The Power of Talent
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Issue: 19
December 2015

Happy Holidays from everyone at Torchiana Mastrov & Sapiro! 

This year has been exciting for us, from celebrating our 35th anniversary in business to continuing to expand our products, services and footprint. We truly couldn't do what we do without the tremendous support from our valuable partners, clients and colleagues. We appreciate your partnership with us over the past year, and look forward to an exciting 2016! 

Have a wonderful holiday season, and see you next year!

All the Best,
Kristi Rocha & Lynne Saiz
About Torchiana Mastrov & Sapiro

Established in 1980, Torchiana is the Bay Area's most experienced independent career management firm. Our staff of professionals have expertise in all facets of leadership development, executive coaching, career management and career transition/outplacement services. We have established strategic alliances with select organizations to fulfill additional human capital and business needs.

We firmly believe that your people are your most valuable asset. Our offices in San Francisco, San Ramon and Santa Clara provide service to more than 300 companies and we deliver our services worldwide through Career Partners International (CPI).