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February 6, 2014

NEW: CLMHD Data Dashboard

New Planning Tool Coming to Your Mail Box Tomorrow!


Tomorrow DCS's and County Planners will receive an email that includes information on how to access the new CLMHD Data Dashboard planning tool first unveiled at the fall Full Membership Meeting in Syracuse.  


In January of 2013 the Conference issued its LGU Role paper calling for the creation of Regional Planning Consortiums (RPC's) to support meaningful behavioral health care planning and system oversight at the local and regional levels. 


Under the guidance of the Mental Hygiene Planning Committee a new tool was developed for an efficient, integrated, uniform Behavioral Health planning that identifies and quantifies current and emerging needs, to support local services management. The Data Dashboard tool was developed to provide regional views of county planning and other datasets to monitor and track the impact of the state's behavioral health transformation including the implementation of managed care, the development of Regional Centers of Excellence and the transition of individuals with mental illness or developmental disabilities from State psychiatric centers and developmental centers to community based settings.  


Detailed information about the contents of the CLMHD Data Dashboard and instructions on how to access Data Dashboard from the CLMHD website will be emailed to DCS's and County Planners with a user name and password. 

Planning Tools for Changing Times

Health care Reform, Managed Care Immplementation, Regional Planning Consortia, Centers of Excellence, Transformation of OASAS, OMH and OPWDD...We are clearly entering new territory for local planners.


DCSs do not have the time to search for the data that is needed to steer a service system. So where can a local planner turn to quickly access clear and usable data to inform systems management decisions?


Feedback from a wide range of DCSs and local planners has lead CLMHD, in conjunction with state and local partners, to develop the CLMHD Data Dashboard.


The CLMHD Data Dashboard: If you don't look at any other planning data, look at this!


Each "Dial" of the Dashboard is designed to  quickly provide you with key data. While a wealth of additional planning data will remain available on CPS (along with a link to the Dashboard) each Dial has been designed to provide the essential information to support your local planning efforts in this new world. The Dials will provide easy access to multiple county data to support regional planning efforts.       


The Dials have been developed, based on your feedback, according to 3 key standards:


1. Function:  The Dial must be easy to use

2. Clarity:      The data present must be clearly labeled and understandable

3. Utility:        Most importantly, the data must include the essential elements: the data that can be readily applied to your planning questions and challenges, including County, regional and state wide data views.


Current active Dials include the following:  

  • Prevalence (Local Prevalence, Medicaid FFS, Managed care)
  • Service Utilization (Behavioral Health, Developmental Disabilities)
  • Inpatient Admissions (By Diagnostic Groups,By Payor Source, For Chronic Conditions) 

Additional Dials will be made available in coming months:

Physical Health Integration, Housing, Criminal Justice, Health Homes     

Inpatient/Outpatient Transitions, Employment, Health Equity, New/Emerging Populations

Getting Familiar Dashboard: Dialogues

Beginning in February, CLMHD will sponsor a series of monthly 30 minute lunchtime Dashboard Dialogues. Following a quick tour/tutorial, each Dialogue will focus on a specific Dial on the Dashboard, and will include examples of applications of the data from Planners who have used it to address their local needs and concerns.


All webinars will air from Noon -12:30 PM and will be recorded and posted on the CLMHD website.


Feb 14th          Overview of the Dashboard  

                         Noon-12:30 PM click here for webinar link

Toll-free: 1 866 952 8437

Access Code: 612-756-608

March 21st          Prevalence Data  

April 14th             Service Utilization Data

May 16th             Inpatient Admissions Data 

The New York State Conference of Local Mental Hygiene Directors   
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Betsy Gorman, Editor

ACOs net uneven results in Medicare Shared Savings Program 


Heroin: From the Civil War to the 70s, and Beyond  


New Bill Would Ease Access to Overdose Remedy 


Study: Even mentally "healthy" have symptoms that hinder work    


NY Health Department Monitoring Westchester Medical Center over ACA denial


No Jail For Teen With 'Affluenza' Who Killed 4 In Crash 

WEBINARS & Resources:

TipSoft Alerts
is an informational text messaging and email alert service that allows Law Enforcement or Schools to communicate with the public regarding events in your area such as crime, fugitives, Amber Alerts, and emergencies.  View Summary Sheet and Example Press Release



New Report Tracks the Behavioral Health of America

The "National Behavioral Health Barometer" (Barometer) provides data about key indicators of behavioral health problems including rates of serious mental illness, suicidal thoughts, substance abuse, underage drinking, and the percentages of those who seek treatment for these disorders. The Barometer shows these data at the national level, and for each of the 50 states.  Link here.     


SAMHSA resource for practitioners looking to learn more about how to implement self-care promotion and provide self-care support in behavioral health here.


Second in the GAINS Center Five-Part Series of
Evidence-Based Practice Webinars:  

February 18th  3:00-4:30
"Supported Employment for Justice-Involved
People with Mental Illness"

Link to the Brief.  For a list of all upcoming EBP webinars click here.  





State Ops Spotlight/ Fiscally Speaking/ Information Technology/ Facility Spotlight/Link  


Statewide Grand Rounds "The Role of the Psychiatrist in Leading Public Health Systmes"

watch or listen here.  


 A New Research Agenda for Suicide Prevention 

Save the Date for the next CLMHD Committee Day:  
Tuesday, February 25th 
10:00 a.m. to 3:00 pm 
 Best Western Albany, NY

Children & Families Committee 
February 11th  
11:30-1:00 GTM/Call In
Mental Hygiene Planning
February 13th 
Albany - 41 State Street  
February 20th
DCSs: call CLMHD for PIN


Executive Committee 

February 24th 12:30-2:00



Fiscal Officers Workgroup 

February 25th

9:00-10:00 GTM/Call In  

Friday, March 14th
CLMHD Mentoring Workshop: 10-4:15 pm
Best Western Albany, NY
Coordinated Health-Care Program Saves Millions           

Nearly half of the 114 hospitals and doctor groups that began Accountable Care Organizations under the health law in 2012 managed to slow Medicare spending in their first year, but only 29 of them saved enough money to qualify for bonus payments, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services said Thursday.


CMS called the results "very promising" -particularly for the first year of a program that involved significant changes in the delivery of health care. But the fact that more than half the ACOs didn't achieve savings underscores the challenges that remain in curbing health-care costs this way.  Read more.


Related: Providers net uneven results from ACO experiment

Feds propose tougher standards on exchange plans for provider networks

Insurers that want to sell plans through the federal exchanges for 2015 may have to do more to ensure members have access to adequate networks of providers. Read more.

The Irony of Despair


The rise in suicide rates prompts a sober confrontation of old and new questions around the will to overcome.


OpEd: We've made some progress in understanding mental illnesses over the past few decades, and even come up with drugs to help ameliorate their effects. But we have not made any headway against suicide. 


According to the World Health Organization, global suicide rates have increased by 60 percent over the past 45 years. The increase in this country is nothing like that, but between 1999 and 2010, the suicide rate among Americans between 35 and 64 rose by 28 percent. More people die by suicide than by auto accidents.

Read more.
CVS Makes Game-Changing Move in Tobacco Prevention
The cigarette display at a CVS in Manhattan. The chain expects to lose $2 billion a year in sales, a small dent in its $123 billion in overall sales

CVS Caremark announced it will end the sale of all tobacco products in more than 7,600 stores, an unprecedented milestone in our nation's journey toward building a culture of health.


The last fifty years of tobacco control have been an enormous public health success. Since the release of the first Surgeon General's Report on smoking and health in 1964, smoking rates in the United States have dropped by more than half. A new interactive timeline explores progress in reducing smoking rates, with a look ahead at how to achieve a future free from tobacco-related death and disease. Read more.

View the interactive timeline.

New Report:
"Health Care Costs and Spending in New York State

New York's health care spending overall and per capita are among the highest in the nation. The State's health care spending has accelerated over time and is projected to further increase in coming years, outpacing both inflation and overall economic growth.


A new NYSHealth-funded chart book, "Health Care Costs and Spending in New York State," pulls together a compendium of information on health care costs, spending, and payments based on existing State and national research. Prepared by Health Management Associates, the slides in this online chart book synthesize a wide range of data into an easy-to-use resource that covers the impact of rising costs, drivers of spending growth, variations in spending, and the relationship between quality of care and spending. It illustrates trends over time, highlights regional variations within the State, and contrasts New York with the nation and other states. Readers are encouraged to download and use these slides in their own presentations.


Access the chart book. 

NY's Prescription Drug Crackdown Working

New York state's expanded prescription drug-abuse monitoring program has seen "dramatic" results in less than six months, officials said in touting the early success of the initiative. 
Read more.

The New York State Conference of Local Mental Hygiene Directors advances public policies and awareness for people with mental illness, chemical dependency and developmental disabilities.  We are a statewide membership organization that consists of the Commissioner/ Director of each of the state's 57 county mental hygiene departments and the mental hygiene depart
ment of the City of New York.