News for the
CRS Global Alumni Network
Rising Sun Logo       
We're proud to share with you...
:: April Month of Service
:: Legacy Campers Welcome!
:: Your Sundial update - last call
:: Your Gift to CRS 2014
:: Are you our secret admirer?
:: Leadership volunteer wanted
:: Search for CRS friends
:: NEW! Camp Directors for 2014
:: Be part of CRS 2014
:: GEJ Scholarships 2014-2015
:: Upcoming Events
:: Rising Sun in the News
:: Meet our Team
April is the CRS Month of Service
Service isn't just 
part of what we do - 
service is at the heart of our mission

How can you bring that mission to life?
Lead a service project (Sachem!);
Join a local nonprofit in its work;
Connect with other CRS alumni.
Looking for ideas? Use our Month of Service Tool Kit for project ideas and planning tips and also check out highlights from past projects.  
Legacy Campers at CRS  
How to share CRS with your children
(and grandchildren!)
Last summer, five children of alumni and one grandchild joined CRS. Reflecting on his visit, one legacy camper wrote this: 

"To say that Camp Rising Sun has made an impact on me would be an understatement. Everyone at Camp has played a part in what is an unforgettable experience...two short weeks have really given me a taste of what CRS is about, and for that I thank everyone for the small slice of the Camp experience."


There's no S-U-N-D-I-A-L
without 'U'
An update for the Sundial is a great way to share your photos, your news or just say "hello" to friends. Have you...

Changed jobs, schools or address? 

* Met CRS friends nearby or around the world?
* Welcomed an addition to your family?
* Launched a new business or hobby?

Click here to share your news and photos.  

Spring 2014 Sundial will include responses received by March 17, 2014. 

Would you like to know your secret admirer?
So would we!


Many of our supporters have made a gift to Rising Sun in their wills, or other estate plans, but haven't had the opportunity to tell us. If you have included Camp Rising Sun, or LAJF, in your will, please let us in on your secret!  We'd like to thank you.


Tending to the long-term future of LAJF also requires care, attention and leadership. We appreciate our donors including our Freddie Jonas Society members who are including us in future gift plans.

bob at clinton

Click here to learn more about gift options or call us at 212-686-1930.

Leadership Volunteers Wanted!


We so appreciate the dedication and service of so many volunteers who support LAJF with their time, talent and leadership in so many ways. The LAJF Board of Directors, Members Advisory Council and Committees, comprised of CRS alumni and friends, provides important support and direction.


Our newest committee, the Major Donor Committee, is led by David Strand '72,'76 and includes the following members: Michael Green '55,'56,'74-'76, Nita Luis, Mahmoud Mamdani '76-'77, Rich Miller '79,'80Pat O'Malley '80, Joe Riddle '88,'95,'97, Chuck Wardlaw '69 and Tim Wong '78,'79.

Are you interested in joining our leadership volunteers?  Do you have expertise in Communications, Education, Engineering, Finance, Fund raising, Management, Marketing, Medicine or in some other field you think would be helpful to LAJF?  We'd love to hear from you.


Email us at [email protected] or 

call 212-686-1930.

Looking for your CRS friends?

Use our interactive alumni database
CRS 2014 Camp Directors:
Nakachi Clark & Julie Schwartz
Following an extensive search, we are proud to announce the Camp Directors for CRS 2014:
Nakachi Clark is a skilled and experienced educator for students of all ages. She is a passionate believer in the benefits of experiential education and calls herself a "life-long" camper. We extend to her a special welcome, as the first female Camp Director at Red Hook. Read more about Nakachi here.
Our Clinton Director, 
Camay Barrett '05, '11-'14, rejoins us after serving as a Counselor and Assistant Camp Director. First in her family to graduate from college, she earned a BA in Psychology from St. John's University. Camay has since advocated for education reform through community-based organizations and NPOs, specifically in marginalized communities of New York City and Chicago. She has served in NYC public schools as an AmeriCorps member in the South Bronx to help put an end to the "school-to-prison pipeline" in the United States.
Both Nakachi and Camay share a similar approach, maturity and set of experiences that will bring great value to CRS and provide those special elements of leadership so essential for our program.
At Rising Sun we have a history of over 80 years of excellent Camp leaders, each bringing his or her own style, knowledge and approach to the CRS program, curriculum and goals. We are confident our new Directors will do the same. We hope you will join us in offering a warm welcome to Rising Sun for Nakachi and Julie.
There's always a welcome for you (and you, and you, and you!)
How can you be part of CRS in 2014? 
Join our staff: We're hiring summer staff now
Volunteer Counselor: Join our team of counselors as a volunteer, for up to one week
Alumni Weekend is a time for returning to your home "on the banks of the winding Sawkill" and the place where "pine trees are swaying" 
George E. Jonas Scholarships 
for CRS alumni

The GEJ Scholarship program is now accepting applications from CRS alumni who will be enrolled as undergraduate or graduate students in 2014-2015. All alumni are eligible to be considered for scholarship awards, including alumni who may previously have applied and/or received an award.  Deadline: April 15, 2014.


Click here for more information about the GEJ Scholarship Program, including online application forms.

Special Events & Key Dates


Click here for more info


Saturday, May 18 - Sunday, May 19
Minnesota Alumni Association Gathering
Sunday, June 8
CRS 2014 Begins!
Saturday, June 28
Alumni Weekend
Special Reunion Celebrations!
Saturday, August 2 - Sunday, August 3


August 21 - 24
Visit our Events Calendar 
To post your event, email us! 
Rising Sun in the News
LAJF builds partnerships with Center for Adolescent Research and Education (CARE) as well as the Center for Creative Leadership and the Leadership Development Institute at Eckerd College and has been featured in the Huffington Post and

Itamar Rabinovich '59 offers diplomatic perspective on world events


Richard Baron '67,'68 named President and CEO of American Board of Internal Medicine


John McCarrick '74 helps to honor fallen soldiers


Sandi Dubowski '86,'87 and Jeff Orlowski '99, '00, '02, '06 team up in China


Jacob Sandry '07,'08  espouses the benefits of Solar Energy in Huffington Post


Vasileios Prassas '08 applies CRS leadership lessons to Business School competition


Yena Purmasir '08,'09,'11 wins poetry award and publishes new book


Megan Domine '12 earns praise for excellence in teaching


We are proud of the many ways CRS alumni achieve success and encourage you to read more about Alumni in the News on our website. 
To share your news with us, please email us. 
Your LAJF Team
From left: Rene Slajda, Lynda Kennedy, Christina Busso, Richard Enemark,
Christine Boyle, Bret Gaulin
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CRS Social Networks 
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