September 10, 2014
Important Information
Youth Acolyte Training is this Sunday! For more information, please follow this link.
Homecoming 2014 is coming! Click here to read more. 
Rector's Ramblings

When I started dreaming about boxes, I knew I had "Brown Blood, the term used inside UPS for those who work for the company. Like the majority of people who work for UPS, I started out loading tractor trailers; in my case, five nights a week while I was in high school. The inside of a UPS warehouse is full of miles of conveyor belts and rollers that move packages around. In the morning they move from tractor trailers into the brown package cars that come into your neighborhood. In the afternoons, the flow is opposite, with a few dozen tractor trailers from local companies thrown in. All the packages that came in had to go out within four hours, every day, no exceptions. Even with all of today's technology, every box has to be loaded into a trailer by hand.


Long story short, they come down the rollers into the trailers fast, and you have to keep up with whatever comes your way. Sometimes, during a rush, they would come so fast that they would get piled up between you and the exit to the trailer. My memory is a little fuzzy on how many packages we could fit into a fifty-three foot box trailer, but let's just say in was measured in the thousands. I can remember times when I would load at least fifteen packages (boxes) per minute...for four hours straight. Sure, I was in the best shape of my life when I was a loader, but it could also get a little overwhelming. There were nights I would wake up from a bad dream that I had been buried under boxes or that the boxes never stopped coming. And that was normal.



In This Issue
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Blessing of the Animals
The Annual Blessing of the Animals will take place on Sunday, October 5th at 5:00 p.m.
X Church is Coming
X Church is coming.  Wednesdays at 7 pm, starting on October 1, a new style of contemplative eucharistic worship will become a regular part of our liturgical offerings at Christ Church.  X Church is a combination of ancient practices from the Anglican tradition, assembled for modern people.  It will blend practices that are thousands of years old with a mix of liturgical language.  X Church includes the use of prayers and litanies from around the Anglican Communion.  This is not liturgy in a hurry.  This is a time of quiet worship and reflection, with many candles, incense, chanting, and silence.  X Church is a relaxed service in which the clergy will not vest in traditional vestments.  It is open to all people, and is an attempt to offer a worship experience unlike any other on the Island. 

Why contemplative worship?  Our days are busy and full of stress, and X Church seeks to become a place of rest and refreshment.  In tending towards mediative practices our hearts can be opened to receive the peace of God which passes all understanding.  All of our senses are engaged in X Church to help us enter into relationship with the Creator, the Redeemer, and the Sustainer. 

Youth Ministry News

Don't forget to join us this Sunday for youth Sunday School at 10:15a and EYC from 6:30-8p. EYC will meet on campus at Christ Church in the Son Porch and Parish House Hall. As always, dinner will be provided. This week we will introduce Selah. It is so extremely awesome and amazing that there is simply not enough space here to describe Selah and do it justice, so you will simply have to show up and find out for yourself. It is also something that is best experienced with a friend or two so invite them!


God's peace,


Adult Acolyte Ministry Forming
Adults in the parish have told us that they would like to serve as acolytes when youth acolytes are not available.  Are you secretly sitting in the pew wishing YOU could lead the procession carrying the cross?  NOW is your chance.  We need you to serve for weekday services (funerals, weddings and special services) and when the regular youth acolytes can't serve. (Youth will continue to be our primary servers on Sunday mornings).

If you would like to know more about serving or want to attend the training, contact Becky at or at 638-8683. No prior experience necessary.
Wednesday Night Bible Study - Fall 2014

Continuing on the theme of SPIRITUAL GROWTH we begin the next series of the above on September 24. It will end on Nov 12, 2014. The study will focus on doing overviews of some of the Books in the Bible (old and new Testaments), and cover:   major events and happenings, the writers, time-lines, what the books spoke to God's people at that time, and, how they speak to us today. The study should be educative, interesting and spiritually fulfilling. The group will share thoughts and actively participate in discussions. You are cordially invited to join.


The Study will be held in the Vestry room in the Parish House from 6 to 7 pm. If you need more details please call the Church Office or me. Thank you.





Education for Ministry

Education for Ministry St. Mark's and Holy Nativity Episcopal Churches are co-hosting an Education for Ministry (EfM) group beginning September 8. Christ Church parishioners are warmly encouraged to join the group which will meet at Holy Nativity from 5:30 to 7:00 p.m. on Monday evenings through May. EfM is a four-year program developed by Sewanee that allows participants in a small group setting to complete in-depth study of the Old Testament, New Testament, Church History and Theology. Commitment is for one year at the time. Anyone interested should contact Becky at the church office or 

EC 101 for Adults

Episcopal Church 101 (EC 101) for Adults Wondering why we Episcopalians do certain things in the liturgy or why the altar hangings sometimes change colors or do you have questions about the creeds? EC 101 is a six-week study for anyone wishing to know more about the Episcopal Church, either in preparation for confirmation or simply to answer those "why do we" questions. We will discuss the church's history, beliefs, and practices during our six weeks together. During the Bishop's Annual Visitation in February, adults who have completed this training may be confirmed, received or reaffirm their baptismal vows.


EC 101 will meet on Wednesday evenings beginning October 15 from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. in the Parish Hall. Childcare will be provided and a simple, child friendly supper will be served after class. Donations to cover supper costs ($5 for individuals for $20 for families) will be gratefully accepted. If you are interested in joining this group or would like to know more, please contact Becky at or call the church office at 638-8683. 

Living Compass

Living Compass for Adults The Church is the original "wellness center." Remember, the word wholeness comes from the same root as holy and holiness. As Christians, we are called to seek wholeness, wellness, and holiness in the totality of our lives -- heart, soul, strength and mind. We do this by intentionally seeking God in our daily lives by allowing God and our faith to be our compass in all dimensions of that life. Living Compass is a faith-based wellness program grounded in Scripture and church tradition that provides training for individuals as they seek to live the abundant life God intends for them.


Fr. Tom will lead Living Compass for adults on Wednesday evenings beginning October 15 from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. in the Parish Hall. Childcare will be provided and a simple supper served after the class. Donations to cover supper costs ($5 for individuals and $20 for families) will be gratefully accepted. If you are interested in joining this group or would like to know more, contact Fr. Tom at or call the church office at 638-8683.


Living Compass for Parents - Fr. Tom is leading a Living Compass class for parents which meets during the Sunday School time in the Vestry Room. Living Compass helps families contemplate how their faith can help them cope more effectively with the stresses of parenting in the 21st century and helps them think of the church as a rest stop in their busy lives. Join Fr. Tom in the Parish Hall for this six-week class on blending faith, family and frantic lifestyles. For more information, contact Fr. Tom at or the church office. 

Backpack Buddies - Buddies Needed!

Backpack Buddies - Buddies Needed! It's the start of the school year, and we are gearing up once again to begin delivering backpacks of food to children on free and reduced lunches in several local public schools. Parents have shared with us how helpful the meals are in extending tight food budgets. Christ Church was able to provide food bags to 160-170 children each week during the last school year. Because of your generosity last year, we were able to partner with St. Athanasius and offer bags during the summer months as well.

Sponsorships remain at the same level as last year, thanks to Susan Shipman's fine penny-pinching skills. A sponsorship is $100 per child for a full 38 week school year (including holiday treats and special needs like tooth brushes) or $50 per semester (half year). Please make checks payable to Christ Church and note Backpack Buddies on the memo line. Donations in any amount are gratefully appreciated.


Listed Below are the meetings for presentation and discussion of draft Endowment Policies:
The Finance committee will meet at 6:00 p.m. on Thursday, September 11th for an update on progress.
The Vestry will meet at 6:00 p.m. on Tuesday, September 16th to discuss the second draft.
The Finance Committee will meet on Thursday, October 9th for an update on progress.
The Vestry will meet at 6:00 p.m. on Tuesday, October 21st for the first Vote on the final draft.
The Vestry will meet at 6:00 p.m. on Tuesday, November 18th for the final vote on the final draft.

Gentle Yoga and Meditative Practices - Begins September 3 at 11:00 am
For those interested in this gentle stretching practice appropriate for most everyone, plan to join us on Wednesdays at 11 in the Parish Hall.  Wear comfortable, loose fitting clothing and bring an old bath towel and yoga strap, if you have one.  A couple of old neck ties or belts will work as well as a strap.  After stretching for about 40 minutes, we will end with meditative practices such as centering prayer or guided meditation to bring our focus to the presence of our loving God.  For those whose schedules permit, we will walk quietly to the church for the Healing Service at noon.  Do plan to stay. All our welcome!
Newcomers Brunch
There will be a Newcomers Brunch at 12:30 p.m. on Sunday, September 21st. This event will be for all who have come to Christ Church within the past year.
Homecoming 2014HC2014

September 25-28 is Christ Church's Homecoming, this year with an Oscar's theme! We're going to do glitz and glamor the Anglican way! This year's events include a golf outing, a spiritual retreat, an intergenerational evening of fun, and a post-Sunday services picnic! Spread the word and invite our extended family at Christ Church to come home for Homecoming!


September 25: Homecoming Golf Outing at Sea Palms. All Christ Church golfers are invited to join us for a golf outing with tee times beginning at 1:00 pm on Thursday, September 25, to be followed by a reception and celebration at the home of Sandy and Bobby Rice. Fee is $50 per person, which covers the greens and cart fee as well as the party afterwards. Contact Steve Holt for more information: 912-996-1248. Contact the office to reserve your space! Sign up as an individual or a foursome or anything in between. We will fill out foursomes that do not sign up together.


September 27: Parish Retreat: Please join us for a day of exploration and reflection on Anglican spiritual life. The Episcopal Church has a rich and distinctive tradition of spiritual practice. We are offering an opportunity to spend the day exploring your own spiritual life, learning more about the dynamics of Anglican practice and Christian faith, and engaging methods to shape and deepen your spiritual life. Join us from 9:00 - 3:30 (lunch provided). Our presenters are The Rev. Bob Gallagher and Mrs. Michelle Heyne. Bob and Michelle have written companion books on spiritual practices in the Anglican tradition. Suggested donation: $15 to offset the cost of lunch.


Saturday evening there will be a fun family-friendly intergenerational event. Come dressed as your favorite movie character! Dinner, games, and a sing-a-longwill be offered. Last year's Homecoming night was one of the highlights of the year - you won't want to miss this one!


September 28: At 12:30 we will gather for a parish pot-luck picnic. Fried Chicken will be supplied and parishioners are asked to bring sides, salads, and desserts to share. Entertainment will be provided.


Annual Campaing Kick-off and Pig Pickin'
The Annual Campaign Kick-off and Pig Pickin' will be held on Sunday, October 12, 2014.
Foyer Groups Forming Again

Foyer Groups are groups of six or so Christ Church members who gather monthly in each other's homes to share a meal. This is an opportunity to meet parishioners you have not had a chance to get to know. Members take turns hosting the potluck dinner in their homes. The host furnishes the main dish and others bring the rest of the meal. A small living space, food or pet allergies or lack of culinary skills are not deterrents to participating. We can accommodate all of these restrictions and more. Please email Glenn ( ), or call the church office by September 21 if you would like to participate and we will forward more detailed information. 

Pastoral Care Team Meeting
The Pastoral Care Committee will meet on Sunday, September 14th at 12:30p in the Vestry Room.
Finance Committee Meeting
The Finance Committee will meet on Thursday, September 11th at 6:00 p.m.
Vestry Meeting
The Vestry will meet at 5:45 p.m. on Tuesday, September 16th.
The Susanna Wesley Guild

The Susanna Wesley Guild will meet at Sea Palms at noon on Tuesday, September 16th. 

The Frederick Cousins Guild
The Frederick Cousins Guild - Klara Faulk is hostessing our first meeting of the season for the Frederick Cousins Guild in her lovely home at 125 Hampton River Club Drive on Tuesday, September 16th at 5:00 p.m..  The Rev. Dee Shaffer is coming from Jesup  to be our program, so please plan to attend.

Calendar of Events

Serving This Week


Acolytes, Altar Guild, Chalice Bearers, Chancel Masters, Lectors, Greeters and Ushers


Saturday, September 13, 5:30 p. m. - St. I

      Pat Vinton - Altar Guild


Sunday, September 14, 8:00 a.m. - CCF

      Nancy Butler - Altar Guild

      David Boland - Chalice Bearer

      David Boland - Lector - First Lesson

      H. Clay Stallworth - Usher


9:15 a.m. - CCF

      Maggie Holt - Acolyte - C

      Nick Steelman - Acolyte - TB

      Nathaniel Steelman - Acolyte - TB

      Jackson Hamil - Acolyte - PW

      Bonnie Chandler - Altar Guild

      Nancy Stoddard - Altar Guild

      Bob Theobald - Chalice Bearer

      Te Turner - Chancel Master

      Margie Dorsey - Lector - First Lesson

      Bud Dorsey - Lector - Second Lesson

      Ralph Wade - Greeter

      Jeannie Wade - Greeter

      Phil Allen - Usher

      Dan Goad - Usher


11:15 a.m. - CCF

      Cameron Atwood - Acolyte - C

      Dale Pierson - Altar Guild

      Linda Wood - Altar Guild

      Jody Bradford - Chalice Bearer

      Te Turner - Lector - First Lesson

      Te Turner - Lector - Second Lesson

      RoyceWood - Greeter

      Gene Rackley - Usher

This Week at Christ Church

Morning Prayer

is held at St. Ignatius' Chapel at 8:00 a.m., Wednesday - Friday.  


Evening Prayer is held daily at Christ Church, Frederica at 5:00 p.m.


*Unless noted otherwise, all events take place at Christ Church  


Thursday, September 11, 2014

6 p.m. - Finance Committee Meeting

7 p.m. - Adult Acolyte Training


Saturday, September 13, 2014

5:30 p.m. - Worship at St Ignatius


Sunday, September 14, 2014

8 a.m., 9:15 a.m., 11:15 a.m. - Worship at Christ Church, Frederica

10:15 a.m. - Coffee Hour

10:20 a.m. - Sunday School for All Ages

6:30 p.m. - EYC


Tuesday, September 16, 2014

12 p.m. - Susanna Wesley Summer Meeting

2 p.m. - 3:15 p.m. Handbell Choir

5 p.m. - Frederick Cousins Guild

5:45 p.m. - Vestry Meeting


Wednesday, September 17, 2014

12 p.m. - Healing Service

4 p.m. - 5 p.m. - Choristers

5 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. Adult Choir


Saturday, September 20, 2014

5:30 p.m. - Worship at St Ignatius


Sunday, September 21, 2014

8 a.m., 9:15 a.m., 11:15 a.m. - Worship at Christ Church, Frederica

10:15 a.m. - Coffee Hour

10:20 a.m. - Sunday School for All Ages

12:30 p.m. - Newcomers Brunch

6:30 p.m. - EYC

Christ Church, Frederica | (912) 638-8683 | |
6329 Frederica Road
St. Simons Island, GA 31522

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