Legislative Update - November 10, 2015
Illinois General Assembly in session November 10

The Illinois General Assembly has not yet adjourned for the year due to an unresolved state budget. They are in session today, November 10. A public budget meeting between the four legislative leaders and Gov. Rauner will follow on November 18. 


While pension proposals and other legislation are still on the table, it is unlikely that any major pension legislation will be passed during this time. We will keep you updated on any further developments.


IMRF's role in legislative process
Legislation affecting IMRF is introduced often by outside groups and individuals. The IMRF Board and staff closely monitor these bills and the Board votes to take a position - to support, oppose, or remain neutral - on each bill that changes the pension code. However, it's important to remember that the Board's position does not necessarily affect whether a bill eventually becomes a law.
The Board also votes on a "legislative agenda" of legislative proposals it will work to introduce and pass during the upcoming session. The Board will be discussing its 2016 Legislative Agenda at this month's Board meeting. Check our website in December for the new agenda.
IMRF staff and Board also meet periodically with state legislators when the legislature is not in session to ensure that they are informed about IMRF.
Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund
2211 York Road
Oak Brook, Illinois 60523
Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund
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