This Month in Human Rights
and Social Justice
The upcoming events and dates below are opportunities for all of us to recognize and remember those who speak out and take action to alleviate
discrimination, promote tolerance, and achieve justice for victims of
social injustice.

March News and Events
2016 Salem Award Ceremony
Honoring Anne Driscoll
Join us as we honor Anne Driscoll, Director of the Irish Innocence Project, for her ground-breaking contributions in the overturning of wrongful convictions.

Learn more about her and the upcoming
award ceremony at salemaward.org.

2016 Salem Award Ceremony
Sunday, March 20 at 3:00 p.m.
Murray Hall -- The Bridge at 211, Salem
Reserve tickets

March 2  100 Years of Genocide: Lessons from Armenia
               A Day of Learning with Peter Balakian, Ph.D.
 Salem State Univeristy's Center for Holocaust and Genocide Studies presents Peter Balakian, Ph.D. of Colgate University, who will speak on "The Transmission of Trauma Across Generations: Writing a Memoir about the Armenian Genocide and growing up in the Suburbs." Dr. Balakian will read excerpts from his memoir, Black Dog of Fate, and discuss his experience growing up in a suburban family haunted by the memories of the Armenian Genocide.

7:00 pm at PEM's Morse Auditorium
161 Essex St., Salem, MA
Free | Register Now

March 3-10   Salem Film Fest 2016
The SAF is pleased to sponsor a film again this year.
Circle of Poison exposes a disturbing U.S. government policy that sends the message to the world that American lives are more valuable. The film takes a global look at communities impacted by the export of toxic pesticides and how they are fighting back.
Learn more about Salem Film Fest.

Circle of Poison
Saturday, March, 5, 2016 11:45 a.m.
Cinema Salem
One East India Square, Salem, MA

Dates to Remember  

Mar 1-30  Women's History Month 
Daisy Bates (1912-1999)
Leader of the Little Rock School Integration
In 1981, Congress passed Pub. L. 97-28 making the week of March 7,1982 "Women's History Week." Since 1995, Presidents Clinton, Bush, and Obama have issued annual proclamations designating March as "Women's History Month."
     Recognizing women's achievements in all facets of life has a huge positive impact on the  self-respect and opportunities for girls and women. The National Women's History Project compiles an annual list of outstanding American women from the past and present.
     The theme for 2016, Working to Form a More Perfect Union: Honoring Women in Public Service and Government, honors women who have shaped America's history and future through their public service and government leadership. Often overlooked and undervalued, these women collectively have led the way to a stronger and more democratic country.  Meet the honorees.

March 25  International Day of
                 Remembrance of the
                 Victims of
In 2007, the United Nations declared this date as an annual observance to honor those who suffered and died in slavery and to remind us that the dangers of racism and prejudice still exist today. This year's theme, "Remember Slavery: Celebrating the Heritage and Culture of the African Diaspora and its Roots," highlights the cultural links among peoples of African descent worldwide, their impact on the countries involved in the slave trade, and the continued effects of the African Diaspora.
     From 1501 to 1830, four Africans crossed the Atlantic for every one European, giving the legacy of slavery and migration an enduring place in the Americas. Learn more.

We thank the City of Salem for its ongoing financial support to the Salem Award Foundation, a 501(c)(3) organization. However, the majority of our funding comes through individual donations.  

To support the Salem Award Foundation with a donation, please visit  www.salemaward.org.

We know of your interest in the Salem Award and want Like us on Facebook
to keep you up to date. Thank you for your generosity.

Salem Award Foundation | P.O. Box 8484 | Salem | MA | 01970