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ShopperTech Update                     August 28, 2014 - Volume 5, Issue 11

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In This Issue
LOYALTY MARKETING: How Peer-to-Peer Collaboration Is Driving Customer Engagement
STI Survey on Big Data
PROMOTIONS: Personalization Requires More than a High-Tech Touch
LEAD Marketing Conference: Call for Speakers


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Loyalty Marketing


How Peer-to-Peer Collaboration Is Driving Customer Engagement 


By Jeffrey Berry


There's a new segment to the economy: Peer-to-Peer (P2P) networks. As never before, customers are flocking to P2P solutions, helping each other find niche solutions where business cannot, or will not, do so. And this means that companies either manage to become a go-to resource for this emerging type of commerce, or else risk missing the chance to capitalize on the upside of this new behavior.


When eBay first made its debut in 1995, many predicted it would fail simply because people would be wary about buying items from a complete stranger over the Internet. Nineteen years, 112 million users, and $16 billion later, that prediction has been debunked. Now, people are doing more than buying and selling through P2P connections...


read entire story


STI Survey

Big Data                             

Participate in Our Landmark Survey on Big Data 


STI is now fielding a study on how manufacturers are -- or are not -- using Big Data in their business. The study takes ony ten minutes to complete, and as a "Thank You," all participans will receive a complimentary copy of our latest e-book, New Directions in Shopper Technology.








Personalization Requires More than a

High-Tech Touch


By Larry Burns
We're a high-tech society - from mobile devices and tablets to robots and online advertising. We continue to adopt the newest technology as soon as it's available - with some consequence (I'm finally reading "Present Shock" by D. Rushkoff). Our marketing world is no different. The marketing technology landscape still includes classic tools like email marketing, display and video ads as well as newer technologies in the "spend optimization" toolset like personalization, and now "contextualization." And the new ones are arriving at blistering speed. While these tools are exceedingly helpful for companies to engage with customers, I'm concerned about whether we are replacing too much of marketing's soul in the process with what are really - at the core - simply "rules-based" machines...


LEAD Marketng Conference

LEAD Marketing Conference                               

Call for Speakers at the Fall

Virtual LEAD Marketing Conference 


The 6th LEAD Marketing Conference, scheduled for Wednesday, Nov. 12, is now accepting speaker/sponsors.


This "virtual" conference for retailers and CPG manufacturers covers all aspects of Loyalty, Engagement, Analytics & Digital applications.


LEAD is the chance for top solution providers to speak with hundreds of manufacturers and retailers in supermarket, drug, mass, discount, convenience, and club channels. Speakers can present the ways in which their sophisticated marketing strategies and new and emerging technologies can engage shoppers, analyze their behavior, and enable trading partners to improve their operations.


Produced by the Shopper Technology Institute and CPGmatters, LEAD  allows 500 industry professionals to attend without spending time away from the office. Reservations for speaking slots -- which sold out at our May conference -- will close on September 30.


For more information, call 216-534-9933, write to or visit




Market Watch



E-Commerce Expanding around the World: Nielsen Survey


Customer-Centric Marketing Gains Traction


Justin's Upgrades TPM Capabilities


New GS1 Grocery Initiative to Address Supply Chain Challenges






Shopper Technology Institute's Second Book,

New Directions in Shopper Technology


New Directions in Shopper Technology, the second book from the Shopper Technology Institute. Building upon the foundations of last year's Essentials of Shopper Technology, the book is divided into five sections: Shoppers, Loyalty, Engagement, Analytics and Digital and contains 19 essays on how mobile marketing, social media, sophisticated analytics, Big Data and the like are continuing to evolve.


Those changes-and others-are presented in this book. As well as reading about their area of expertise, progressive executives will gain a fuller understanding of the entire industry.

Click here to read sample chapters and view ordering information for the paperback and Kindle editions.



Shopper Technology Institute Sponsoring Members 





Partners in Loyalty Marketing

AFS Technologies
AFS Technologies
Loyalty One/Precima
Start Sampling


Video Mining


Vision Critical
Vision Critical






CORPORATE MEMBERS                                                       ALLIANCE PARTNERS


AMG Strategic Advisors         IRI                                              Center for Advancing Retail &

Coupon Factory                     Nuevora                                             Technology (CART)

Gladson                                 Newhook Marketing                   CPGmatters

Inmar                                     Relational Solutions                   GS1

Intelligent Clearing Network  SAP                                            Saint Joseph's University

                                                                                                 VSN Strategies