The December 2015 wage report is due no later than January 11, 2016. Submitting the final 2015 wage report and any adjustments by January 11 will allow IMRF to process the information in time to include in the 2015 Member Statements of Account. Employers should also resolve any outstanding suspended wages by January 11, 2016.
Wage reports and any adjustments received after January 11 may not appear until the 2016 Member Statements of Account, scheduled for distribution in early 2017.
December Board Meeting Highlights
At the December 18, 2015, Board meeting, the Board:
Certified the results of the Employee Trustee election, which added new Employee Trustee, Trudy Williams of Canton, and re-elected Employee Trustee John Piechocinski of Plainfield.
Certified the results of the Annuitant Trustee election, verifying the re-election of Sharon U. Thompson of Dixon.
Recognized the service of outgoing Employee Trustee Jeffrey A. Stulir after almost four years of service to the Board of Trustees.
IMRF employers will receive six key documents in 2016, including:
Employer Reserve Account Statement
Employer Copies of Member Statements
Preliminary Rate Notice
GASB 50 Footnote Disclosure
GASB 68 Report
Final Rate Notice
These documents detail each employer's pension assets, liabilities, and contribution rate. They are necessary for financial planning, accounting, and reporting purposes.
IMRF will celebrate its 75th anniversary in 2016. Established in 1941 with five employers and a $5,000 investment in a U.S. Treasury Bond, IMRF has grown to now serve 2,976 units of government with an investment portfolio valued at $34.7 billion.
Several events are planned throughout 2016 to honor IMRF's 75-year milestone, including this commemorative redesign of Employer Digest and other events throughout the year. Continue to monitor Employer Digest and IMRF's website,, beginning January 2016 for details.
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2211 York Road, Suite 500
Oak Brook, IL 60523-2337
Member-only Phone: 1-800-ASK-IMRF (275-4673)
Employer-only Phone: 1-800-728-7971
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