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July 17, 2014

Advancing Public Policies for People with Mental Illness, Chemical Dependency or Developmental Disabilities   

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Betsy Gorman, Editor

The SAMHSA Recovery Month Toolkit is Here!

Get a jumpstart on your September 2014 event planning with the newly launched Recovery Month Toolkit. This year's toolkit, which celebrates the 25th anniversary of Recovery Month, highlights the theme "Join the Voices for Recovery: Speak Up, Reach Out."
Webinars & Resources: 
Obama Administration Releases National Drug Policy Strategy


The national plan outlines support for expanding prevention, treatment, recovery, and Smart on Crime reforms. It also highlights actions underway to reduce heroin and prescription drug abuse.



From Youth to Adulthood: Offering Help

Many young people with behavioral health issues encounter difficulties once they're no longer eligible for publicly funded children's mental health services, leaving some to fall through the cracks. Learn about SAMHSA efforts to meet the needs of these emerging adults.


Managing Anger


Working with clients who have difficulty managing anger can be a challenge. SAMHSA offers a new online course, with continuing education credit, to learn effective approaches in behavioral health care settings.


E-Cigarettes Pose Risks

Unregulated and marketed as cigarettes once were, e-cigarettes pose new concerns regarding nicotine addiction-especially for middle and high school students.


Saving Babies From Exposure to Alcohol: Exposure to alcohol before birth can cause lifelong problems for infants and their families. SAMHSA's new Treatment Improvement Protocol provides guidance to prevent alcohol-exposed pregnancy and assist those affected by it.


Heart Health for Mental Health:  As part of its wellness initiative, SAMHSA focuses on preventing cardiovascular disease in individuals with behavioral health conditions. Peer groups were given funds to form community walking groups, peer support buddies, nutrition and cooking workshops, and other community-based efforts.


SAMHSA Interactive

This interactive page offers new training opportunities, informational resources, and events of interest to behavioral health practitioners.





Developmental Disabilities Committee

July 21st

11:00-12:00  GTM Call in  


CLMHD Directors' Meeting

July 22nd

10:30-Noon GTM Call in

Executive Committee

12:30-2:00 GTM Call in 


Fiscal Officers Workgroup

July 29th

9:00-10:00 GTM Call in


CLMHD/OMH/DOH Health Home Conference Call 
21st  10:00-11:00
Details to follow

Fiscal Officers' Workgroup
Conference Call 
August 26th 9:00-10:00
Details to follow

Contact CLMHD for all call in information, 518.462.9422

CLMHD Fall Full
Membership Meeting
September 22-23, 2014 
Lake Placid Crowne Plaza
CLMHD Members:
Register Here
DCSs & Their Staff:
Register by July 25th for
CLMHD Conference  
Expanding Assess to Children's Behavioral Health/Oct. 8th Albany 

Hear from State and National experts about success stories and challenges. Learn how to enhance the effectiveness of services and systems for children and youth with mental health challenges and their families.  Learn more and Call Vicky Quinn @ CLMHD to register 518-462-9422.
New Reports Examine NY's Medicare Advantage Plans 


The Medicare Rights Center has released a new report: New York's Medicare Marketplace-Update: Examining New York's Medicare Advantage Plan Landscape after the Affordable Care Act, which assesses the impact of implementation of Affordable Care Act provisions on Medicare Advantage plans. The report's findings contradict predictions that a reduction in payments to Medicare Advantage plans under the Affordable Care Act would cause insurers to exit the market, decrease plan benefits or immediately pass through costs to Medicare beneficiaries.

A companion piece issued by the United Hospital Fund-New York's Medicare Advantage Market, 2010-2012-examines Medicare Advantage market enrollment and financial results from 2010 to 2012, the initial phase of the Affordable Care Act implementation.

A Striking Contrast: Behavioral Health Care for Children in Foster Care vs. the General Medicaid Child Population


It is widely recognized that children and youth in the US foster care system are at high-risk for significant behavioral health challenges. As a result, these children and youth - generally covered by Medicaid - are more likely to use behavioral health services, including psychotropic medications.


How likely? A new infographic from the Center for Health Care Strategies (CHCS) contrasts the differences between behavioral health care use and expense for a typical Medicaid-enrolled child and a child in foster care. The differences are striking.



The infographic is based on the Center for Health Care Strategies' national analysis of children's behavioral health care use in Medicaid. It highlights key findings and several opportunities for policymakers to consider in improving behavioral health care access, quality, and cost-effectiveness for children in foster care.  Read more.   


For more information, see:

Cigarettes Might Raise Suicide Risk

The nicotine in cigarettes might raise the risk of suicide, researchers reported Wednesday in a finding that defies conventional wisdom. Health experts have long known that smokers are far more likely to commit suicide than non-smokers. But they thought that was because people with mental illness such as depression are also more likely to smoke. A new study in the journal Nicotine & Tobacco Research finds that when states made it a lot harder to smoke in public, suicide rates declined by a startling 15 percent.  Read more.   


Related:  State confiscating thousands of illegal cigarettes 


Tobacco Giants Reynolds and Lorillard to Merge in $27.4 Billion Deal 


Search Extended:
Nurse Practitioner 
Schuyler County 

Schuyler County Community Services Department is seeking a NY State Certified Nurse Practitioner (psychiatric), whose experience includes working with children and youth, to fill a vacancy in our licensed Mental Health Clinic Position involves serving as a member of a multi-disciplinary Treatment Team; providing comprehensive psycho-social and physical examination as needed; prescribing medications and other treatments appropriate for the patient; and collaborating/consulting with Psychiatrist as indicated.  


The position offers a salary range of $60,000-$80,000 per year (based on 40hr work week) with excellent benefits.  Person hired will need to take Civil Service examination, which consists of a review of training and experience at a later date.  Applications must be received by 4pm on Friday, August1, 2014 in the Schuyler Co. Civil Service office. For required application and information, visit or contact Schuyler County Civil Service, 105 Ninth St., Unit 21, Watkins Glen, NY 14981.  Phone (607) 535-8190.

The Conference of Local Mental Hygiene Directors advances public policies and awareness for people with mental illness, chemical dependency and developmental disabilities.  We are a statewide membership organization that consists of the Commissioner/ Director of each of the state's 57 county mental hygiene departments and the mental hygiene department of the City of New York.
