Trail Mail

     Friends of the Little Miami State Park  
In This Issue
Crash Victim Racks Up Miles
by Tom McCray

You meet a lot of interesting people along the trail, but some stand out from the rest.  Greg Wheeler is one of those people.  I met Greg and his wife Donna as I was cycling south of Corwin on Memorial Day. It turns out Greg is the man who was struck head-on by an ATV on the trail just north of Corwin back in May 2009.  Some of you may remember this story as Greg was nearly killed and his bike was totally destroyed. Read More
No Slouches on These Slumps

Two dangerous trail slumps were recently repaired by FLMSP volunteers contributing hours of heavy labor. The first, just south of Morrow, was caused by heavy rains pooling in drainage ditches because of a clogged culvert. The second, south of Fosters, has been a continuing problem and the cause is less certain.

The South Lebanon Maintenance Department has stepped up in support of our trail many times. Recently, Jim and Donnie delivered heavy beams to repair the Fosters slump.
Peters Marker Dedication

A new Ohio Historical Marker along our trail was dedicated at a ceremony on June 4 at the Peters Cartridge Company building in Kings Mills. The marker honors both the company that provided munitions for Allied forces during World Wars I and II and the founder of the company, Gershom Moore Peters.

Thanks go to Friends of the Twenty Mile House who worked to make the marker a reality and all who helped make history live again along our trail.
New Tractor
 This brand new red beauty is making heavy trail work easier and more efficient. Purchased with your donations, the tractor will keep the trail berms neater and save the backs of our hard-working volunteers. Want to help? Training will be provided by our two experienced tractor operators.
Introducing: Trail Taste Adventure!

The Little Miami Scenic Trail Taste Adventure is intended to identify dining establishments that users can visit when out on the trail.  Every Wednesday, a group of us will have lunch at a different establishment and provide a review of our experience.  
We're starting at the southern point of the trail and working our way north. Our picks must be within one mile of the trail and not be part of a chain, excluding places like Subway and McDonald's. 

Our first visit: 50 West Brewing Company, Newtown. Read the review here!
Monthly Meeting
Wednesday, June 14
 7:00 p.m.

Wayne Twp. Administration Building

Public Invited!
Trail Alerts
Saturday, June 17: The Amazing Charity Race will be using a section of our trail for their annual event. About 1,400 runners will start in Camp Dennison and run north to Loveland. Please avoid the trail from Schoolhouse Restaurant to Cones Rd between 8 am and 2 pm.

Quick Links

Trail Survey

Have you responded to our survey yet? 

We want to know what's important to you and how we can make our State Park even better. All your answers and comments will be used to help guide the decisions made by the Board of the Friends of the Little Miami State Park.

Contact Numbers
Trail Hotline:
Report trees or large limbs down on the trail. A photo with location is most helpful.

Ohio Dept. of Natural Resources
24-Hour Call Center:
Report graffiti, vandalism, or park management issues

Kroger Rewards Benefits FLMSP
Participating in Kroger's program costs you nothing, and Friends of the Little Miami State Park receives 2% of your purchase total every time you shop! All you need is a Kroger Plus Card, and you no longer need to renew each year.

Novel set on our trail
A novel set along our trail in Fosters, Morrow, and at the Peters Cartridge factory, based on historical events and people both real and imagined, has just been released by your TrailMail editor. For the month of June only, readers of this newsletter will get $3 off the book by ordering it here and entering discount code 25XXHKWT  at checkout. 

Sturdy Fence=Safer Trail

Vital  to the safety of trail users are the wood fences placed along the trail where there are dangerous drop-offs. Recently the FLMSP fence crew replaced a failed guard fence north of South Lebanon at Plum Run. Here there is a 15-foot drop from the trail surface to the exposed rocks in the stream below. Thank you, Rich Easterly with Cody, Rod Gossett, and Ray Jacobsen (not pictured) for your fine work. 

Ohio to Erie Trail Adventure Ride: Sept. 9-15. Ride the 320-mile Ohio Bike Route 1 from Cincinnati to Cleveland with full support and overnight hotel stays. Limited to 40 cyclists. See
for details and registration.

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Friends of the Little Miami State Park is a nonprofit organization devoted to the preservation and enhancement of the Little Miami State Park. We assist the Ohio Department of Natural Resources with development planning, capital improvements, and safety concerns, as well as providing most of the maintenance of the park. 

Friends of the Little Miami State Park | 9378 Mason Montgomery Rd. | Suite 395 | Mason | OH | 45040-8827