 
Title Notes E-Blast

Welcome to the April edition of the VTC e-news.  We enjoy hearing your feedback regarding the value of the content included within, as well as suggestions for future editions.

On behalf of the entire Virginia Title Center Team,

Patti Dickerson, Director of Marketing & Communications
Did You Miss the April 8 Webinar?
Consumer Protection:
Owner's Title Insurance
 Lenders Get It ... Don't Forget the Owner!

No Worries .... you can view the recording and review the PowerPoint Presentation HERE.
Title Insurance Helps Bring Peace of Mind
from the Tennessean

JR from Murfreesboro writes, "I was told by my agent recently that even though my wife and I are paying cash for our next home, we should never buy a home without getting title insurance. It seems like a waste of money since we are not being required to get this insurance by a lender." Do you agree that it would most likely be a waste and not to buy it?


What you're thinking makes sense, JR. Why spend the money on something seldom used when not being required to? Here's the potential issue that can happen.


Several years ago, I listed a home for a couple who had done exactly that. They bought a home from an older gentleman who had owned the place since it was originally built in 1952. He had paid the place off years ago. They were paying cash and though it was customary for a seller to pick up the expense in Davidson County for title insurance, he refused to, saying it would be an absolute waste, as he had owned the place free and clear for years. He was convincing enough that they agreed it would be an unneeded investment and didn't pay for it for themselves.


A few years later they decided to sell their home. This time the new buyer was getting a loan from his local bank, which required title insurance on the property. When the title search was done it was found that there had been a $10,000 mechanic's lien filed against the home years before that had carried over all this time and was now going to be the seller's responsibility.


Read on to find out what happened next

Karen DesRoches to Lead VBA Multi-Bank Title Agencies


Karen DesRoches has expanded her role at VBA Management Services Inc. as its new senior vice president in charge of the

multi-bank title agencies. Karen has been working with the staff of the various agencies since 2006 in her role as director of human resources for VBA and Bankers Insurance, LLC.


The VBA managed agencies include: Virginia Title Center, Bankers Title, Bankers Title Shenandoah, and West Virginia Bankers Title.


This article was featured in the March/April 2014 edition of Virginia Banking

Virginia Banking is read by CEOs, presidents, directors and other senior managers.  The magazine is published bi-monthly and is circulated to more than 11,000 recipients. 


Each issue of Virginia Banking is devoted to legal, legislative and informational articles related to the state banking industry, technology issues, bank profiles and personnel updates. 


Click here to view the March/April 2014 edition. 

Sunnier Days Ahead in Housing, Freddie Says.

from Daily Real Estate News, Realtor Mag


The housing market is stronger today than at any point since the Great Recession and has made progress in several key areas after hitting bottom in 2009, Freddie Mac reports in a blog post looking at the state of the housing market heading into spring.


Home sales are up 13 percent since their low point, Freddie Mac reports. Frank Notaft, Freddie Mac's chief economist, predicts that home sales will rise about 3 percent in 2014.


Also, the agency reports that housing starts are up 50 percent since hitting bottom. Freddie Mac is predicting a nearly 20 percent increase in new-housing starts in 2014, "which will begin to help ease tight inventories in many markets."


Housing prices have also been on the upswing, about 16 percent higher than their bottom in 2009, Freddie Mac reports. They expect home values to continue to rise this year, but at a more moderate 5 percent pace. Also, researchers say many markets are still posting housing values that are below their 2006 peaks.


Freddie Mac is forecasting mortgage rates to remain near their historic lows this year, but rates are expected to rise about a half-percentage point during the year to around a 5 percent average by the end of the year.


Source: "After Winter Chill, Time to Spring Forward," Freddie Mac (April 10, 2014)

CFPB Publishes Small Entity Compliance Guide

The TILA-RESPA rule is effective August 1, 2015  


What is the TILA-RESPA rule about?

The TILA-RESPA rule consolidates four existing disclosures required under TILA and RESPA for closed-end credit transactions secured by real property into two forms: a Loan Estimate that must be delivered or placed in the mail no later than the third business day after receiving the consumer's application, and a Closing Disclosure that must be provided to the consumer at least three business days prior to consummation.


What is the Purpose of the Guide?

The purpose of this guide is to provide an easy-to-use summary of the TILA-RESPA rule. This guide also highlights issues that small creditors, and those that work with them, might find helpful to consider when implementing the rule.


You may want to review your processes, software, contracts with service providers, or other aspects of your business operations in order to identify any changes needed to comply with this rule. Changes related to this rule may take careful planning, time, or resources to implement. This guide will help you identify and plan for any necessary changes.


To support rule implementation and ensure that industry is ready for the new consumer protections, the Bureau will coordinate with other agencies, publish plain-language guides, 12

publish updates to the Official Interpretations, if needed, and publish revised examination procedures and readiness guides.


This guide summarizes the TILA-RESPA rule, but it is not a substitute for the rule. Only the rule and its Official Interpretations (also known as commentary) can provide complete and definitive information regarding its requirements.


Who should read this guide?

If your organization originates closed-end residential mortgage loans, you may find this guide helpful. This guide will help you determine your compliance obligations for the mortgage loans you originate.


This guide may also be helpful to settlement service providers, secondary market participants, software providers, and other companies that serve as business partners to creditors.


Click HERE to access your copy of the CFPB TILA-RESPA Integrated Disclosure Rule Compliance Guide.

Incomplete Description of Collateral In The Financing Statement May Negatively Impact Priority And Bankruptcy Rights
Article by Andrew Edson and Bob Franke,

money-pensieve-man.jpg The UCC frequently requires financing statements to perfect the security interests of lenders in collateral granted by the borrower. Financing statements provide notice to third parties and bankruptcy trustees of the existence of the security interest. One of the key requirements of a financing statement is that it contains an adequate description of the collateral.


Recently, the United States Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit ruled that a lender's security interest in accounts was not perfected and thus not entitled to priority, because the lender's financing statement did not include the word "accounts" in its description of the collateral. See 1st Source Bank v. Wilson Bank & Trust et al., 735 F.3d 500 (6th Cir. 2013). The lender's security agreement described the collateral as equipment, accounts, and the proceeds from the collateral. The financing statement identified the collateral as equipment and "all proceeds thereof, including rental and/or lease receipts." The financing statement failed to mention accounts. Applying Tennessee law, the Court stated that "revenues earned through the use of collateral are not proceeds" and the proceeds from the accounts receivable were not subject to the lender's collateral for purposes of priority since accounts were not identified. Thus, the junior lenders who, with respect to the borrower's accounts and related proceeds, had listed "accounts" or "accounts receivable" in their financing statements held priority over the lender who filed its financing statement earlier in time.


The Court's holding has bankruptcy implications as well. Since the Bankruptcy Code does not ... continue reading... 

Why You Should ALWAYS Recommend an
Owner's Title Policy to Your Clients

Title Insurance in Hand - Advantages for the Homebuyer


Title insurance companies have protected the American dream of homeownership for more than a century and the behind-the-scenes work of title insurance agents ensures the quick and secure transfer of land, giving consumers and lenders confidence in their investment. On closing day, a homebuyer not only attains ownership of a property, the buyer also walks away with the assurance that his interest in the property is protected. This is all achieved through the professionals working in the land title insurance industry.


When someone purchases a home, how can they be sure that there are no problems with the home's title and that the seller really owns the property? Problems with the title can limit a homeowner's use and enjoyment of their property, as well as bring financial loss. This is how a title search and title insurance provide benefits.


After a buyer's sales contract has been accepted, a title professional will search the public records to look for any problems with the home's title. This search typically involves a review of land records going back many years. Nearly 40 percent of all title searches reveal a title problem that title professionals fix before going to closing. For instance, a previous owner may have had minor construction done on the property, but never fully paid the contractor. Or the previous owner may have failed to pay local or state taxes. Title professionals seek to resolve problems like these before you go to closing.


What happens if a problem arises after a homebuyer moves in? This is an additional benefit provided by the title insurance industry. An Owner's Policy of Title Insurance remains in effect for as long as the policyholder (or their heirs) owns the property that is insured. A claim could actually be filed 50 or 100 years after the policy was issued. And, an Owner's Policy covers legal expenses involved in defending the title on behalf of the homeowner.


Let's face it - a homebuyer certainly has more than enough to think about during the closing process when purchasing a new home. An Owner's Policy provides peace of mind that comes from knowing their investment is protected.


The American Land Title Association helps educate consumers about title insurance so that they can better understand their choices and make informed decisions. Homebuyers, regulators and legislators are encouraged to check out the website,, to learn more about title insurance and the closing process.


VTC is frequently asked by our customers why they need owner's title insurance coverage. This is just one summary of the benefits of this nominal investment.


For more information on how obtaining an Owner's Policy can prevent potential nightmares, contact Bobby Fothergill at 1-800-468-5811. Additional benefits of Title Insurance are available here

ALTA Best Practice #6

Just Because "Stuff Happens" 

When the Real Estate Title Insurance Company of Philadelphia issued the first title insurance policy in Pennsylvania in 1876, there was a need to protect a consumer's investment in real estate because "stuff happens." 


Some refer to this explanation for bad things happening to good people for no particular reason as "Asi es la vida," "C'est la vie" or "Que Sera Sera." Others observe that life is full of unpredictable events, and we know Murphy's Law to state: "If anything can go wrong, it probably will."  So what do we do to guard against "stuff happening" to us or our clients? We buy insurance, in case "stuff happens."


Learn More  

7 Bold Commercial Real Estate Predictions
by Robin Mitcheli, Special to


Conjuring the future of commercial real estate begins by conjuring our future. How will we work, live, shop or do business? Perhaps no other investment sector is so closely tied to people's most fundamental needs and behaviors; its evolution, to a large extent, follows ours.


Take it from Peter Linneman of Linneman Associates and the Albert Sussman Emeritus Professor at The Wharton School of Business, who pioneered the academic study of real estate and was named by the National Association of Realtors as one of the 25 most influential people in the business. Commercial real estate, he said, "exists to service the economy and society. That's all we do."


Over the next 25 years, say Linneman and other key players in the industry, commercial real estate will be buffeted by changes in demographics, technology, globalization, economic and environmental realities and a host of other trends. Some pieces of the trillion-dollar global industry will adapt; others will fall away. It will still be a cyclical business, but no matter how it changes, commercial real estate is expected to be thriving in 2039.


Here are seven bold predictions about U.S. commercial real estate in 2039.


Continue reading to learn about the 7 predictions.... 

Increased Compliance Squeezing Out Community Banks
from National Mortgage Professional Magazine 


Addressing the twin challenges of persistent consolidation in the banking industry and regulations that are disproportionately burdensome on the smallest financial institutions is essential to ensuring a future for the nation's community banking system, Independent Community Bankers of America (ICBA) President and CEO Camden R. Fine said. Speaking in Boston, Fine said that policymakers must ensure their regulations nurture the unique strengths of the community bank model instead of squeezing these institutions into a one-size-fits-all regime.


"Community banks have evolved and remade themselves countless times in their more than 200 years of history, and they will continue to do so in this rapidly changing environment," ... "But we cannot let excessive and ill-fitting regulation take away their ability to adapt, and survive."


... Fine noted that the continued concentration of banking assets in the hands of the largest banks risks the loss of availability of banking services in small and rural communities.


..."How our nation's community banks fare in the future will have a significant impact on not just our banking system, but also on our culture, our economy, consumers and the vitality of thousands of smaller communities and rural areas across the country," Fine said.


Click here for the entire article.

Virginia Title Center Has Eliminated Its
PO Box in Roanoke!

That's right!  

In an effort to create greater efficiencies and to reduce expenses, VTC recently eliminated its Post Office Box in Roanoke.

Please send all mail correspondence for the Roanoke market to our physical address:

Virginia Title Center, LLC
4502 Starkey Road, Suite 200
Roanoke, VA 24018

As a reminder, our Staunton office mailing and physical address is:

Virginia Title Center, LLC
20 Bobby's Way, Suite 101
Staunton, VA 24401

If you are in the area, please stop in and visit us! 

Can't make a physical trip, check us out virtually on our website:  There's a lot of great information and resources on our website!
Use of Tourism Development Financing Program On The Rise In Virginia
Article by Mark D. Williamson, Charles L. Menges and Suzanne Long, McGuireWoods LLP


While a mechanism for financing a portion of the cost of eligible hotel and tourism projects in Virginia commonly referred to as the "Tourism Development Financing Program" (the "Program") began slowly, the use of this Program is now on the rise. Several developers and municipalities across the Commonwealth, including notably the iconic oceanfront Cavalier Hotel in Virginia Beach, plan on using the Program for development or redevelopment of their hotel projects. In essence, the Program provides a source of "tax rebate" financing to pay down the debt associated with not greater than 20 percent of a qualifying project's cost. Accordingly, the Program is designed to promote the development of hotels, motels and related tourism projects that might not be financially feasible without the cash flow enhancement available through the Program. The Program is codified at VA � 58.1-3851.1 in 2011 and is administered by the Virginia Tourism Corporation in conjunction with the Virginia Resource Authority.


The Program acts very much like a tax increment financing district for conventional real estate. Provided the proposed hotel or other tourism project satisfies the qualifying criteria, a portion of the state sales and use tax applied to "transactions taking place on the premises" (e.g., the hotel "room" tax) and an equal portion of local tax revenues (note the local matching portion is not limited to the sales and use or "room" tax) can be "rebated" to the project developer to allow the project developer to finance 20 percent or less of the qualified development cost of the project. By this mechanism ....continue reading 

Pre-Existing Business Relationships and Affiliate Marketing


Question: What is a "Pre-existing Business Relationship" and its effect on affiliate marketing?


Answer: At its core, the pre-existing business relationship is a relationship between a "person" or "persons" (i.e.,residential mortgage lender and originators) and consumers, based on these three rudimentary criteria:


  1. A financial contract between the person and the consumer that is in force on the date a solicitation covered by the affiliate marketing provisions is sent to the consumer;
  2. The consumer's purchase, sale, or lease of the person's goods or services, or a financial transaction (including holding an active account or a policy in force or having another continuing relationship) between the person and the consumer during the eighteen-month period immediately preceding the date a solicitation covered by the affiliate marketing provisions is sent to the consumer; or
  3. An inquiry or application by the consumer regarding a product or service offered by the person during the three-month period immediately preceding the date a solicitation covered by the affiliate marketing provisions is sent to the consumer.

There are essentially two scenarios that come under scrutiny: (1) where there is a pre-existing business relationship, and (2) where there is no pre-existing business relationship. [16 CFR � 680.3(j)(i)-(iii); 16 CFR � 680.3(j)(2)-(3)]


A pre-existing business relationship is where a consumer:


►Has an existing loan account with a creditor-the creditor has a pre-existing business relationship with the consumer and can use eligibility information it receives from its affiliates... continue reading 

FHA Changes Requirement to Collect a Full Month's Interest from Sellers at Closing

by Kenneth R. Harney, Los Angeles Times, Real Estate


Can you be charged interest on your mortgage even after you've fully paid it off? Can the meter keep running when you owe the bank nothing - your principal balance is zero?


Surprise! Much to the chagrin of large numbers of home sellers and refinancers, the answer for years has been yes. If your loan was insured by the Federal Housing Administration and you paid it off before maturity, at closing you'd be expected to cough up a full month's interest, no matter what day of the month you actually settled.


Even if you closed on March 2, for instance, you'd be charged interest by your loan servicer through March 31, potentially adding hundreds of dollars to your costs in the transaction. The FHA's practice has been unique among major players in the housing finance marketplace. Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac and the Department of Veterans Affairs all require interest to be collected only to the day of principal payoff. After that, the meter stops.


But change is on the horizon. Thanks to a regulatory mandate from the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, the FHA has agreed to end its controversial full-month interest policy, but only for future borrowers. The FHA has until Jan. 21 to make the switch, so sellers and refinancers who currently have FHA-insured mortgages are cut out of the deal. Many will still get hit with extra interest charges.


Here's a quick overview of what's behind the agency's belated retreat... 

TITLE TIP: Southern Title Insurance Corp. is headed for liquidation.  What does this mean for holders of STIC policies?
provided by Gail Duffy, Title Services Manager, Virginia Title Center  


Southern Title Insurance Corp. (STIC), a Richmond-based insurer that wrote title insurance coverage, is headed for liquidation.  The applications for liquidation requests are due by Aug. 4. After that, the claim will not be paid.


Virginia Title Center is here to help anyone that currently holds a Southern Title policy to get a new one through our underwriter - Investors Title Insurance Company.


In order for Investors Title to issue a policy on a current Southern Title Policy, a full 40 year title search must be done on the property.  We cannot accept updates from current policies.  However, for all Southern Title policies less than 10 years of age, we will issue a 30% reissue rate credit on the new policy we underwrite.   


For questions or to learn how we can help you through the transition, please contact Gail Duffy at 1.800.468.5811 or by e-mail

"It was a pleasure working with you [Nicole Hamilton, VTC Settlement Processor] on this loan. You are quick and GOOD!  Thanks a lot!


Ann Harrington

Mortgage Loan Closer

C&F Mortgage Corporation

3 Moments that Can Make or Break a Banking Customer's Experience

by Kate Feather via BANKNXT


Exceptional and unforgettable Moments of Truth fuel customer delight and loyalty. So too do pointless and broken interactions douse brand devotion. Unfortunately, disappointment carries more weight. Research undertaken by Richard Normann several decades ago revealed that it takes twelve positive Moments of Truth to recover from one failure.


Knowing this, it makes sense to prioritize efforts on removing the pointless and fixing the broken moments first for the greatest return. A practical approach to doing this is to first determine what customers need and want from their banking relationship and second to identify and refine common events where the bank is failing to deliver against those needs.


Starting with Customer Priorities

Forrester, PeopleMetrics, and others have identified three universal customer experience priorities. These are:

Meeting customer needs. Customers say their bank meets their needs when they can achieve their personal and financial goals through the products, services and support offered by their chosen financial institution.


Being easy to bank with. Deliver enjoyable experiences across all touch points ... continue reading  

10 Annoying Email Habits to Break Today

You're annoying your co-workers and clients with bad correspondence

by Alison Green, for US News & World Report


Email has revolutionized the way we communicate at work, bringing us a long way from the days of mimeographed memos or stenography. But it has also introduced a whole new array of annoyances into the workplace - some of which

you might be guilty of yourself. 


Here are 10 ways your use of email might be annoying your colleagues.


  1. Not answering. When people email you a direct question, ignoring it is nearly as rude as ignoring a direct question in face-to-face conversation. And yet, offices everywhere are filled with people who don't bother responding to emails, often even after repeated follow-ups. If you're an email ignorer, realize that you're likely to develop a reputation for being unresponsive and possibly disorganized, unless you vow to begin getting back to people. Even a simple "I'm working on it" is better than silence. 
  2. Requesting read receipts. You might love the idea of knowing exactly when someone has read your email, but requesting read receipts is likely to rankle your recipients. It sends the message that you don't trust them to respond unless you build in some accountability, or that you don't trust them to respond quickly enough for your liking. If your co-workers aren't professional enough to respond to emails without the threat of a read receipt hanging over them, you should address that problem - but sending out an "I don't trust you" signal with every communication isn't the way to do it. 
  3. Sending "urgent" emails that aren't urgent. Like the boy who cried wolf... click here for the rest of the annoying email habits 

The Best Investment? Your People.  

Posted by Heather Horrocks, Momentum via CBInsight


I've talked about what makes a successful workplace in past articles and how organizations can optimize their work environments through employee engagement.


We are all know that today's workplace is ever-evolving, becoming more diverse, and covering more generations than ever before.  It has to accommodate all types of people and work styles - it's a balancing act to support diverging needs.


Beyond just the demographics and differing work styles of employees, there's the larger component of technology and the role it plays in the office environment today and in the future. Predictions are that fewer workers will be needed in the future, due to technology, and office space start to shrink with its implementation.


Telecommuting and shared office space environments are becoming more commonplace and the U.S. will see fewer commuters as the current generation starts to retire.


One thing is for certain:  Whatever the future holds, your people are always the foundation of your organization.  Having a unified work group with a shared vision and direction in supportive work environment is critical to an organization's success. "Determining the right balance is the key.  Know your employees.  Then, figure out how to best support their needs and work styles", says Mark Alguard, Project Manager at Momentum.


At Momentum, we found a fun, easy-to-use survey that informed us about our different collaborative styles.


Try it at your organization:  What type of collaborator are you quiz? Maybe it will give you some perspective on the differing work styles in your own office and how to better engage with one another.

Patti Dickerson, Director of Marketing & Communications
Patti joined VTC in March of 2013, most recently serving as the Regional Sales & Marketing Manager for SunTrust Bank, Western Virginia. 

She has worked in the field of Marketing since graduating from James Madison University in 1985, to include serving as the Relocation Director of a regional real estate firm. 

Patti is responsible for the development and implementation of a marketing communications plan - leveraging multiple channels and targeting key referral sources in the banking and real estate community - to achieve increased brand awareness and market share for VTC.

She lives in Roanoke with her husband, daughter, and two Yorkies.  Patti enjoys gardening, hiking, and exercise in her spare time.


You can say hello to Patti by e-mail or call her at 800.468.5811.


Click here to view information about other members of the VTC team.


Check out our fun YouTube video that introduces the team. 

American Rules for Punctuation with Quotation Marks  


Quotation Marks with Question Marks and Exclamation Points

Stepping up the ladder of quotation-mark complexity we find question marks and exclamation points: where they go depends on your sentence.


If the question mark or exclamation point is part of your quotation, it stays inside; but if the question mark or exclamation point are not part of the quotation, they go outside the closing quotation mark.


In the next examples, the terminal punctuation is part of the quotation, so it stays inside the final quotation mark:


Reynold asked, "Can we have ice cream for dinner?"


Mom snapped and shouted, "No, we cannot have ice cream for dinner!"


On the other hand, in these examples, the terminal punctuation is not part of the quotation--it applies to the whole sentence--so it goes outside the final quotation mark:


Do you actually like "Gangnam Style"?


I can't believe you lied to me about the ending of "The Sixth Sense"!


Quotation Marks with Commas and Periods

The most common question people ask about quotation marks is whether periods and commas go inside or outside, and the answer depends on where your audience lives because in American English we always put periods and commas inside quotation marks, but in British English periods and commas can go inside or outside (kind of like the American rules for question marks and exclamation points). I use this memory trick: Inside the US, inside the quotation marks.


Here are some examples:


"Don't underestimate me," she said with a disarmingly friendly smile.


I can never remember how to spell "bureaucracy."


Click here for more information about punctuation with quotation marks - Mignon Fogarty, Grammar Girl.

How to Get Honest Feedback When You're the Boss

by Kevin Kruse, Author


Successful leaders are always looking for ways to improve. But the problem is that people don't usually tell you the truth when you ask for feedback, for a variety of reasons. They might be scared of your reaction, or they don't want to hurt your feelings, they think they're being nice. The higher up you go in an organization, the worse the no-feedback problem becomes.


I learned from David Meister that instead of asking, "What do you think of me and the job I'm doing?" you should ask:

"What are other people saying about me and the job I'm doing?"


This "other people" approach makes is safer for someone to share their thoughts.

Another method I've found very effective is to ask someone to quantify your performance, which then sets them up to reveal how you can improve in the future:


"On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate my performance as a team leader in the last 90 days?"


Listen carefully to their answer, then ask, "What would it have taken for me to have gotten a 10?"


Of course, you can always make your question more specific to get targeted feedback:

  • "On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate my level of communication in the last month?"
  • "On a scale of 1 to 10, how good have I been doing showing appreciation to our team members?"

The key of course is in the follow-up, "What would it have taken for me to get a 10?"


And if you're really courageous and want to improve your life, try these questions:

  • "On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate me in the last week as a spouse? [listen] What would it take for me to be a 10?"
  • "On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate me in the last week as a parent? [listen] What would it take for me to be a 10?"

Kevin Kruse is a New York Times bestselling author who writes a column on Wholehearted Leadership for Forbes. Kevin is the founder of several multimillion dollar companies that have won Inc 500 and Best Place to Work awards. His latest book, Employee Engagement 2.0, provides a step-by-step plan that turns task-managers into true leaders who unlock the discretionary effort of their teams.

"The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion
that it has taken place."
 - George Bernard Shaw, Irish writer -


**Remember to offer your borrowers Owners' Coverage on their most valuable investment. It's a one time premium with a lifetime of security. In addition, they will receive a reduced premium rate when they obtain it simultaneously with your Lender's Coverage.**

What Topics Are On Your Mind?

Virginia Title Center wants to provide you with pertinent information in future E-Blasts and Webinars. What questions are on your mind regarding the real estate and mortgage lending industry? What topics would you like addressed in future E-blasts? Send Patti your thoughts.
Patti L. Dickerson                                      
Director of Marketing & Communications
Virginia Title Center, LLC
"where going the extra mile
     is nothing extra at all..."

Give us a call and let us know how we can better serve you and your team!
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Office Locations:
4502 Starkey Road, Suite 200, Roanoke, VA 24018
20 Bobby's Way, Suite 101, Staunton, VA 24401