Friends of the Little Miami State Park | |
Friend of the Little Miami State Park
It seems appropriate at this time of year to reflect on where we've been and where we're going. Looking Back At 2011 Much was accomplished this year. Below are the highlights: - Strategic Plan. With the leadership of Mel Hensey and Hans Landefeld, we developed a Strategic Plan that has 27 Activities --- tasks to be accomplished. Of those 27 Activities, we have Champions for 14 of them. You can download the Strategic Plan here.
- Segment Adoptions. The trail has been divided into 24 road-to-road segments. As of today Adopt-a-Trail Coordinator Aaron Rourke has adopters for 19 of those 24 trail segments. Here is Don Hahn working the 6.5 mile segment that he and Paul Morgan adopted --- and he finished this little project by lunch time.

- Right of Entry (ROE). In June of this year, with the sponsorship of Park Manager Alan Ferguson, the State of Ohio renewed our Right of Entry --- this means that our Adopt-a-Trail volunteers can take properly marked vehicles onto the trail to do work.
- Root Encroachment. In August, we conducted a successful test using "scarifying" to flatten root encroachment bumps to within 1/4" of the trail surface --- you can hear "scarifying", you can think "grinding". We'll be looking for volunteers next year to finish scarifying the trail.
- Tool Cache. Aaron Rourke expects to have a fully equipped tool cache south of Corwin by the end of this year.
- Chainsaw Usage. Adopt-a-Trail volunteers are now allowed to use chainsaws --- if they've completed the 4-hour training and wear the appropriate safety gear.
Looking Forward To 2012
We can accomplish a lot with our corps of volunteers --- we were the beneficiary of over 800 volunteer hours in 2011. However, we also have plans that require capital. Towards that end, we now have a Grants Committee under the leadership of Mike Caudill. That committee will be looking for funding sources for the following capital projects:
- Trail Clearing. A one-pass blower or brush to clear the trail of leaves, walnuts, etc. particularly in the fall.
- Root Encroachment. The rental of scarifying equipment to flatten root encroachment bumps to within 1/4" of the trail surface.
- Restrooms. 4-season restrooms in Corwin, Morrow, Fosters, and Milford. The restroom in Loveland is already 4-season.
- Information Kiosks. The construction of information kiosks along the trail that would have maps, points of interest, local business advertising, etc.
- Benches. The bench design that has emerged as the "standard" is the "Morgan" bench currently located across from Morgan's Campground at Strout Road. It's basically half of a picnic table using a simple design and constructed with no-longer-needed fence material.
- Crack Sealing. Once the scarifying is complete, cracks can be cleaned out, large cracks filled with silicone sand, and hot tar (i.e. 400 degrees) applied to seal it. Early this year, Alan Ferguson received a quote of $70,000 to seal cracks along the entire trail. In January 2012, I'll be riding the entire trail with a contractor in order to get a competitive quote.
- 2nd Tool Cache in Loveland Area. A fully equipped tool cache to support Adopt-a-Trail activities on the southern end of the trail.
The following capital projects would be done in partnership with Park Manager Alan Ferguson and Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR):
- Serious streambank erosion at Ft Ancient trail head.
- Missing pavement (currently crushed stone) north of Loveland where culvert was replaced.
- Sink hole south of Morrow.
- Serious trail slumping/slippage south of Morrow on the west side.
- Trail slippage about half mile south of Old 3C where we have a considerable stretch of slumped pavement on the west side.
- Repaving the entire trail. At $30,000 per mile, this is a $1.5 million item --- we have no choice but to maintain what we have.
So for 2012 we need YOU. We need your time as a volunteer. We need your expertise. We need your financial support.
So, I ask you, as you do your year-end financial planning and gifting, keep the Friends of the Little Miami State Park and the future of our trail in mind.
As we look forward to 2012, thank you for your encouragement and support.
Happy holidays to you and yours.
Steve Murphy
Friends of the Little Miami State Park