Shamrock Weekly                                                                              Submissions due by Friday
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MAP Testing
The MAP testing window is May 10- May 24.  Please contact Courtney Albright if you have any questions.
July 11-15 & July 18-22
For 1st- 8th graders for the 2016-2017 school year.  Click here for the Catalog and Sign Up Form.
Quick Links
Calendar at a Glance & 2016-2017 Calendar
Volunteer at SJV
Click on the links below to lend a hand to events in our school community.

Health Room If you can volunteer in the health room on any of the following days, please contact the school office.  With skinned knee season upon us, your help would be appreciated!  Open days are May 20, May 24 and May 26.
Parish Festival
Many hands are needed to make the festival a success.  Click here to volunteer.

Lunch Servers 
If you would like to help serve hot lunch during the noon hour, see the sign up on Volunteer Spot. The following days are still open May 16, May 20,
May 24, May 25 and May 31.

Library Helpers
Click on the links to help be a library helper in a particular classroom.  Library helpers read to the students and help check out books. The middle school helpers chaperone in the library while the middle students work during their resource time.
Mrs. Andreucci- AM Class
Mrs. Andreucci- PM Class
Mrs. Klement
Mrs. Williams
Second Grade
Ms. Novy
Mrs. Okruhlica
Ms. Bremer
Mrs. Grzeszczak
Mrs. Scaffidi
Mr. Stemper
Middle School Resource  
Weekly Highlights
Since 1987, the Student Achiever Awards Program has recognized over 525,000 students in grades 7-12 for academic achievement. Each Student Achiever is rewarded with a certificate and two complimentary Brewers game tickets. The 2016 SJV Recipients are:

Sarah Blaha, Riley Connelly,  
Haley Crow, Caroline DebBaruah, Ellen Fricker 
Jackie Gehringer, Jack Lutze,  Katie Mueller, Ellery Prusko,  
Hope Werra, Kate Spielbauer and Hope Werra
Mr. Jackson had the middle school students participate in the testing for the Presidential Physical Fitness Award.  The students receiving this award are:   
8th Grade:  Meghan Brown, Brian Chiu, Haley Crow, Julia Fernandes, Connor Fisher, Amy Gehringer, Jackie Gehringer, Luke Gehringer, Riley Honkamp, Camryn Keyes, Claire Kormanik, Michael Lange, Isabella Ledezman, Helen Lilek, Jack Lutze, Isabella Orgeman, George Parks, Julia Pfankuch, Taylor Price, Michael Richardson, Hannah Thomas, Mollie Thomas, Tommy Volkert, Madison Weyker

7th Grade:  Anthony Alberts, Nate Baumann, Sarah Blaha, Xolan Brister-McBeath, Ryan Hess, Cassandra Romero, Connor Rusch, Lauren Rusch, Sophia Scopp, Riley Simonz, Megan Thomas, Ashley Weinberger, Hope Werra

6th Grade:  Amelia Fernandes and Cade Honkamp  
Students in Art Club had a blast creating wonderful art together, including these awesome hand- sewn pillows!
The first graders made birthday cards for Mr. Patrick Magnor, who celebrated his birthday on May 13th.  Mr. Magnor has worked with the first graders this year through our Seminarian Connection.
Fourth graders enjoyed visiting Old World Wisconsin and learning about Wisconsin's rich history.
Share the Weekly
Do you have family or friends who would like to receive the Shamrock Weekly and other school news?  Click here to submit their email address.
May 17, 2016
We are pleased to report that last week's exemplary visit for Academic Excellence went very well for us.  There was a tremendous buzz in our hallways and classrooms as the team visited our classrooms, interviewed people, and got a sense of what we do academically at SJV.  Many thanks to all of the parents, staff members and students who were available to help showcase our academic excellence.
As we completed one visit, we also have two more on the horizon. In addition to Academic Excellence, we have also applied for Exemplary Awards in Catholic Identity and Educating the Whole Child.  These are two additional areas that we feel SJV is also excellent in, and we were lucky enough to be granted site visits for each! 
The Catholic Identity visit will take place this Friday from 11:00am-3:00pm, and the visiting team consists of Dr. Kathleen Cepelka, Superintendent for the Archdiocese of Milwaukee, Dr. Tom Keily, Director for the Institute of Catholic Leadership at Marquette University, and Michael Coffey, Director for the Saint Claire Center for Catholic Life. 
The Educating the Whole Child visit will take place Monday from 8:00am-12:00pm, and that team will consist of Brenda White, Associate Superintendent for the Archdiocese of Milwaukee, Dr. Jennifer Maney, Greater Milwaukee Catholic Education Consortium, and Carolyn Caruso, educational leadership development consultant. 
We are extremely excited about these two additional opportunities, and we feel very blessed to be receiving on-site visits.  These visits truly validate all of the hard work, efforts, and sense of community we have at SJV, and we thank all of you for your role in that. We will keep all families updated as we learn the results from these three visits.  
Positively SJV,
Dan Demeter, Principal
Walk By Faith
All-School Liturgy
Please join us this week at mass!
As Fr. Philip Schumaker celebrates the All-School Liturgy on Wednesday, May 18th, he will also be celebrating his third year anniversary to the priesthood.  At the conclusion of the liturgy, a special  presentation will be made to Fr. Philip as we wish him congratulations, farewell and good luck!  Mass will be prepared by Ms. Burant's homeroom.
Welcome to Fr. Nathaniel Miniatt
Fr. Knippel wrote in his recent bulletin article that he is happy to announce that Archbishop Listecki has assigned Fr. Nathaniel Miniatt to St. John Vianney Parish as its new associate pastor. Fr. Nathaniel sent this picture and a biography.  He will be arriving here just before his first weekend Masses on July 17. We will have an opportunity to welcome him informally after the 7:30am Mass that day in the narthex and more formally at a reception in the Church Hall following both the 9:00am and 11:00am Masses.
Seminarian Connection
Ordination to the Priesthood, May 21
With praise and thanksgiving to God, Saint Francis de Sales Seminary joyfully announces and invites you to attend the Ordination of Rev. Andrew John Thomas Linn, Rev. Patrick James Behling and Rev. Michael David Wolfe to the priesthood on Saturday, May 21, 2016 at the Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist, Milwaukee. 

School News
Tuition Contracts
Tuition contracts have been mailed to your home.  Please return the following to the school office by June 1, 2016.
  • Signed Tuition Contract, marked with payment plan
  • EFT form if choosing a monthly or bi-annual payment
  • School Fees as shown on family invoice
School Supply Lists for 2016-2017
The School Pak website is ready to accept orders for the next school year.  For those who would like to use this optional service, all orders need to be placed by Friday, June 10. If you prefer to do your own shopping, click here for the supply list or check it out throughout the summer on our website under Parent Resources.
Register Now for 2016-2017 Shamrock Volleyball
Please find all volleyball forms on the SJV Volleyball Page of our website.
Splits will be held August 15th - 17th, 2016
7th and 8th Grade:  8/15/16 and 8/17/16
5th and 6th Grade:  8/16/16
Extra date if needed: 8/18/16
COACHES: STILL CALLING ALL interested parties; it is due to the efforts of volunteers and the gifts of your time that we are able to continue to offer an excellent athletics programs at SJV.  Each year, we are in need of coaches for boys and girls in grades 5-8. One of the ways that the athletic board will be supporting the coaches and assistants the upcoming season is a comprehensive coaches clinic that will support not only basic foundational skills and drills, but practice schedules and conditioning.  IF you are interested in learning more, please email Nisha Weyker directly with interest or questions.
SJV Summer Camp
Don't forget to register for all of the fun classes for students the week of July 11-15 and/or July 18-22!  There is something for everyone!  Click the graphic below or here for the registration form.
SJV Directory
Be sure to watch your email over the summer for proofs of the parent directory for your input.  There will be changes to the book allowing for additional contact points for each parent.

Artwork is needed from the students to place on the covers of the 2016-2017 parent directory.  Interested students should create artwork using the following guidelines:
  • Click here for the artwork form
  • Use a thin marker so copies are clear
  • Include the following in the artwork:  St. John Vianney School, 262-796-3942 and 2016-2017
  • Return to school by June 3

Middle school students are invited to be included on the student services page.  Send an email stating which job(s)  you would like to be listed under- babysitting, pet sitting or yard Work.  

Looking for Frozen Yogurt Spoons
The lunchroom is looking for donations of frozen yogurt spoons.  Spring clean your silverware drawer and send your spoons to school.
Home & School News
Treasurer Needed for the Home and School Association
The Home & School Association is in need of a treasurer for the 2016-2017 school year.  No accounting experience is needed!  If you are interested or want further information, contact Laura Russell.
SJV Uniform Resale
Monday, June 6th, 8:00-10:00am
and 2:30-4:00pm in P210

Home and School is no longer running the uniform resale as a consignment sale. Therefore, any and all proceeds from the sale will be donated to the SJV Home and School Association to use for programming to benefit all the students of SJV.

If you would like to donate uniform items for the sale,
you can drop them off in front of the parish office on Sunday, June 5th before or after the 9:00am and 11:00am masses
.  The resale is a great opportunity for families to purchase gently used uniforms. You will find a good selection of short and long sleeved polo shirts, pants and shorts; jumpers and skirts, sweatshirts and leggings. When donating items, please be mindful that shoppers at the sale are looking for items in decent condition. Please don't donate items that are stained or well worn.

Box Top Drive
We will have our spring box top drive from May 11- May 20. If we collect 4,000 box tops, the students earn a non-uniform day.  This is a great way to help earn funds for Home and School activities without spending anything extra.  Have your student find and trim the box tops in your house if he/she wants to earn a non-uniform day.  For every box top, our school earns 10 cents - it really adds up!
May SCRIP Dates 
Monday, May 23 and Tuesday, May 31
Use SCRIP over Memorial Weekend
Whether you plan to travel, take in a parade or cookout with friends and family, use SCRIP cards for your purchases.  Perhaps you plan to go to the movies or golf a round or two, don't forget to look at AMC,  Marcus Theatres or Golfsmith.  Please send your orders to school by Monday, May 23 at 8:30am. Your cards will be available by Thursday.  If you have any questions, please contact Martha Connelly, Amy Lodes or Janet Fisher.
Before summer begins, set up our account to order online.  Go to  Set up your account and use SJV's enrollment code:  B13DA8633L15
Follow the prompts and enjoy the ease of ordering from your home.  Unless you set up PrestoPay, you would still send in a check to pay for your cards due by Monday morning at 8:30.  PrestoPay is the system that you would set up to automatically draw from your checking account.  You can sign up on the same site-follow the prompts.  In a few days, you will receive an enrollment code via email.  Send the code to Martha or Janet and they will activate your account.  By doing this, you would be able to reload physical scrip cards, print your ecards at home, or even pay with your smart phone in the checkout lane.    
Child Ministry
Vacation Bible School  
Children K4-5th grade are invited to Cave Quest, June 20-24 from 9:00am to noon.  This week-long adventure is full of Bible stories, music, games, crafts, and so much more.  Registration forms must be turned into the Christian Formation Office by May 20th. 
Vacation Bible School Volunteers Needed
We need both adult and youth volunteers for Cave Quest, June 20-24 from 8:30am to noon daily.  We need crew leaders and station leaders, K4 & K5 teachers, juice pourers, snack makers, etc.  This is a great experience for college students, retired people, or anyone who enjoys children and loves God!  If this week does not work for you, you can help before the event with decorations, preparing materials, and shopping.
For more information on the above opportunities or if you are interested in volunteering, please call Dawn Van Dorf at 796-3944.  Men and teens please consider becoming a part of Children's Ministry.  We need your help!
Parish News
Eucharistic Minister Training
Eucharistic Ministers, along with the priest and deacon, minister the Body and Blood of Christ to the assembly during the Communion Rite of the Liturgy.  Our Eucharistic Minister coordinator, Mary Lopez will be providing training to become familiar with this liturgical service. Please join us on Monday, May 23, at 7:00pm in the Church. 
If you are a practicing, confirmed Catholic with a mature demeanor and a willingness to serve fellow parishioners, please join us!  So that we can be prepared with handouts, please RSVP to Mary Lopez, EM Coordinator, at 262-821-5144 or by email at
** Of special interest:  You are invited to attend the upcoming training session, especially if:
1)    You were recently confirmed and expressed an interest in this ministry
2)    You are interested in this ministry for weekend and/or all school liturgies
3)    You would like a refresher
Become an SJV Festival Sponsor
We offer various levels of sponsorship starting at just $25 and going up to our Platinum Plus level
of $1,000 or more. A commemorative SJV wine gift box will be provided to all Platinum or
Platinum Plus sponsors of this year's festival.
Of course, any level of giving is greatly appreciated. A donation of $500 or more will go toward underwriting a specific area of the Festival and will receive special recognition.
If interested in sponsoring, you can call or e-mail our sponsorship committee by contacting :
Jeffrey Kaye (262-784-6094 or e-mail,
 or the S.J.V Parish Office (262-796-3940) Sharon Roberts ext. 1105 or e-mail We'll be sure to include your name (or business name) on our "Thank You" boards displayed at the Festival and in our Sunday Bulletin after the festival ends.  We thank all of those who have given donations in the past!
Please click to read Archbishop Listecki's column, Love One Another.
Topper Soccer Camp
Open to boys entering 6th-9th grade in fall 2016
July 25-July 29; 8:00-10:30am

Junior Hilltopper Youth Football Camp
Open to boys entering 4th-8th grade in fall 2016
June 6-9; 5:30-7:30pm

Click here for the information and registration forms.
 (262) 796-3942 | |
17500 W. Gebhardt Rd.
Brookfield, WI 53045

St. John Vianney | 1755 N Calhoun Rd | Brookfield | WI | 53005