This Month in Human Rights
and Social Justice
The upcoming events and dates below are opportunities for all of us to recognize and remember those who speak out and take action to alleviate discrimination, promote tolerance, and achieve justice for victims of
social injustice.   
August News/Updates

Maintaining the Witch Trials Memorial

WTM_Hayden_2013This time last year, the Salem Witch Trials Memorial was in the midst of its renovations. After 20 years and 6 million visitors, it was time for some much-needed restoration. The Memorial's stewards--SAF, PEM, and City of Salem--are taking action to keep it in the condition it deserves.

   Hayden Hillsgrove, the stonemason who originally constructed the Witch Trials Memorial in 1992 and handled the restoration in 2012, paid a visit in July to attend to some loose stones and gaps in the Memorial walls. After a full year of New England weather and visitors, the restored Witch Trials Memorial needed a little routine maintenance.   

   Many thanks to all who help to maintain the memorial!



2013 Book Awards Presented  2013_BookAward

The SAF recently awarded its 2013
book awards to Ericka Garcia of Salem Charter School and Kimberley Barzola of Salem High School.
    Both young women showed vision in their ideas to improve current  human rights and social justice inequities.
    The photo at the right, taken at
the Salem Witch Trials Memorial shows (left to right): Ericka Garcia, Jane Dwyer, co-chair SAF Education Committee, Kimberley Barzola, and Julie Rose, chair SAF. To learn more about the Salem Award Foundation, visit www.SalemAward.org

Salem Award Nominations are open! 
Who is your hero?  Whom do you know (or know of) who deserves the Salem Award? The Salem Award Foundation welcomes nominations from the public. We encourage you to submit nominations of people or organizations aligned with our mission: to keep alive the lessons of the Salem Witch Trials of 1692 and to make known and honor the heroic work of those who speak out and take action to alleviate discrimination, promote tolerance, and achieve justice for contemporary victims of social injustice.
   The deadline for nominations is September 1. The application and more information can be found on our website.

August Dates to Remember


August 11  Ingersoll Day 

Robt_Ingersoll This annual celebration marks the birthday of Robert Green Ingersoll (1833), one of the most far-reaching and popular freethinkers in U.S. History. A Civil War veteran and leading political figure of his time, he campaigned against slavery and for the rights of women--including birth control. His radical views forced his family to move frequently.
Learn more.



Suffrage campaign in
New Jersey, c. 1914-1920.

August 18  19th Amendment Ratified
                   (Women's Suffrage)

Today, our sisters, mothers and grandmothers can participate in the election of public officials thanks to the hard work of past generations of women. On this date in 1920, Congress ratified the 19th Amendment, prohibiting any United States citizen from being denied the right to vote on the basis of sex. It took over 40 years from the drafting of the amendment to its ratification. Learn more.


Visit the Library of Congress's extensive collection of documents and photographs on Women's Suffrage Movement.

August 19  Burroughs, Proctor, Willard, Jacobs and Carrier hanged

Five victims in the Salem Witch Trials were executed on this date: George Burroughs, Martha Carrier, George Jacobs, Sr., John Proctor, and John Willard. Transported by cart from Salem jail, the accused were hanged on Gallows Hill before a large crowd including Judges Hathorn, Corwin, and Gedney, and ministers Nicholas Noyes, John Hale and Cotton Mather.


A free, public question and answer forum will be offered at the Salem Witch Trials Memorial at noon to mark the anniversary. This is sponsored by The City of Salem Witch House.


12:00 pm at the Salem Witch Trials Memorial  

Liberty Street, Salem

UN_HR_logo August 30  International Day of the Victims
                   of Enforced Disappearances
Some men arrive. They force their way into a family's home, rich or poor, in a city or village--anywhere. Giving no reasons, producing no arrest warrant, and frequently without saying on whose authority they act, they drag off one or more members of the household towards a car, using
violence if necessary.
   This is often the first act in the drama of an enforced or involuntary disappearance, a particularly heinous violation of human rights and an international crime. Learn more.


Although the Salem Award Foundation, an independent 501(c)(3) organization, is very fortunate to have the Mayor of Salem and the President of Salem State University as honorary co-chairs, we rely completely on your contributions to fund our annual award and educational programs.


We know of your interest in the Salem Award and want Like us on Facebook
to keep you up to date. Thank you for your generosity.