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Hello Friends,

It's mid-April already and if you are anything like me, there is a sense of relief that the darkest days of winter are over and spring is here!

In keeping with my Smart Choices theory of shopping, I got to thinking the other day about the importance of working with a great salesperson.

I know that many people are annoyed when shopping and they get "bugged" by a salesperson asking if they need assistance. The truth is, that person can become your biggest ally in making sure that you are building your wardrobe in a thoughtful and smart way. Of course, finding the right person is the first step to success. But when you do, you can be on your way to a valuable relationship.

Once a sales person knows your needs, they become invested in your closet. A good one will take you under their wing and help you make the Smart Choices that will work long-term in your wardrobe. The key is to be honest about who you are and what works for you. The old saying "Know thyself" comes in very handy here.

This relationship can stand the test of time once they know what is in your closet and where your fashion road is leading you. As always, honesty is the best policy, so save your time and theirs and be up front with your price range and needs. If you have to return something, take it right back to the clerk you purchased from. I guarantee that they will be happier in the long run to know what worked and what didn't. A good salesperson will appreciate that YOU appreciate their time and will want to find the best value for you so that you continue to be their customer.

As people we need other people to get us through this big journey of life. Good relationships are vital, and that includes relationships with the people that are helping you to get the look you want, so you can proudly showcase The Real You.

The next time you find yourself dismissing the help you are offered, remember that it is just that... help! And we all need a little help now and then.

I look forward to seeing or talking with you soon!
Patricia Gorham
Inside/Out Style