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TEAM Punta Gorda Newsletter
TopJoanne and Richard Collins, Editors
                                              June 2015
In This Issue

Message from TEAM CEO
Nancy J


What makes up a community? We commonly think that a community refers to a geographic area such as a town or village. But actually, there are lots of different kinds of communities. There are neighborhoods within cities that function as highly effective communities. There are church communities, school communities and communities made up of those with shared interests and objectives. While individual communities may share a unique culture all their own, effective communities have several things in common:


  • Common values

  • Shared leadership

  • Shared vision

  • Strategies for working together to support each other

  • Ability to form effective networks to share information

  • Communications tools to keep members linked together

While cruising the out-islands of the Bahamas in May, I had an opportunity to observe the Bahamian version of community. These are tiny island settlements, with few resources; yet villagers quickly assumed the responsibility of welcoming us. It was easy to identify the village leadership in these small island communities; those individuals who just naturally make things happen.This friendliness and interest in visitors is characteristic of our community as well. I like to tell people that if someone doesn't greet you in Punta Gorda, they are likely also a visitor, not a resident!


Because you are reading TEAM Talk, you know just how special our TEAM community is. We are proud of our leadership and the many organizations that work together collaboratively to make our town a better place to live, work and play.TEAM nurtures many interest groups of volunteers working on a diverse array of community projects. These projects do more than accomplish their individual goals. Many have significant community building outcomes that enrich the fabric of greater Punta Gorda.


This ability to bring diverse volunteer groups together to accomplish common goals is the value added that TEAM Punta Gorda brings to our community. And we are delighted to have you as a part of it. As we move into the summer months, TEAM's board and leaders will embark on the development of a new strategic plan. We'll reach out to our partners and ask them how we are doing, and how we can continue to work effectively together. We'll further define and develop our focus and identify priorities for the coming years.


We're moving forward enthusiastically into our second decade of community service. Now more than ever we would like to hear from you. Email us your suggestions and ideas.


Nancy Johnson


Join us June 16 for TEAM Mixer 


Heat got you down? Then come on down and cool off at TEAM Punta Gorda's mixer at the Fat Point Brewery 


       When       Tuesday, June 16 

       Time         5:30 - 7:30 p.m. 

       Location   611 Charlotte Street, PG


All are welcome (cash bar, refreshments will be served).  You'll meet some of TEAM's amazing volunteers.


We welcome everyone on any level for whatever time and talent you can share to help our Punta Gorda community fulfill its vision as the Best Small City in Florida. 


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Beautification Committee

Hard at work landscaping after Paint Your Heart Out


Check out the picture of the makeover of one of the Paint Your Heart Out homes by the Beautification Committee. It received a complete landscaping overhaul.You can see all the hard workers making it happen. Even the Sheriff's Office helped out. Thanks, Cpl. Melissa Cheng, Cdfc. Paul Dempster and Lt. Jessica Long. Wonderful, isn't it?


April 30th Work Party

TEAM volunteers pictured here are Sandy Lorden, Mona Vieregg, Elaine LaWell and Suzanne McCormick. Additional volunteers were Bob Bechtold, Gary Skillicorn and Audrey Young. 


Recently they went to work on the courthouse!


Next time you are riding by, take a long look at the progress. Just awesome!



Newly landscaped courthouse

Citizen Bicycle Advocate Award



And the award goes to Court Nederveld


Becky Afonso, Executive Director of the Florida Bicycle Associate presented Court Nederveld with a Citizen Bicycle Advocate Award.This honor was given to him on May 6 at the City Council Meeting.


  Congratulations, Court!







Lost and Found



Did you lose your bicycle helmet after Pedal and Play?  If so, contact Gini at the Main Office to claim. Contact her at or phone 941-637-4843.



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Join the TEAM - Help Wanted!
Great Opportunities Available


We are gearing up for a busy time and could use your help. It's a great time to jump in, have fun and join the TEAM! For more information, contact us at:




HELP WANTED - Currently seeking: 

  • Pedal & Play Chair and/or Co-chairs

  • Membership Chair

  • Fundraising Co-chair

  • Annual Meeting Chair

  • Finance Team needs Quick Books literate volunteer for 2 days per month

  • Open Streets Event Chair

  • Volunteers interested in conservation of natural resources

  • Volunteers needed to help maintain bicycle loaner bikes


Additionally, all TEAM committees can always use new faces. Those who are unsure where they fit in should contact Sue Carman for more information.


Sue Carman, TEAM Volunteer Coordinator



Whats Happening Logo



We invite you to visit the community calendars below for more information about upcoming events.

June 19-21 - Dads Cruise Free for Father's Day, King Fisher Fleet is offering free cruises from June 19-21 in honor of Father's Day. Highly recommended that you reserve in advance by calling 941-639-0969. Check out

June 13 -  National Marina Day, 10 a.m. - 3 p.m., Fishermen's Village, 2 free nights of dockage to local boaters; must call 941-575-3000 to reserve your spot. Other activities and marine-related exhibitors,


Punta Gorda Chamber of Commerce


Parting Shot 
Mailboxes painted by VAC Volunteers for Paint Your Heart Out homes
VAC artists are Mayte Peet, Nancy McBridge, Sandy O'Grady, Kathy Staron,
Patti Forman, Jodi McBee and Karen Close
Thanks for beautifying our community!

Thanks to our "year-round" sponsors