Those in attendance at the June 29 Annual Meeting will be asked to vote on the following two matters:
1. Board Expansion. I'm recommending that we increase the number of Board positions to 11 (from 9) to allow for more executional leadership opportunities in support of our Strategic Plan.
2. Board Elections. Assuming the vote on Board Expansion is in the affirmative, those in attendance will be voting on the following:
Leadership Position | Term Expires | Nominations | President | 2016 | Steve Murphy | Recruitment | 2016 | | Recognition | 2016 | | Governance | 2016 | | To Be Determined | 2016 | |
The responsibilities of Board members are two: 1. Attend 8 Board meetings per year, i.e. February through June and September through November. These monthly meetings are held on the 4th Sunday of the month from 4-6PM. It is our belief that as Board members take on their new "executional leadership" roles, we will be able to reduce the number of meetings even further. 2. Take on an "executional leadership" role, of which there are 3 in this election cycle: a) Recruitment. Our ultimate success depends on our ability to recruit, e.g. Trail Mail recipients, volunteers, members, donors, businesses, etc. We're looking for someone to take on this responsibility, start with a clean sheet of paper, and define this role in more detail. b) Recognition. We currently have over 200 trail volunteers. If our goal is to provide the best volunteer opportunity in the region, in addition to recruiting, we must strive to be the best at recognizing our volunteers. We're looking for someone to take on this responsibility, start with a clean sheet of paper, and define this role in more detail. c) Governance. This role is one of making sure we a) operate according to our bylaws, b) operate in accordance with State and Federal regulations and guidelines, and c) have a succession plan for our Board, i.e. vetted potential Board candidates. We're looking for someone to take on this responsibility, start with a clean sheet of paper, and define this role in more detail. If you or someone you know has an interest in any of the 5 aforementioned Board openings or would just like more information, please send an email to expressing interest, and I'll add your name to the list of nominations. I'm hoping the opportunity to define your own role within FLMSP will appeal to you who are self-starters. |