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ShopperTech Update                        April 11, 2014 - Volume 5, Issue 5

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In This Issue
PROMOTIONS: Sampling: A Portal to Relationships
CHANNELS: A Look at Today's Value/Dollar Shopper
STI Event: The LEAD Marketing Conference
STI Webcast: The Price of Consumer Data


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Sampling: A Portal to Relationships


By Larry Burns


As I spend ever more time with marketers in the consumer packaged goods space, I find that their passion for discovering more about their customers continues to expand. They especially crave the chance to engage customers in dialogues that foster a relationship. Wise marketers do want genuine open engagement and communication so they can better understand their customers and develop opportunities for new services and products based on what folks actually want.


The clever companies are recognizing much more frequently that product sampling is not just a terrific way to give people a chance to try the brand's product, which we know from marketing science findings really is the best way to get someone to change their behavior....


read entire story





A Look at Today's Value/Dollar Shopper 


By Jeff Friedlaender
When was the last time you heard the word "fun" come up when you speak with shoppers about their visits to retail stores? Well, if you include the dollar store channel as an area of interest, you may be surprised at how often it is mentioned.

I've personally been involved in research covering this channel since its early years, and the evolution and growth I've seen in that time is phenomenal. It's not about merchandise that "fell off the back of a truck." With a current store count of about 25,000 and projected growth in the next decade to nearly 45,000 individual locations, these stores are definitely here to stay.


In fact, when we spoke with dollar store shoppers during VideoMining's recent Value/Dollar Shopper Insights (VSI) study, almost all say that they will continue to shop in these stores even when their economic position improves...


STI Event

LEAD Marketing Conference                            

The LEAD Marketing Conference Goes Virtual


After four years, the annual LEAD Marketing Conference - with its focus on Loyalty, Engagement, Analytics and Digital - is recreating itself as a virtual event.


The live online conference, set for May 14, will enable the expected audience of 500 CPG and retail executives to take part without spending time away from the office or incurring travel expenses. They can attend the conference from the comfort of their office or home via steaming audio/visual. The event is designed to engage attendees via real-time interactive instant polls, PowerPoint presentations, videos, and presenter Q&A.


After the conference, attendees will receive links to all session recordings and supplemental materials for on-demand viewing.


The full program of speakers and topics is now being finalized and will be released in the coming weeks by the conference co-hosts, the Shopper Technology Institute (STI) and


"The agenda will present critical issues and maintain the high standards of excellence set with our in-person conferences  in past years. Attendees will not be disappointed," said John Karolefski, executive director of STI and editor-in-chief of


For more information: 



STI Webcast


The Price of Consumer Data


Big Data is a hot topic these days. Big Data may be flowing into your analytics team at a record rate, but is its value flowing back out toward customers in a meaningful way?

To find out and also learn why more consumers are saying they aren't getting fair value in return for sharing their information with businesses, click on the image below and watch our webcast. 


The Price of Consumer Data  




Market Watch



First-Ever Report Profiling the 'Collaborative Economy' Released



Alliance Data on Fortune's List of World's Most Admired Companies


Strategy Veteran Scott Haug Joins Nuevora's Board of Advisors





Shopper Technology Institute's Second Book,

New Directions in Shopper Technology


New Directions in Shopper Technology, the second book from the Shopper Technology Institute. Building upon the foundations of last year's Essentials of Shopper Technology, the book is divided into five sections: Shoppers, Loyalty, Engagement, Analytics and Digital and contains 19 essays on how mobile marketing, social media, sophisticated analytics, Big Data and the like are continuing to evolve.


Those changes-and others-are presented in this book. As well as reading about their area of expertise, progressive executives will gain a fuller understanding of the entire industry.

Click here to read sample chapters and view ordering information for the paperback and Kindle editions.



Shopper Technology Institute Sponsoring Members 





Partners in Loyalty Marketing

AFS Technologies
AFS Technologies
Loyalty One/Precima
Start Sampling


Video Mining


Vision Critical
Vision Critical



Zavers by Google
Zavers by Google




CORPORATE MEMBERS                                                       ALLIANCE PARTNERS


AMG Strategic Advisors    IRI                                                    Center for Advancing Retail &

Coupon Factory                  Nuevora                                             Technology (CART)

Gladson                                 Newhook Marketing                   CPGmatters

Inmar                                      Relational Solutions                   GS1

                                                                                                          Primary Communications

                                                                                                          Saint Joseph's University

                                                                                                           VSN Strategies