This Month in Human Rights
and Social Justice

The upcoming events and dates below are opportunities for all of us to recognize and remember those who speak out and take action to alleviate discrimination, promote tolerance, and achieve justice for victims of
social injustice.   




June 1-30   Gay Pride Month PrideFlag
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) Pride Month is celebrated each June in honor of the 1969 Stonewall riots in Manhattan, which were a tipping point for the Gay Liberation Movement in the United States. LGBT Pride Month events now attract millions of participants around the world.  Learn more.   


June 10   Bridget Bishop Anniversary/Tad Baker lecture 

This date marks the execution of the first victim of the Salem Witch Trials, Bridget Bishop. A brief ceremony marking this tragedy will be held at the Salem Witch Trials Memorial at noon. This event is organized by The City of Salem Witch House.


12:00 pm at the Salem Witch Trials Memorial  

Liberty Street, Salem


The Archaeology of Folklore:TadBaker

A Look at Magic and Counter-magic in Early
New England

A lecture by Emerson "Tad" Baker,
Professor of History, SSU

Presented by The City of Salem Witch House

   An historical archaeologist, Dr. Baker is well known for his extensive work on witchcraft in Colonial America. His topic is an appropriate one: counter-magic objects, or objects that were believed to ward off evil spirits. Part of the Lessons of 1692 Education Series. Learn more. 


7:00 pm at Old Town Hall, Derby Square, Salem

Tickets $10  Reserve now. 


RwandaDay June 15   Rwandan Cultural Day at SSU

Salem State sponsors this free, public event to celebrate the richness of Rwandan culture through the arts, music, song, traditional dress, and more. Health and education professionals who are working to improve the lives of men, women and children in Rwanda will also be present.  


10:00 am - 3:30 pm  

SSU Ellison Student Center, North Campus

For more information, email:
Prof. Rob McAndrews or Prof. Larry Davis



June 20   World Refugee Day UN_Refugee_logo

The United Nations and countless civic groups around
the world celebrate to honor the courage, strength and determination of women, men and children who are
forced to flee their homes under threat of persecution, conflict and violence. Over 43.7 million refugees are displaced around the world. Learn more. 

ChiefLookingHorse June 21   World Peace and Prayer Day

Also known as Honoring Sacred Sites Day, this event began in 1994 as Chief Looking Horse's vision to unite people of all races, ages, genders, and faiths. Since then, those who share concern for the welfare of the Earth and humanity have gathered for this cross-cultural celebration of  music, dance, and storytelling. Learn more. 



June 23   The House I Live InTHILI_poster

The Salem Award Foundation will hold a
free public screening of "The House I Live In." Winner of Grand Jury Prize at Sundance Film Festival, this documentary offers a poignant and disturbing look at the devastating impact of the War on Drugs.  

Followed by Q & A session with a
panel of experts.


3:00 pm at the NPS Visitor Center  

2 New Liberty Street, Salem                         Watch the Official Trailer



June 26   UN International Day in Support of Victims of Torture

In 1948, the international community condemned torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights adopted by the U.N. General Assembly.

   Torture is a crime under international law. The systematic or widespread practice of torture constitutes a crime against humanity.  Learn more.  




June 29   North Shore
                 Gay Pride Parade

North Shore Pride, Inc. hosts its second annual Pride Parade in downtown Salem at noon.

Learn more.



Although the Salem Award Foundation, an independent 501(c)(3) organization, is very fortunate to have the Mayor of Salem and the President of Salem State University as honorary co-chairs, we receive no financial support from them; our award and educational programs are funded by your contributions.



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