Immigration Policy Program News

The Udall Center's Immigration Policy Program aims to illuminate the complexities of immigration in a global economy. The program's main goal is to promote reasoned dialogue on immigration that avoids simplistic formulations and examines immigration to the United States in the context of current law and global political and economic realities.
This issue of Udall Center Update highlights some of the program's recent activities and products.
Debates on U.S. Immigration
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Edited by Judith Gans, Elaine M. Replogle, and Daniel J. Tichenor
With introductory essays and point-counterpoint articles, this book explores prominent economic, demographic, social, cultural, legal, and other debates about U.S. immigration.
2012 | 648 p.
SAGE Publications
To see this book, click here.
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"Should be required reading for serious students of any aspect of the topic." - School Library Journal April 2013, p68 "A great reference for anyone with more than a cursory interest in immigration law and its impact." - Booklist March 15, 2013, p66
"A great starting point for those interested in a broad overview of the issues surrounding immigration in the United States." - Library Journal March 15, p128
Economic contributions of immigrants in the United States
A regional and state-by-state analysis
By Judith Gans Finds that some $3.7 trillion, or 14.7%, of output in the U.S. economy can be attributed to immigrant workers. Of this total, nearly $1.7 trillion accrues to work of naturalized citizens and $2.0 trillion to that of non-citizens.
2012 | 71 p.
Udall Center Publications
To see this paper, click here.
Research support for these reports was provided through the National Center for Border Security and Immigration ( BORDERS).
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The border checkpoint on Interstate 19 in southern Arizona
A case study of impacts on residential real estate prices
By Judith Gans Evaluates the effects that a large U.S. Border Patrol checkpoint on Interstate 19 between Tucson and Nogales, Arizona, has had on residential real estate prices in communities near the checkpoint.
2013 | 16 p.
Udall Center Publications
To see this paper, click here.
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Household income, poverty, and food-stamp use in native-born and immigrant households A case study in use of public assistance
By Judith Gans Analyzes incomes, poverty, and reliance on the social safety net by native and immigrant households with U.S. citizen children age 18 and under. 2013 | 73 p. (w/ data tables)
Udall Center Publications
To see this paper, click here.
Judith Gans, manager of the Udall Center's Immigration Policy Program, was interviewed for news articles and appeared on news programs in recent months to address questions about immigration reform and related policies.
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Bloomberg Businessweek
February 21, 2013
"The U.S.-Mexico border got secured. Problem solved?" To see the article, click here.
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"Steps to immigration reform" To see the interview, click here.
AZ Illustrated
February 4, 2013
"Immigration: Obama vs. Senate" To see the interview, click here .
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Arizona Daily Star
February 9, 2013
"Central American crossers on the rise" To see the article, click here.
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"Tech giants, private prisons big players on immigration reform" To see the article, click here.
Immigration Policy Program | Udall Center for Studies in Public Policy
Judith Gans, Manager | | 520.626.4393
Udall Center Update | May 7, 2013
Udall Center for Studies in Public Policy Established in 1987, the Udall Center sponsors policy-relevant, interdisciplinary research and forums that link scholarship and education with decision-making. The Center specializes in issues concerning: (1) environmental policy, primarily in the Southwest and U.S.-Mexico border region; (2) immigration policy of the United States; and
Robert G. Varady, Deputy Director Stephanie Carroll Rainie, Assistant Director
To see the Udall Center staff roster, click here.
Native Nations Institute for Leadership, Management, and Policy (NNI) The Native Nations Institute, founded in 2001 by the Morris K. Udall Foundation (now Morris K. Udall and Stewart L. Udall Foundation) and the University of Arizona and housed at the Udall Center, serves as a self-determination, governance, and development resource for Indigenous nations in the United States, Canada, and elsewhere.
Joan Timeche, Executive Director Miriam Jorgensen, Research Director
To see the NNI staff roster, click here.