June 2 Confirming Proctor's Ledge: the Site of the
1692 ExecutionsTad Baker, Professor of History, Salem State University
June 9 On Being a Person of Color: Do You See Me Now?Rosario Ubiera-Minaya, Chief Program Officer, North Shore CDC
June 16 Creating Positive Impact through InclusionMargarita Ruiz, Superintendent of Schools, Salem, MA
June 23 The Challenge of Keeping the Peace in 2016Mary Butler, Chief of Police, Salem, MA
June 30 Intolerance in Pre-Revolutionary War SalemJim McAllister, Local Historian
For directions to the Salem Witch Trials Memorial and more information about these and other events sponsored by the Salem Award Foundation, please visit
salemaward.org.Noon, Every Thursday in June
Salem Witch Trials Memorial
Charter Street, Salem, MA