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ShopperTech Update                   January 8, 2015 - Volume 6, Issue 1

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In This Issue
LOYALTY MARKETING: In Defense of Card-Based Loyalty Programs
LEAD Webinar: Joint Business Planning & Maximizing Trade Spend ROI
DIGITAL SOLUTIONS: 'Shopping Technology Is Exploding'


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Loyalty Marketing


In Defense of


Loyalty Programs


By Graeme McVie
Some grocery retailers such as Albertsons, Jewel-Osco, Pathmark and others recently discontinued their frequent shopper loyalty programs. While retailers should always be looking at the return they're generating from their investments, the value generated from a shopper loyalty program is only partly linked to the benefits delivered. The more critical element of these programs is the use of data to better understand and satisfy shopper needs across the organization.
The issue is a large number of retailers use the data from loyalty programs to primarily drive only their program. This significantly limits the retailer's ability to deliver a positive ROI as the data is only being used in one decision-making area of the company...

read entire story


LEAD Marketng Conference

LEAD Marketing Conference              

Joint Business Planning & 

Maximizing Trade Spend ROI
Special Recording from the November 12
Virtual LEAD Marketing Conference 



JBP (Joint Business Planning) between retailers and CPG Manufacturers requires a high level commitment from all parties. By providing more value to your retailers, you earn greater status. This session explains how to accomplish that. Positioning for JBP sessions requires manufacturers to show retailers what's profitable for them as well as for their own internal organization so they can determine a short and long term plan for mutual success.

Increased raw materials and shipping costs have forced companies to make cuts in manufacturing costs as well as resources. The next biggest area of spend is Trade Marketing. Understanding what promotions are working for both the retailer as well as for CPG has become more critical than ever. Learn how streamlining trade marketing will produce fast value for both manufacturers and retailers, and can help spearhead JBP.


Click on the screen at below to play the recording of his presentation from our recent virtual event.. 




...and visit the LEAD Marketing Conference Website to see all the sessions from our Fall conference.



Digital Solutions


'Shopping Technology Is Exploding'


Shopping apps are abundant. Some would even argue apps are too abundant and present so many options and functions that shoppers are overwhelmed with choice. Apps with "geo-fencing" capabilities like Shop Kick (www.shopkick) and Ping4 ( alert shoppers when they are in geographic proximity of the store. Still other Apps, like Aisle 411 ( use iBeaconŽ or similar technology to sense the shopper is in a particular area or standing in front of a certain display in the store. Still, others are focusing on the collection of deals across many stores. Couple that with every major retailer having their own proprietary app, each with their own version of loyalty points or rewards.


New technology adaptation is also changing the shopper and their expectations...




Market Watch





Shopper Technology Institute's Second Book,

New Directions in Shopper Technology


New Directions in Shopper Technology, the second book from the Shopper Technology Institute. Building upon the foundations of last year's Essentials of Shopper Technology, the book is divided into five sections: Shoppers, Loyalty, Engagement, Analytics and Digital and contains 19 essays on how mobile marketing, social media, sophisticated analytics, Big Data and the like are continuing to evolve.


Those changes-and others-are presented in this book. As well as reading about their area of expertise, progressive executives will gain a fuller understanding of the entire industry.

Click here to read sample chapters and view ordering information for the paperback and Kindle editions.



Shopper Technology Institute Sponsoring Members 





Partners in Loyalty Marketing

AFS Technologies
AFS Technologies
Loyalty One/Precima
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Video Mining










CORPORATE MEMBERS                               ALLIANCE  PARTNERS

Coupon Factory                                            Center for Advancing Retail & Technology (CART)

Gladson                                                        CPGmatters

Inmar                                                            GS1

Intelligent Clearing Network                         Saint Joseph's University

IRI                                                                 VSN Strategies

Newhook Marketing

Relational Solutions