This Month in Human Rights and Social Justice

From the renovation of the Salem Witch Trials Memorial to the presentation of the Salem Award, the SAF seeks to fulfill its mission to keep alive the lessons of the Salem Witch Trials of 1692 and to make known the heroic work of those who bring justice to fruition in contemporary society.


The upcoming events and dates below are opportunities for all of us to recognize and remember those who speak out and take action.



19-21 PEM Human Rights Film Festival

This annual film festival bears witness to human rights issues around the world and empowers audiences with the knowledge that they can make a difference.  

For more information or reservations, visit PEM's website.


21 Martin Luther King, Jr. Day

Learn more about Dr. King at www.thekingcenter.org.    
March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom
with Martin Luther King, Jr., 1963.


30 Tad Baker speaks at the Salem Athen�um Wednesday at 7:30 pm  

Witches, Quakers, and Thomas Maule's Fight for Freedom of the Press 

Historian Emerson "Tad" Baker of Salem State University sheds new light on the aftermath of the Salem witch trials, and reveals what may have been America's first major government cover-up.

For more information or reservations, visit the Athen�um's website. 




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