   Services for People with Disabilities
Family Circle Newsletter  
a service of JF&CS sponsored by the H.A.L.O. Foundation
Winter is finally coming to an end. This edition of the Family Circle Newsletter is dedicated to finding fun events in the area, outdoor and indoor, to welcome spring. From camp fairs to sports or musicals, there is something for the whole family.
March 2015 Issue
The organizations and websites are listed as a public service and are not endorsed, recommended, or validated by the H.A.L.O. Foundation or JF&CS.
Shrek the Musical

Looking for something the whole family can enjoy? Come experience the Acton Theatre's performance of Shrek the Musical! On Saturday, March 28 performances are exclusively for individuals with sensory limitations, vision impairments, and their families. The noon performance is sensory friendly and the 7:30 p.m. performance is audio-described. Tickets must be reserved in advance by contacting 978-264-8150 or visiting their webpage.
Perkins Beeping Egg Hunt         

Perkins School for the Blind invites you to their Beeping Egg Hunt on March 28 at 10:30 a.m. This event is free and open to families. It includes snacks, crafts, and an exciting beeping egg hunt on the Perkins campus. Each participant will receive a goody bag and special prizes will be given away to those who find special eggs. Register online today. 
JCC All Camp Fair 


Attend the JCC All Camp Fair on March 29 from 2:00 - 4:00 p.m. at the Leventhal-Sidman JCC in Newton to learn about the programs they offer kids of all abilities and ages throughout the year. For more information on the programs available, please visit their website

Athletes 4 Autism          

Join Boston University for their Athletes 4 Autism program! This program is open to children with any disability and matches them with young athletes in local facilities who guide them through their sport of choice. Register online to attend their spring program. 
Boston Conservatory Music Program

The Boston Conservatory Music Program for Young Children on the Autism Spectrum is dedicated to introducing your child to music. Sessions take place every Saturday for ten weeks beginning in September. For more information or to complete an application, visit their website.

JF&CS Disabilities Resource Network
The JF&CS Disabilities Resource Network (DRN) is a free information and referral provider that works with people with disabilities and families to connect them with resources and programs that fit their needs. Whether it is housing, education, finances, or any other need, the DRN is able to assist you. For more information, call 781-693-5023.
Spaulding Rehabilitation Network
The Spaulding Rehabilitation Network offers several different programs dedicated to allowing individuals to take part in active lifestyles. From wheelchair tennis to windsurfing, each program is supervised by adaptive sport professionals to provide a safe and friendly environment. To learn more about the programs offered, visit their website
Let Us Hear From You 
How can we meet your information needs? What topics or points of interest would you like to hear more about? We would appreciate your contributions and suggestions for our bi-monthly Family Circle Newsletter.

To make a suggestion or for more information, contact Caitlin Bohara at cbohara@jfcsboston.org or 781-647-JFCS (5327).