E&O Weekly Prevention
Strategies for the Professional Agent
April 9, 2015
Agents of America


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AOA News, Views, Tips & More

Prior Knowledge Exclusion Unambiguous and Effective to Bar Coverage

By Courtney E. Scott, Esq. of Tressler LLP


Maxum Indemnity Company (Maxum) won summary judgment in a dispute with insured brokerage Mulberry Insurance Services (Mulberry), as the policy's prior knowledge exclusion was unambiguous and precluded coverage for underlying claims against Mulberry for alleged fraudulent sales of insurance policies. Maxum Indem. Co. v. Drive West Ins. Servs., 2015 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 12468 (S.D. Ohio Feb. 3, 2015).


Insurance Adjuster Employed by Carrier Can Be Held Liable for Negligent Misrepresentation Regarding Coverage

By Donald A. O'Brien, Esq. of Hinshaw & Culbertson LLP


Bock v. Hansen, Court of Appeal, First District, Division 2, California A136567 (April 2, 2014)


Plaintiff homeowners purchased a homeowner's policy in 2001 that provided additional coverage for debris removal. In 2010, a 41-foot long tree limb weighing 7,300 pounds broke off from a tree in their front yard and crashed into the chimney, the front of the house and through the living room window. Three other large limbs also fell, which came to rest on the chimney and broke three windows and damaged the interior of the home, the fence and one of their automobiles. The chimney was the primary heating source for the home.


No Duty To Defend Malicious Defamation Claims: Eighth Circuit Finds No Coverage Based on Underlying Complaint's Assertion of Defamation with Intent To Injure

By Alex J. Yastrow, Esq. and Joanna M. Roberto, Esq. of Goldberg Segalla  


In Sletten & Brettin Orthodontics, LLC v. Continental Casualty Co., No. 13-2918 (8th Cir., Mar. 19, 2015), the United States Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit considered and rejected the insured's argument that its commercial general liability policy's coverage provisions pertaining to defamation claims were ambiguous and/or illusory. As background, the underlying complaint alleged that one of the underlying defendants posted defamatory messages about a competing orthodontic practice on a Yahoo! Review site while pretending to be the claimants' aggrieved patients. The underlying complaint alleged defamation and libel, civil conspiracy, and unfair competition. It was specifically pleaded that the underlying defendant acted with intent to injure the claimant. Accordingly, the Eight Circuit found that Continental Casualty had no duty to defend.

By Christopher E. Hoyme. Esq. of Jackson Lewis P.C.


Many mobile app developers do not place a high priority on data security, as illustrated by a recent IBM/Ponemon study:

  • Fifty percent of mobile app developers have no budget for security.
  • Forty percent of companies don't scan mobile app codes for vulnerabilities.
  • The average company tests less than half of the apps it builds for security issues.
  • Thirty-three percent of companies never test any apps for security.

Such vulnerabilities have contributed to over one billion personal data records being compromised last year alone.  In addition, studies show that 11.6 million mobile devices being affected by malware at any given time.


U.S. Supreme Court Rules in Favor of Employer Shifting Health Costs to Retired Employees

By Marc J. Zimet, Esq. of Jampol Zimet, LLP


On January 26th, 2015 the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in favor of an employer which amended its collective bargaining agreement. The ruling in this case is important to employers with similar agreements, as the ruling alters case law and sets forth new precedent that will affect past and future agreements that provide retirees with benefits.


Good News for Companies: Pennsylvania District Court Rules That Plaintiffs Lack Standing without Actual or Imminent Misuse of Data

By Melissa K. Ventrone, Esq. and Kathleen D. Wilkinson, Esq. of Wilson Elser


"There are only two types of companies left in the United States ... those that have been hacked and those that don't know they've been hacked." That is how U.S. District Judge John E. Jones III of the Middle District of Pennsylvania began his opinion in Storm v. Paytime, Inc. and Holt v. Paytime Harrisburg, Inc. The Court granted a motion to dismiss two consolidated class actions with a total of 233,000 proposed class members whose private information had been compromised after a payroll company had its systems hacked. Sympathetic to those who have been victims of a data breach, Judge Jones noted that, "it is not unreasonable for the victims to feel that a wrong has clearly been committed," but questioned whether it was reasonable for a business to pay damages to thousands of customers when there has been no misuse of the information.

Letter From  the Publisher

Selling Smarter Cyber - Privacy Risk Management Practices Your Clients Need to Know   


Register Online


NAS Insurance and ePlace Solutions for this important update on effective approaches to presenting Cyber Liability insurance to your clients. Call it Risk Management call it Loss Prevention. But make sure it's part of your pitch and part of your client's business.



Protecting Your Reputation


As every Insurance Agent knows, their most important asset is their reputation, it takes years to build and just one mistake to ruin. Understanding the issues is the first steps in avoiding E&O Claims. AOA has created a three book series dealing with 56 different E&O topics and issues agents face every day. Enter promo code
WPD20 at checkout for an additional 20% discount.


Book One - 

A Comprehensive Guide To Avoiding E & O Claims

20 Chapters - 450 pages


This book addresses the broad swath of risks from which claims against insurance agents arise. It provides clear and concise risk management and risk-avoidance guidance, and provides solutions for each of the potential claims issues. It also provides comprehensive discussion of the legal issues that may arise in such claims and how the various states treat those issues.

This is Book One, the primary focus of this book is to provide insurance and legal professionals with keen insight into the issues that insurance agents face on a daily basis. While our society is more litigious than ever, through education and awareness, insurance agents can better understand this legal society and take the necessary proactive steps to minimizing the chances of their agency facing some form of E&O litigation.


Book Two - 

E&O Exposures in the Sales Process

18 Chapters - 587 pages


This book identifies and explains the E&O issues and exposures related to the typical new and renewal sales process within insurance agencies. Solid detail is provided addressing the E&O exposures for agencies during the pre-sale, sale and post-sale periods. The course addresses such issues as the legal duties of both the agents and their customers, the critical importance of education of both the staff and customers, the benefits of account reviews and the power of a signed application. Throughout each chapter, best practice solutions are provided to help agents manage those exposures.

This is Book Two, the primary focus of this book is to provide insurance and legal professionals with keen insight into the issues that insurance agents face on a daily basis. While our society is more litigious than ever, through education and awareness, insurance agents can better understand this legal society and take the necessary proactive steps to minimize the chances of their agency facing some form of E&O litigation. 


Table of Contents

Book Three - 

E & O Exposures By Line of Business

18 Chapters - 746 pages

This book identifies the unique E & O issues and exposures of the various lines of business, including personal auto, homeowners, general liability, directors and officer's liability, and employment-related practices liability. Each chapter contains solid detail for a specific line of business, and provides best practices and solutions to help agents manage those exposures.

This is Book Three, the primary focus of this book is to provide attorneys and insurance professionals with keen insight into the issues that insurance agents face on a daily basis. While our society is more litigious than ever, through education and awareness, insurance agents can better understand this legal society and take the necessary proactive steps to minimize the chances of their agency facing some form of E&O litigation.


Do You Need Continuing Education?

Complete your entire State-Required CE Online with WebCE! AOA has partnered with WebCE, a leading nationwide provider of Continuing Education for insurance professionals to provide you with state-approved self-study CE courses to satisfy your CE requirements online!  Check out your CE State Requirements. 


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Angelo J Gioia

"I'd rather be a failure at something I love than a success at something I hate." - George Burns

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