Today, Sunday, June 18, the Feast of Corpus Christi we are so pleased to share a reflection from Betty Hissong. Betty shares a reflection on the great role children play in the Mystical Body of Christ. Thank you, Betty! Betty was one of Sofia's earliest American collaborators, a charter member of CGSUSA and the author of the first CGSUSA formation manual. She has formed hundreds of catechists at national and local formation courses. She now has thousands of spiritual grandchildren, and even great-grandchildren, as people she formed have formed other people who are sharing the Good Shepherd with new generations of children. Betty, recently celebrated her 90th Birthday! Share a birthday blessing with her here.
We continue to post reflections, timelines, images, storie s, videos, and interviews that celebrate the growth of the mustard seed planted by Sofia and Gianna. We invite you to share with all of us how the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd is transforming you, the children you serve, your parish, your family, and your friends. Please email your submissions to:[email protected]
Additionally, we invite you to share our daily countdown with other catechists and faithful who may not have access to our daily communication.