Shamrock Weekly                                                                              Submissions due by Friday
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Weekly Highlights

The fifth graders combined classes to collaborate on an alternative assessment in reading. 5B and 5Y used Smart Response technology to share their knowledge on the reading skills and strategies that were targeted that week. 

Students learned about comparing and contrasting. While they were reading a book on colonial times, they jotted down similarities and differences. They used sticky notes to make a large Venn diagram. 

Fourth graders had a great opportunity to visit Discovery World and learn about cells, animal adaptations and many living organisms.

The 8th grade girls A team took 1st place in the St. Matthias volleyball tournament over the weekend.   Pictured are Brynn K., Peyton W.,Savannah P., Elizabeth L., Elizabeth H., Lauren R.,Caroline D., Jenna W., Alice M., and Coach Kris Kebisek .

October 14, 2014

We have multiple measures of success at St. John Vianney School. One very striking measurement of success is our performance in the area of mathematics across grades K-8. A major initiative of SJV was implementation of the Go Math program in grades K-5 and the continuing alignment of our K-8 math curriculum with the Archdiocese of Milwaukee exit expectations in math. In September of 2013 we administered the Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) assessments for the first time. These tests gave us pre-implementation data. This past month the MAP assessments were administered and the preliminary performance data produced numbers that indicate a significant pattern of growth in mathematics.


Projected K-8 
Achievement Levels 




* All figures are rounded to the nearest whole number.

Data is always subject to interpretation, but even after careful scrutiny and cautious interpretation, this data reflects success of the initiative in mathematics.  For more information about MAP assessments please follow the link to the Parent Toolkit.  Your child's individual MAP assessment report will be sent via mail along with the 1st quarter report card.

Do you have family or friends who would like to receive the Shamrock Weekly and electronic invitations to our school events?  Please click here to submit their email address. 
All School Liturgy
All are invited to pray with us at the all-school liturgy, which will be celebrated on Wednesday, October 15 at 8:05am.  Mass will be prepared by Mrs. Schroeder's sixth grade class.
School News
Playground Supervision Volunteers-
Slots still available
There are still open slots for playground duty.  If you would like to supervise our students on the playground, please follow this link to the playground volunteer sign up page on Sign Up Genius.  If you need to cancel your day, we please ask that you try to find a sub so we aren't short-handed.  Thank you for your help!
Lunchroom Volunteers- Immediate help needed
Volunteers are needed to help supervise the lunchroom and help with the clean up between shifts of lunching students.  If you can help, please go to the the lunchroom volunteer sign up page on Sign Up Genius.  We will appreciate your helping hands!
Library Volunteers- Immediate help needed
If you would be willing to lend a hand in the library, please go to the library volunteer sign up page on Sign Up Genius.  Volunteers are needed to help with classes and with middle school resource supervision.  Your help is appreciated!

School Annual Fund

Please prayerfully consider a gift of prayer, time and talents, or a financial contribution to the 2014-2015 Cur� d'Ars SJV School Annual Fund.  You can return your Letter of Intent to SJV or make your commitment at the Online Giving page of our school website.  Click here for further information.   

Our goal is to have 100% participation from School families.  We can achieve that goal with your support for this crucial endeavor.

8th Grade Picture Day
The 8th graders will have their pictures taken on Friday, October 17 starting at 8:00am.  Students may choose what they would like to wear, following the guidelines in the handbook.  No money is due at this time.  Proof sheets will be sent through your student at a later time and orders will be placed then.
Vianney Varieties Talent Show
Does your child like to perform skits, songs, dances or musical numbers?   If so, get an audition form in right away for the Vianney Varieties Talent Show!  Audition forms are due on Friday, October 17.  Auditions will be held on Tuesday, October 21 after school.  The show will be on November 4 at 1:00pm and 7:00pm and is open to all family and friends.

Message From Fr. Philip Schumaker  

Seminary Connections  

St. John Vianney parish has become involved in two new programs that are rather exciting, since both involve the seminary and priestly formation. The first is called the Teaching Parish program. Our local seminary, St. Francis de Sales, has asked us to participate in this program. Essentially, a seminarian is assigned to St. John Vianney, and then through his four years of formation with the seminary and us, he is involved in different aspects of parish life, from human concerns ministry and teaching to administration and parish council. I was also involved in a teaching parish, and I have very fond memories of getting to understand parish life. However, the best part of the teaching parish assignment for me was getting to know and love the people of the parish and their pastor. The seminarian we have been assigned is Aaron Laskiewicz (pictured to the right). He is in his second year of seminary, but he is beginning first theology this year and will, God-willing, be ordained a priest in four years.  


The second program we have started is more our initiative as a parish and school. Each grade has been assigned a seminarian. The objective is to have the kids pray for that seminarian and, if they or their teacher wishes, send notes of encouragement and support to them.   Also, the hope is that the seminarian they are praying for will come and visit the class for a period of time and share his vocational story and life as a seminarian. I am excited about these new programs for a number of reasons. First, it helps our children see how a priest becomes a priest. I know when I was in school I had very little, if any, understanding of the process, formation and schooling that one must go through in order to become a priest. This will help the children to realize that someone is not just born with a roman collar around their neck, but that it is a long process of study and affirmation of the community that enables one to be a priest. Plus this will also help to increase the awareness of religious and priestly vocations in our own parish.


From the Seminarians' point of view it is also very uplifting and encouraging to know that there are a number of people, specifically children (who have a special connection to God), praying for your vocation on a daily basis. I know that when I was in seminary there was nothing better than opening my mail box after a day of classes and seeing a package of notes from a number of grade school children telling me that they were praying for me; I still have some of those letters. It was a wonderful reminder of the reality of the priesthood, and it gave a glimpse of what we had to look forward to as priests.   To find a list of which classes are paired with which seminarians, please click here.        


Yours in Christ, 

Fr. Philip Schumaker

Home & School News
Dine Out with SJV- October 22

October is National Fire Prevention Month so SJV Dine Out is going to Firehouse Subs!

Please come to Firehouse Subs on Bluemound Rd. in Elm Grove on Wednesday, October 22nd from 11:00am - 8:00pm. Print a flyer or show it on your smart phone and SJV will receive 15% of your purchases.   Firehouse Subs wants to be ready for our arrival so they would like us to RSVP. If your family will be joining us, please send an email stating, "See you there!" to by Monday, October 20th. 

Trivia Night is Saturday!
The time is now to register your table for an evening of trivia and fun!  So, gather your friends, brush up on your useless knowledge and register ASAP for the October 18th Trivia Night.  Doors open at 6:30pm and play begins at 7:00pm. 

Click here for the registration form or contact  

Heather Kormanik at

Parish News

Bring a Friend Day for Children's Choir

The Children's Choir will be having a "Bring a Friend Day" on Thursday, October 16th after school.

This is a great opportunity for children that are not familiar with the Children's Choir to participate in a rehearsal and see just what goes on.

Rehearsal starts at 2:50pm right after school and finishes at 4:00pm.  Children are asked to meet in the church hallway just outside the sacristy.  There will be games, treats and of course singing!

If your children would like to attend, contact Vincent LaTona in the Liturgy Office- 262-796-3946 ext. 1115. 

Praying the Rosary

Families are invited to pray the Rosary together on Wednesday, October 15th at 5:15pm in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel.  If you have never prayed the Rosary before and would like to learn, this is the perfect time.  What a wonderful way to pray during the Month of the Rosary! 


First Reconciliation and First Communion Preparation

At all weekend Masses on October 18th and 19th we will celebrate Rite of Entry for children receiving these sacraments this year.  Children and their families are invited to attend the Mass of their choice and candidates will be called forward to receive a special blessing.  This is a wonderful opportunity for the parish community to see and support the children.  We suggest that these children not attend Children's Liturgy of the Word during Mass this weekend.


The Pumpkin Gospel

Join us for a Christian celebration of Halloween on Friday, October 24th from 6:30-8:00pm in the Church Hall and learn how our Halloween traditions came to be. We ask each family to bring a pumpkin and your own carving knives (please be careful).  Come in costume if you wish.  Please RSVP at 796-3944 with number of adults and children attending.  Registration is required although there is no cost for the event.  Fun for the whole family! 

Bids for Kids Auction- Only 123 Days Away
 Saturday, February 14, 2015


Please expect a special stamped envelope -all the way from Morocco- to be delivered soon through the backpack of your youngest/only child. The contents of this envelope will be your informative guide to the upcoming Bids for Kids, Under the Moroccan Moon, Dinner Auction.


This biennial event is our largest fundraiser! All proceeds raised at Bids for Kids will go directly towards technological advancements and school improvements (ie. primary bathroom updates).


Looking forward to Bids 2015!

Catholic Memorial Open House
Thursday, October 23 6:00-8:30pm
Come and visit CMH to see what makes it such a great place!  Meet teachers, coaches and current students, take a tour of the school, learn about tuition and tuition assistance, learn about the International Baccalaureate (IB) program and much more!  Enter to win one of two $500 scholarships for 8th grade students coming to CMH. Click for the Open House flyer.

DSHA Open House 

Divine Savior Holy Angels High School, an all-girls Catholic, college preparatory school in Milwaukee, will host an Open House from 10:00am-1:00pm on Sunday, October 26. All families interested in learning more about DSHA are encouraged to attend. The event is free and open to the public, with a Mass being celebrated at 9:00am and tours beginning at 10:00am. Entrance to the school and parking is located at 4257 N. 100th Street.  


The DSHA Entrance Exam is required for all 8th grade girls considering DSHA. Two dates are offered:

 Friday, November 7 from 8:00-11:30am

 Saturday, November 8 from 8:00-11:30am

Registration is required for the Saturday test date.  Please register at  There will be an informational coffee for parents with President Ellen Bartel and Principal Dan Quesnell during both exams. Please join us!

If you have any questions regarding DSHA, please contact: Kathy Reilley, DSHA Ambassador /SJV Parent

at (262) 814-0092 

Marquette University High School Open House

MUHS will host its annual Open House on Sunday, October 26 between the hours of 10:00am. and 1:00pm.  Mass will be offered at 9:00am at the school in the
Three Holy Companions Chapel. This is a great event for families interested in learning more about MUHS. 
Click here for the flyer


Marquette University High School Entrance Exam Required for all 8th grade boys considering MUHS - Friday, November 7 or Saturday, November 8 from 8:00-11:45am. Registration is required for either test date. Please register online at

7th Annual Catholic Memorial Haunted House

The students of Catholic Memorial will be hosting a Haunted House Oct. 24, 25, 31 and Nov. 1 from 7:00 to 10:00pm. with a family friendly hour at 6:00pm on Saturday, Oct. 25 and Nov 1.  The cost is $7.00 per person and is not recommended for children under age 11 during regular hours. Click here for the flyer. 


The Haunted House is located at 601 E. College Avenue, Waukesha.  For more information please contact Mary McNulty at or 262-993-4434.  This year, CMH has partnered with the Waukesha Public Library and the Big Read program.  The house will be transformed into a tribute to Edgar Allen Poe.  All proceeds benefit Fisher House Milwaukee - Wisconsin's first "home away from home" for veterans and their families as they seek medical treatment in southeast Wisconsin.

Shrek the Musical at DSHA
Tickets for DSHA's production of Shrek the Musical go on sale at 8:00am on Friday. 
Tickets will go FAST so don't wait to grab your seats for amazing show! Performances run back-to-back weekends from November 7-9 and 13-15. Shows are at 7:00pm on Thursdays through Saturdays and 2:00pm on Sunday.  All performances are located in The Robert and Marie Hansen Family Fine Arts Theatre. Please call 414-616-2813 for more information or purchase them online at beginning Friday, October 17, 2014. The Box Office is open for walk-up sales on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3:00-6:00pm beginning Thursday, October 23 and one hour before curtain. If you love musical comedy then this show is a must see for your entire family!
Soles for Catholic Education Walk
Lands' End Sale
Lands' End is having a promotion October 17-21.  Customers purchasing $75 or more will receive $20 off.  Details and promo code/PIN can be found on  Remember to use scrip and our school code and SJV can receive money back.
 (262) 796-3942 | |
17500 W. Gebhardt Rd.
Brookfield, WI 53045

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