eNEWS for you!

CELEBRATE in Christ     TRAIN in Righteousness     SERVE in Love

Tuesday, July 22, 2014        


The "triple play" of the weekly eNEWS for You, our public website at www.stpeterfw.org and our family website (which is password-protected) at www.stpeterfw-family.org  gives your family easily accessed sources of information about all that's going on around St. Peter!


eNEWS and Sunday bulletin article suggestions - Doris Permenter,  dpermenter@stpeterfw.org. Deadline is Monday at noon.


Prayer requests-Rosalie Engelke at rengelke@stpeterfw.org . Indicate if for publication or only to be prayed by the staff.

Ministry Staff

Robert Balduc


Pete Riley

Pastoral Assistant



Rosalie  Engelke
Connections Coordinator

Jennifer Homann
Next Gen Ministries 



Becca Krzystyniak
Worship Director (8:30AM)

Kevin Moerbe
Family/Student Life

John David Mull
Church Planter/The Vine


Brock Tornga

Worship Director (10:45AM)



Linda Watson

Handbell Director




 Support Staff


Trish Miller

Church Administrator



Doris Permenter

Communications Specialist



Mike Broyles

Audio/Visual Coordinator




Ministry Dashboard

     Sunday, July 20       



Train/Education - 59

  Serve/Give - $11,434

Serve/Missional Events

in June - 14



Church Extension Fund

(mortgage lender)

Investors - Goal:  100

Investors - Actual: 34

Investments - Goal: $875,000

Investments - Actual:



Joyful Response/

Automated Giving


Goal: 50 giving units



For complete information about all of our events and ministries, go to  





Your NEED TO KNOW news
(To see all coming events in chronological order,click here to go to the EVENTS page of our website.)            



  • LUTHERAN SOCIAL SERVICES OF THE SOUTH responding to the humanitarian crisis of undocumented children.  See article below.
  • NEW ST. PETER CARDS IN THE ATRIUM...make sure to grab some of the new St. Peter cards to have handy when God creates a divine appointment to share your faith and invite someone to your awesome church!
  • ST. PETER YOUTH MISSION TRIP PRESENTATION this Sunday, July 27th at 9:45am during Adult Education. Join us as the Youth share their amazing moments with God throughout their week and through their trials!  All 6th-12th graders are asked to join the Adult Education Class this Sunday in lieu of the normal class schedule.
  • CHRISTMAS IN JULY, annual event benefiting our LSSS Foster in Texas children has begun.  See article below for details.
  • SUNDAY SCHOOL & B.A.S.I.C. TEACHER TRAINING will be held Sunday, August 17th after late service.  Lunch will be provided. Contact Kevin Moerbe (kmoerbe@stpeterfw.org) with questions.
  • CONFIRMATION INFORMATION MEETING will be held Sunday, August 24th after the late service. All 6th-8th graders planning to attend Confirmation this coming year are encouraged to attend this important meeting. Lunch will be provided. Contact Kevin Moerbe (kmoerbe@stpeterfw.org) with questions. 
  • THREE NAILS BREWERY is collecting empty wine bottles for the purpose of making/bottling our own communion wine.  You may leave your donations in the church kitchen.  Brown, green and blue bottles preferred. 
  • NEW MEMBER WEBSITE--ACS ACCESS!  The Member Connect website St. Peter has been using has now been replaced with ACS ACCESS.  Contact Rosalie Engelke with questions at rengelke@stpeterfw.org.
  • ST. PETER PRESCHOOL REGISTRATION 2014-2015 SCHOOL YEAR applications now being accepted....Pick up an application for 2 year olds-Pre-Kindergarten at the Welcome Table or download at www.stpeterfw.org.  For more information please contact Jennifer Homann at jhomann@stpeterfw.org.
  •  "JOYFUL RESPONSE"giving forms available at the Funding the Future table in the atrium.  You may complete and place in the Sunday offering or CLICK HERE to go to website to enroll (click on "Create Profile" to set up recurring payments). 

Your ALWAYS IMPORTANT news             

  • Sunday Adult Education, 9:45AM - 10:30AM, The Acts of the Apostles led by Pastor Balduc or Class on "The Church in Today's World"  (discussion based) led by Wyman Bess in the conference room.
  • Next Welcome to St. Peter class is Oct. 17th-19th.  This class is for those wanting more information about the church or wanting to become members, to learn more about the confessions of our church body and our congregation's mission and vision while getting to know others in the St. Peter community.  Contact Rosalie Engelke, rengelke@stpeterfw.org for more information or to sign up.
  • Click here to go to the Media page of our website where you can view sermons and other videos.  
  • St. Peter supports the Roanoke Food Pantry financially each month PLUS with your food donations! They always need boxed dinners, canned meats, laundry and dish soap, canned vegetables, peanut butter, jellies & jams, toiletries, etc. You can drop off your donations in the red bin in the front entryway to the church.
  • St. Peter supplies Roanoke Elementary School and Wayne Cox Elementary School with Snack Sacks each month during the school year for underprivileged children. Fruit snacks, granola, trail mix, pop tarts, pudding cups, vienna sausages are a few of the items collected (see family website for complete listing). You may purchase any of the items and drop them in the Snack Sack collection bin located in the church front entrance on any Sunday. For your convenience, monetary donations are also accepted--please note for "Snack Sacks".     


          Responding to the Humanitarian Crisis of Undocumented Children

In response to the dramatic increase of unaccompanied minors crossing the Texas border, Lutheran Social Services is expanding its programs in Corpus Christi, McAllen, and El Paso.

The goal is to take children from overcrowded detention facilities on the border and place them in nurturing LSS shelters. It is anticipated that by late summer LSS will be serving more than 500 children each month.

This is truly a mercy issue and the role of LSS is to be the Good Samaritan by serving the least of these,and will work closely with the Texas District to provide spiritual care for these children. The prayers and assistance of congregations and individuals will be greatly appreciated.

Donations toward the expansion of LSS services on the border and spiritual care for the children can be made directly on the LSS website: www.LSSS.org or mailed to
Lutheran Social Services 8305 Cross Park Drive, Austin, TX 78754.

Our annual Christmas in July event benefiting our LSSS Foster in Texas children has begun.  We encourage you to stop by the Angel Tree in the atrium and consider sponsoring one of these precious Angels. Backpacks are due back to the church no later than this Sunday, July 27th.  Thanks for walking with us on our Life Mission!  

God loves life from the moment of conception. How can we not? However, our love cannot stop there...Standing up for the value of human life must be more than being against abortion. It also means loving 'all of everybody.' It means being 'For Life' in all stages and conditions.
--Rev. Dr. James I. Lamb, Executive Director of Lutherans for Life