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Mergers and acquisitions are extremely challenging and even chaotic events.    Therefore, it is critical that everyone involved has a clear understanding of their role in the process. Mergers and acquisitions have become the norm in the business world and are often necessary for survival.  Almost every major company in the US today has or will experience a major acquisition.  There is a subtle yet distinct difference between a merger and an acquisition.  

(WageWatch)  Read the complete article

Top Stories: Lodging & Gaming
Holiday Inn Express Tries Funny to Sell Free Breakfast
The brand of limited-service hotels - the InterContinental Hotels Group's largest, with about 2,300 locations in 38 countries, most in the United States - introduced the "Stay smart" campaign, its first advertising, in 1998. Originally created by Fallon and then continued by McCann Erickson, it ran until 2009 and was picked up again briefly last year by the New York office of Ogilvy & Mather, part of WPP, which helped with the current campaign.
(NY Times)   Read the complete article
The Lucky 13: A Checklist for Web Site Best Practices
We've mentioned before that driving optimum web performance is never a one redesign event. It's a constant for any site owner.  Take Orbitz, for example. It's always in the top five of the Keynote Web Performance Index but even they experienced a big slowdown of its Mobile Web site in August - followed by a rapid speed up. Any particular reason? 
(Hospitality Technology)   Read the complete article
Calculating Damage Awards in Hotel Management Agreement Terminations
When the world financial crisis hit, many hotel management contracts were terminated, often without the managers' prior knowledge or consent. However, now the bill is coming due - and it can run to millions of dollars.
(Hotel News Resource)   Read the complete article
Top Stories: Healthcare
This is the easiest way to make a hospital CEO squirm
Until pricing in the American healthcare system is more transparent, we can expect continued reporting on shocking hospital bills and, by way of that, more blas� responses, nonsensical skirting and plain old lies from hospital administrators and executives.
(Becker's Hospital Review)  Read the complete article
50 Hospitals With Fastest Patient Aid
The following is a list of the 50 hospitals where 87 percent or more of patients reported that they "always" received help as soon as they wanted.   For comparison, the national average score on this HCAHPS measure is 67 percent.
(Becker's Hospital Review)  Read the complete article
10 Technologies Changing The Future Of Healthcare
The health care industry will see a 21% increase in IT jobs by 2020, according to research by the University of Chicago. Across all health care sectors, there is a demand for creative, thoughtful uses of health informatics, mobile technology, cloud systems, and digital diagnostics.
(Tech Republic)  Read the complete article
Top Stories: Human Resources
Workplace Stress Linked To Lower Productivity
Employees who suffer from high stress levels in the workplace are less engaged, not as productive and have higher absence rates than those operating under lower stress, according to research by consultancy Towers Watson.
(Employee Benefits)  Read the complete article
Chicago Contractors to Pay $13 Minimum Wage
Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel ordered city contractors to pay a minimum wage of at least $13 an hour, up from the current $8.25.
(Bloomberg)  Read the complete article
What Does Your Employee Need From Work?
Do you know what motives each person on your team?   Employees overlap in some basic areas around what keeps them coming back each day, though each person has their own specific reasons for working and specifically at your company.   If you want to motivate your employees, find out why they come to work.
(Managing Employees)  Read the complete article
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