Digital marketing, advanced shelf sets, couponing and sophisticated promotions with optimal ROI are topics that will be presented at the LEAD Marketing Conference -
with its focus on Loyalty, Engagement, Analytics and Digital.
After four years, LEAD is recreating itself as a live virtual event on May 14. Here is a sampling of speakers and presentations:
- Jeff Berry of LoyaltyOne: "Driving Engagement within Your Loyalty Program"
- Don Scheibenreif of Gartner: "Me Marketing: Get Ready for the Promise of Real-Time Context-Aware Offers in Consumer Goods"
- Family Dollar and Tom O'Reilly of Aptaris: "The New Promotion Equation: Retailers and Vendors Working Together for Optimal ROI."
- Alison Chaltas and Joe Beier of GfK: "The Future of Shopping"
- Larry Burns of Start Sampling: "Digital, Disruption, Data and Consumer Desire: Their Impacts on Best Practices in Product Sampling"
- Pfani Nagarjuna of Neuvora: "Design & Executing Smarter FSI Campaigns the Big Data Way"
- Eric Seiberling of Dassault Systemes and Ferrero on "Through the Eyes of the Shopper: Using Technology to Improve Shopper Insights, Store Design and Retailer Collaboration"
- Randy Malluk of RevTrax and Kimberly-Clark: "The Most Overlooked Marketing and Consumer Data Is in the Coupon"
- Jeff Friedlaendar of VideoMining with insights on "Today's Dollar Store Shopper."
The live online conference will enable the expected audience of 500 CPG and retail executives to take part without spending time away from the office or incurring travel expenses. They can attend the conference from the comfort of their office or home via steaming audio/visual.
The event is designed to engage attendees via real-time interactive instant polls, PowerPoint presentations, videos, and presenter Q&A. After the conference, attendees will receive links to all session recordings and supplemental materials for on-demand viewing.
"The agenda will present critical issues and maintain the high standards of excellence set with our in-person conferences in past years. Attendees will not be disappointed," said John Karolefski, executive director of STI and editor-in-chief of
To register for the virtual conference, click here.
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