This Month in Human Rights
and Social Justice

The upcoming events and dates below are opportunities for all of us to recognize and remember those who speak out and take action to alleviate discrimination, promote tolerance, and achieve justice for victims of
social injustice.   




Apr 7-14   Holocaust Days of Remembrance

Austria, ca. 1938: A woman sits on a park bench marked
"For Jews Only."
The U.S. Congress established the Days of Remembrance as the nation's annual commemoration of the Holocaust and created the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum as a permanent
living memorial to the victims.  
    This year's theme is Never Again: Heeding the Warning Signs. We are invited to look back 75 years at the events of 1938--the pivotal year before Nazi Germany invaded Poland and launched World War II. Learn more. 


Apr 8   Yom HaShoah Commemoration 

In honor of Holocaust Days of Remembrance, there will be a Yom HaShoah Commemoration at Peabody Veterans Memorial High School. The event includes a Survivors and Generations Candle-lighting Ceremony, The Gordon College Women's Choir, remarks by Dr. Patricia Meservey, President of SSU, and a keynote presentation by Paul Breines. Learn more. 


7 p.m. at Peabody Veterans Memorial High School

483 Lowell Street, Peabody, MA  



                                  Apr 22   Earth Day
Earth day Environmental Justice is not a new concept, but it is often bypassed in the wake of other more brutal offenses. According to the EPA, it means the fair treatment of people of all races, cultures,
incomes, and educational levels with respect to environmental laws, regulations, and policies. It implies that no one should be forced to shoulder disproportionate exposure to the negative effects of pollution due to lack of political or economic strength.
Earth Day is an opportunity to reflect on how you can make the world a more livable place. Learn more.



Apr 24    Salem State University, Center for Holocaust and
               Genocide Studies Speaker Series   
Dr. Robert McAndrews of Salem State University will speak on Crimes Against Humanity and the Struggle for Justice in El Salvador and Guatemala. The exhumation of mass graves continues in El Salvador and Guatemala as relatives of victims search for remains 30 years after state security forces carried out their "scorched-earth" policies. Recent rulings of historic importance by the Inter-American Court on Human Rights will also be discussed. Learn more.SSU_Logo
7 p.m. at SSU Central Campus
Marsh Hall Conference Center, Room 210


March Highlights

Doyle and Seldon share a moment on stage at PEM. 

On March 26 the Salem Award Foundation

honored Thomas Doyle, 68, and Horace Seldon, 89, with the 21st annual Salem
Award for Human Rights and Social Justice.

   Before a capacity crowd at the Peabody Essex Museum's Morse Auditorium, Mayor Kim Driscoll, Salem State University President Patricia Maguire Meservey, and Salem Award Chairwoman Julie Rose presented Doyle and Seldon each with a framed photograph of  

the Salem Witch Trials Memorial and a
$5,000 check.  Learn more.  





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