This Month in Human Rights
and Social Justice
The upcoming events and dates below are opportunities for all of us to recognize and remember those who speak out and take action to alleviate
discrimination, promote tolerance, and achieve justice for victims of
social injustice.

July News and Events
Salem Award Nominations are open! 
The Salem Award Foundation welcomes nominations from the public at large. We encourage you to submit nominations of people or organizations that are in keeping with our mission: Drawing upon the lessons of the Salem Witch Trials of 1692, the mission of the Salem Award Foundation is to promote awareness, understanding and empathy in support of human rights, tolerance and social justice.
   The deadline for nominations is September 30. The application and more information can be found on our website.

June Tent Talks series

Each Thursday in June at noon, the SAF hosted Tent Talks. These brief presentations under a pop-up tent at the Salem Witch Trials Memorial provided a link between the events of 1692 and current issues of human rights and social justice. Thank you to our exceptional guest speakers: Stacy Tilney of the Salem Witch Museum, SSU Professor Margo Shea, State Rep. Paul Tucker, and President Patricia Meservey of SSU. Please join us in October on Thursdays at noon for a new slate of speakers with thought-provoking issues.

July 4  Reading of the Declaration of Independence
Start your holiday off with a Salem tradition. Join us on the Common at the Gazebo as Dann Maurno reads the Declaration of Independence. Members of the select glee club of the North Shore YMCA will sing the National Anthem and Bob Kendall will provide piano music.
The public is invited.


9:00 am at the Salem Common Gazebo 
N. Washington Square, Salem, MA

July 19 Sarah Good, Elizabeth Howe,
             Susannah Martin,   
             Rebecca Nurse and
             Martha Wildes Anniversary

Five victims in the Salem Witch Trials were hanged on this date: Sarah Good, Elizabeth Howe, Susannah Martin, Rebecca Nurse, and Sarah Wildes.

   When Rev. Nicholas Noyes urged an enraged Sarah Good to confess so she does not "die a liar," she responded with her now famous curse, "You are a liar! I am no more a witch than you are a wizard, and if you take away my life, God will give you blood to drink!"    

A free, public question and answer forum will be offered at the Salem Witch Trials Memorial at noon to mark the anniversary. This is sponsored by The Witch House. 


12:00 pm at the Salem Witch Trials Memorial   
Liberty Street, Salem

July Dates to Remember  

July 4   Declaration of Independence Signed
Drafted by Thomas Jefferson between June 11 and June 28, 1776, the Declaration of Independence is the United States' most cherished symbol of liberty. The convictions in the minds and hearts of the American people were put into words and that document is still upheld as a model of individual rights.
Learn more.

July 26   Americans with Disabilities Act
               25th Anniversary 
In 1990, President George H.W. Bush signed the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) into law and guaranteed equal opportunities for people with disabilities in employment, state and government services, transportation, accommodation, and telecommunications.  Learn more.

July 30  World Day against
              Trafficking in Persons

A serious crime and a grave violation of human rights, trafficking in persons affects thousands of men, women and children worldwide. Almost every country in the world is affected, whether as a country of origin, transit or destination for victims. In 2010, the U.N. adopted the Global Plan of Action to Combat Trafficking in Persons and started the Blue Heart Campaign. Learn more.

We thank the City of Salem for its ongoing financial support to the Salem Award Foundation, a 501(c)(3) organization. However, the majority of our funding comes through individual donations.  

To support the Salem Award Foundation with a donation, please visit  www.salemaward.org.


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