eNEWS for you!

CELEBRATE in Christ     TRAIN in Righteousness     SERVE in Love

Tuesday, November 18, 2014        


The "triple play" of the weekly eNEWS for You, our public website at www.stpeterfw.org and our family website (which is password-protected - look for "sign in" on the public website for a link)  gives your family easily accessed sources of information about all that's going on around St. Peter!


Article Suggestions for eNEWS  - Rosalie Engelke at rengelke@stpeterfw.org

Article Suggestions for the bulletin - Doris Permenter at dpermenter@stpeterfw.org. Deadline is Monday at noon for both.


Prayer requests-Trish Miller at tmiller@stpeterfw.org.  Indicate if for publication or only to be prayed by the staff.

St Peter Staff

Robert Balduc


Pete Riley

Pastoral Assistant



Rosalie  Engelke
Connections Coordinator

Jennifer Kittinger

Children's Coordinator



Ryan Kriesch

Middle School Coordinator



Becca Krzystyniak
Worship Director (8:30AM)

Brock Tornga

Worship Director (10:45AM)



Trish Miller

Church Administrator



Doris Permenter

Communications Specialist






Ministry Dashboard

     Sunday, November 16    

       Celebrate/Worship-- 190

Train/Education - 58 

  Serve/Give - $ 5592

Serve/Missional Events

in October - 13



Church Extension Fund

(mortgage lender)

Investors - Goal:  100

Investors - Actual: 34

Investments - Goal: $875,000

Investments - Actual:



Joyful Response/

Automated Giving


Goal: 50 giving units





For complete information about all of our events and ministries, 

go to  




Your NEED TO KNOW news

(To see all coming events in chronological order,click here to go to the EVENTS page of our website.)            
  • GATEKEEPER GATHERING (MEN OF ST. PETER) on Monday, November 24th, 7:00 pm at Pizza Hut in Roanoke.   Join us for fellowship and planning upcoming Holiday events including the Roanoke Christmas Parade("Gloria" Decorating), Advent Dinner and Beastfeast in January!  Contact Mike Permenter at 817-996-1018 (pwstime@flash.net) with questions.

  • CHILDREN'S MINISTRY SERVICE OPPORTUNITIES! Jennifer Kittinger is currently recruiting volunteers to serve in our Sunday School program, Children's Church, Wednesday night BASIC, and Nursery.  No experience? That's OK!!! We will train and mentor you so you feel completely comfortable working with our precious children in Christ.  For more information, please contact Jennifer at 214-714-7063 or jkittinger@stpeterfw.org. 
  • It's LIFT PUMPKIN ROLL time again! Please support our Women's Ministry by purchasing these delicious treats available just in time for your fall & Thanksgiving entertaining. Cost is $15 each & preorders are being taken on Sunday mornings in the Atrium or by contacting Eileen Kahlfeldt at ekahlfeldt@stpeterfw.org. or 817-431-3524


  • Dec. 3rd, 10th, 17th...Wednesday Advent Worship in the Barn at 6:30 pm (meal starts at 5:45pm). 

  • Dec. 14th, Sunday - Preschoolers sing at 10:45 am worship. 

  • Dec. 21st, Sunday - Lessons & Carols worship at 10:00 am with Christmas cookie reception. 

  • Dec. 24th, Wednesday - Christmas Eve Candlelight Communion worship at 5:30 pm (with the worship band) and 7 pm.

  • Dec. 28th, Sunday- Christmas Carol worship at 10:00 am.

  • LICandlelightFT invites all our Ladies & their friends to Christmas by Candlelight on Sunday, December 7, 6:00 pm. in the sanctuary. Reserve your space on Sunday mornings in the Atrium or contact Tiffany Brill at 972-355-8035 or tiffany.brill@verizon.net 

  •  Adults & children - everyone come out and join in the ROANOKE CHRISTMAS PARADE on Saturday, December 6th.  Gather in the Roanoke pool parking lot on Walnut St across from Roanoke Recreation Center at 5:30 pm. Walk next to the St Peter float to hand out red bags and throw candy.  Parade starts at 6 pm. Help is needed to decorate the float (our smoker "Gloria") on Saturday (12/6) in the church parking lot. 


  •  St Peter Preschool Applications available.Pick up an application for 2 year olds-Pre-Kindergarten at the Welcome Table or download at www.stpeterfw.org.  For more information please contact Trish Miller at tmiller@stpeterfw.org.

  •  "JOYFUL RESPONSE"giving forms available at the Funding the Future table in the atrium.  You may complete and place in the Sunday offering or CLICK HERE to go to website to enroll (click on "Create Profile" to set up recurring payments). 


Your ALWAYS IMPORTANT news             

  • BASIC Training in Righteousness for all ages on Wednesdays, 6:30 - 7:45 p.m. 
  • Next WELCOME TO ST PETER CLASS is on 3 consecutive   Sundays:  February 8, noon - 3 pm; 15, noon - 3 pm and 22, noon  - 2 pm. This class is for those wanting more information about the church or wanting to become members, to learn more about the confessions of our church body and our congregation's mission and vision while getting to know others in the St. Peter community.  Contact Rosalie Engelke, rengelke@stpeterfw.org for more information or to sign up.
  • Click here to go to the Media page of our website where you can view sermons and other videos.  
  • Find out about our missionary family, the Daughertys by going to their monthly newsletter under "serve" at our website www.stpeterfw.org. 
  • St. Peter supports the Roanoke Food Pantry financially each month PLUS with your food donations! They always need boxed dinners, canned meats, laundry and dish soap, canned vegetables, peanut butter, jellies & jams, toiletries, etc. You can drop off your donations in the red bin in the front entryway to the church.
  • St. Peter supplies Roanoke Elementary School and Wayne Cox Elementary School with Snack Sacks each month during the school year for underprivileged children. Fruit snacks, granola, trail mix, pop tarts, pudding cups, vienna sausages are a few of the items collected (see family website for complete listing). You may purchase any of the items and drop them in the Snack Sack collection bin located in the church front entrance on any Sunday. For your convenience, monetary donations are also accepted--please note for "Snack Sacks".                                                             
This is for children in LSSS (Lutheran Social Services of the South)
"Foster in Texas" (FIT) homes program.
You are invited to be an "Angel" to one of 250 children in homes in the DFW area. Along with other Lutheran congregations in our area, we are participating in the Christmas Angel Tree Project in its 14th year. Foster in Texas is a ministry to rehabilitate and care for children in foster care with histories of abuse and neglect. You and your family can be "Angels" to the children in the following ways:
* Select one (or more) of the children's names on the Angel Tree in the atrium and provide a Christmas gift. (try to limit to $30)
* Bring your gift to the Church by December 8th so that the gifts may be delivered by December 15th.
Contact Darren Fox at foxhold@verizon.net for more information.