April 28, 2015

The Illinois General Assembly is scheduled to be in session through May 31.

Four IMRF-related bills pass House, await Senate action
The following IMRF-related bills have passed the Illinois House of Representatives. They remain active and await action by the State Senate.
  • HB 2916, sponsored by Rep. Robert Martwick. This bill would reduce from 90 to 60 days the time required before IMRF can go to the county treasurer or state comptroller to recoup money owed by a delinquent employer.
  • HB 3484, sponsored by Rep. Elaine Nekritz. This bill makes explicit that specific pension funds (including IMRF) have the authority to offset delinquent employer funds through the State Comptroller and removes the State Treasurer as the ex officio treasurer for IMRF.
  • HB 3592, sponsored by Rep. Tom Morrison. This bill updates a reference in the ERI statute that refers to old employee contribution rates. This is a technical correction and does not make any changes to current procedures.
  • HB 3757, sponsored by Rep. Jaime Andrade. This bill allows for an employer penalty for return-to-work violations, up to the total amount paid to the retiree during the return-to-work period.
How to contact your legislators 
Let your legislators know what you think

If you support or oppose any proposed legislation (IMRF-related or otherwise), you can call or contact your Illinois Legislators and let them know.


If you don't know who your legislators are, you can find your legislator's name and contact information at the Illinois Board of Elections website. By entering your street address and zip code, you will get a listing of your legislators' names with links to their mailing address. In some cases, an email address is provided.


Whether you do it in person, by phone, or in writing, communication on a regular basis is the key to good relations with public officials. 

Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund
2211 York Road
Oak Brook, Illinois 60523
Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund

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