Shamrock Weekly                                                                              Submissions due by Friday
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Weekly Highlights
A pep rally was held for our 8th graders who will play in the Seton Volleyball Tournament.  Come on out and support our SJV teams.  All info can be found at

Saturday was a beautiful day for the second annual Soles for Catholic Education walk.  Saint John Vianney had 152 walkers including students, parents, teachers, staff members, priests, and alumni.  The students collected 505 pairs of shoes for donation.  Thank you to all who participated. 

The fifth graders performed short plays to demonstrate an example of a response to literature.

October 28, 2014

First learning to read and write, and then using reading and writing to learn, is the focus of literacy instruction in grades K-8. Addressing this task is both a strategic science and an expressive art. What every student needs to learn is carefully articulated by curriculum and exit expectations.  At SJV, we work very hard to deliver instruction employing research-based best practice. We have developed models for instruction which communicate our methods. The SJV Model for Balanced Literacy Instruction outlines the ratio of skill instruction in reading and writing and the mode of delivery.


Not all students learn in the same way and at the same time. In order to customize learning for students who need corrective, accelerated, or remedial instruction we employ the SJV Learning Support Model. This model provides a fluid structure where students in all grades receive varying levels of learning support aligned with their individual progress toward mastery of knowledge and skills in literacy. This unique model has earned our school exemplary recognition in innovative programming. SJV teachers and administration share this model of best practice with fellow educators across the Archdiocese of Milwaukee and beyond.


If you would like to learn more about our curriculum and instructional models, please stop by the SJV cafeteria at conference time. I will be there and eager to share.


Do you have family or friends who would like to receive the Shamrock Weekly and electronic invitations to our school events?  Please click here to submit their email address. 
All School Liturgy
All are invited to pray with us at the next all-school liturgy, which will be celebrated on Wednesday, October 29 at 8:05am.  Mass will be prepared by Mrs. Blaha's fifth grade class.
School News
Good News
St. John Vianney School is proud to announce that Mrs. Clare Lange is joining
the faculty in the capacity of Learning Support Teacher in grades K-5. Mrs.Lange begins in her new role on Monday, November 10th.

We are also very pleased to announce that Mrs. Ann Marie Hess and Mrs. Kelly Feng are joining the SJV staff
serving to further enhance consistency and support for student safety and supervision. Please extend a warm greeting to both of these very important team members.
Fall Fest Concert

Please come for music and fun on Tuesday, October 28 at 7:00pm in the SJV Activity Center. Band and Orchestra students from St. Dominic and St. John Vianney schools will perform Halloween and Disney music.  There will also be a special performance by the SJV Fourth Grade Choir.  Come to listen and see all performers in Halloween costumes!  There will be treats for audience members in costumes! It will be a great evening of entertainment! 

Halloween Parade
Students in grades K5-3 will participate in a Halloween Parade on October 31 at 10:15am.  Students will wrap through the school and parade down to the gym where parents and relatives will gather to watch.

School will dismiss at 11:30am.

Non Uniform Day

Friday, October 31:  Halloween will be a non-uniform day.  All grades, please follow the directions of your teacher regarding the wearing of costumes.

2015-2016 Registration
Please keep an eye on your "snail mail" for your 2015-2016 registration papers.   Registration papers for the next school year will be mailed soon and need to be returned by Monday, November 17.  Thank you for returning the form and fee so we can begin the budget planning process for the next school year.

School Annual Fund

The pledge deadline is quickly approaching. Please return your Letters of Intent by Friday, October 31st!  You can return your Letter of Intent to SJV or make your commitment at the Online Giving page of our school website.  Click here for further information.  

Job Posting:  Playground Supervision  

Do you wish to care for God's children at St. John Vianney School? Please consider joining us as a playground supervisor.



  • Playground supervision, 1 hour per full school day
  • Collaborate with faculty and administration in supporting mission and goals of school.
  • Provide outdoor supervision for safe play during lunchtime recess.
  • Provide hallway supervision to promote safe and orderly transitions.
  • Provide indoor supervision during inclement during lunchtime recess
Please click here to find out further information about this position and how to apply.
Basketball Coaching Clinic
SJV's Basketball Coaching Clinic is being held in the SJV gym on November 1 from 8:00-11:30am (8:30am if pre-registered). Please see the SJV basketball web page for  registration information and the agenda.

Halloween Candy Collection
St. John Vianney School will again collect unwanted Halloween candy.  Collected candy will be distributed to Prince of Peace, St. Ben's Meal Program and Operation Gratitude.  Candy will be collected until November 14.
Home & School News

Spirit Wear- Place Your Orders

October 31- November 13 

HO HO HO! It may not even be Halloween yet, but it's time to start thinking about your holiday shopping!  SJV spirit wear has something for everyone on your list!   This is a great time to order basketball coaches' shirts, team warm-up shirts, jackets, hats and so much more! Check out our new selection of special winter items - only for the holidays!


The next ordering period, through Burghardt's Sporting Goods, will begin this Friday, October 31 and will run through Thursday, November 13.  Our SJV Spirit Wear will found on the Burghardt's website, under the Spirit Wear tab. Please note that our name will not be listed until Friday


This will be the ONE AND ONLY ordering window between now and the holidays, so be sure to stock up now. If you have any questions, please contact Jennifer Doyle at or Allison Rusch at 

Dine Out with SJV 

Would you like a little more flexibility? Here you have it! SJV Dine-Out is going to Chili's on Bluemound for 4 days. Come to Chili's anytime November 10th - November 14th, print a flyer or show it on your smartphone and SJV will receive 15% of your purchases. Order your Chili's scrip today so you'll be ready on whichever day you decide to use it!

SCRIP-No Tricks, Only Treats!

Don't be scared to order SCRIP! It is really easy. If you've never ordered before, now is a great time to start! Ordering gift cards doesn't have to wait until Christmas. You can use them all year round to pay for your weekly expenses at the grocery store, gas station, hardware store, or local pharmacy. What about ordering SCRIP for your child's birthday party you have planned at the movie theatre? Do you need a new rake for fall's outdoor cleanup or what about that new snow blower purchase? Are you replacing appliances? SCRIP can pay for all of these items AND at the same time, you can get back 50% of the profits on each order you place. You can receive it as a tuition credit or cash back at the end of the year. SJV receives the other 50%.


How do you order? Download the SCRIP order form  or ask for a copy in the school office. Select your cards, pay for the face value of the card with a check, send the forms to school with your children by 8:30am Monday morning. On Thursday, cards will be available in the school office or can be sent home in the backpacks. Want to order online? We now have that capability for our tech savvy customers. Log on to and create your user account. Our SJV enrollment code is B13DA8633L15. You can set up Presto Pay for direct withdrawal from your bank account or you can pay by check through the school office. Call Janet Fisher, 262-784-9673; Martha Connelly, 262-424-0972; or Amy Lodes, 414-333-9963 with questions.

Don't be in Sleepy Hollow-wake up and start reaping the benefits of SCRIP!

Parish News

Coming Electronic Giving Changes

(This affects stewardship only, not tuition payments)


After careful consideration, we have decided to change our online giving provider from Our Sunday Visitor (OSV) to Faith Direct. In addition, Faith Direct will be handling all direct debits to checking accounts presently administered by the parish office. Faith Direct has been serving catholic parishes' electronic giving needs for over 10 years and is a convenient and secure processor with many options on how to manage your stewardship. Switching to Faith Direct will offer several advantages to the parish including less administration time and reduced costs. We believe you will find Faith Direct to be convenient and easy to use.


Everyone who currently has the parish directly debit their checking or savings account on either the 3rd or 17th of the month will have their accounts automatically switch to Faith Direct in November. No action will be required on your part. However, you will still receive information via letter and follow-up email on how to make any future donation changes with Faith Direct.

If you currently have the parish direct debit your checking account on the 25th of the month or you make donations online via OSV, you will need to sign up at Faith Direct to continue electronic stewardship. Sign up is quick and easy. A letter and email from Faith Direct will give you the necessary details (including a new account already set up for you!). OSV will stop processing donations approximately November 30th;however, you should cancel your OSV account contributions on line as well.

Please watch your mailboxes and inboxes for information specific to you to assist you with this transition.


Thank you for supporting our parish through electronic stewardship. We hope you enjoy the benefits of the many options and features offered by Faith Direct and appreciate your cooperation through this transition as we continue to seek ways to be good stewards of your generous donations.

First Reconciliation Preparation

The first family packet sharing experience is due Monday, November 3rd.  If you have not registered your child and still wish for them to receive their First Reconciliation in January, we need your registration form and date preference as soon as possible.  If you have any questions or concerns, please call Dawn Van Dorf at 796-3944 x1117. 


First Reconciliation Family Retreat 

Reminder, our First Reconciliation Family Retreat is Friday, November 7th at 6:30pm in the Church.  All members of the family are welcome to attend this wonderful evening of reflection.  If your last name begins with A-L, please bring a treat to share. 


Thank You

Thank you to everyone who attended the Pumpkin Gospel and to all the volunteers who helped to make this event such a fun night.  We could not have done it without you.  Happy Halloween in Christian style!   

Bids for Kids Auction- Only 109 Days Away
 Saturday, February 14, 2015

Last week you received a large envelope with a myriad of information for our upcoming Bids for Kids Dinner Auction, Under the Moroccan Moon.  The packet included: 

  • Letter from our Pastors, President, and Principal detailing how the funds raised will be used
  • Sponsorships- information and forms for donations to offset the cost of the event
  • Acquisitions- information and form for auction item donations
  • Raffle- information on the 2 exciting raffles this year- 2016 Masters Golf Tournament and Cash Purse
  • Auction Website- all auction information, including forms, can be found by clicking the link.
  • Committee Descriptions- list of all committees, their chairpersons, and volunteer needs

This biennial dinner auction is our largest school fundraiser and there are many ways you can help ensure it's success.  Look through the packet and consider where you can assist with this exciting and important event to benefit our school and children.

Bids Decorations

The Bids decoration committee needs your help!
We are looking for lanterns of all shapes and sizes to help transport our auction guests to Morocco on Saturday, February 14th.  Please email or call us if you might have some lanterns we could borrow.  We will coordinate their pick-up and return.  Thanks in advance for your help!
Cara Taticek & Trish Wollersheim
Decorations Committee or 414-507-4250

Shrek the Musical at DSHA
Tickets for DSHA's production of Shrek the Musical are available now.
Tickets will go FAST so don't wait to grab your seats for this amazing show! Performances run back-to-back weekends from November 7-9 and 13-15. Shows are at 7:00pm on Thursdays through Saturdays and 2:00pm on Sunday.  All performances are located in The Robert and Marie Hansen Family Fine Arts Theatre. Please call 414-616-2813 for more information or purchase them online at The Box Office is open for walk-up sales on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3:00-6:00pm beginning Thursday, October 23 and one hour before curtain. If you love musical comedy then this show is a must see for your entire family!

CMH Application Due Date and 8th Grade Testing Information

Applications for Incoming Freshmen are due November 1, 2014. (Applications are available on the CMH website and click on "Be a Crusader" tab to fill out the online form.)


8th Grade Placement testing is November 7th or 8th , 2014. From 8-11:30am. (Placement dates are reserved by selecting the date of choice on the application for admission)  For any questions please call the Admissions Office (262) 542-7101 ext: 552

 (262) 796-3942 | |
17500 W. Gebhardt Rd.
Brookfield, WI 53045

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