Revised Employer Digest Logo  
 March 20, 2015

In This Issue:
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OneEmployer Rate Meeting dates and locations

General Memo 655 

Beginning April 20, 2015, IMRF will present a series of Employer Rate Meetings throughout the state. These meetings will review the impact of year-end financial and actuarial data on IMRF, and the data's estimated impact on individual employers. IMRF encourages you, your chief financial officer, other officials, governing body members, and interested parties from your employer to attend the meeting scheduled in your area (view the full schedule).

Advance registration is requested for the Employer Rate Meetings. You can register online through IMRF Employer Access. If you do not have an Employer Access account, return a completed registration form to IMRF by mail, fax, or email. 


If you have questions, please call Sandra Cialdella, Field Services - Meeting Planner, at (630) 706-4536 or contact IMRF through your Employer Access account's Secure Message Center. 


For further information about the Employer Rate Meeting dates and locations, read the full General Memo 655.   

ThreeFebruary 2015 Board Meeting Highlights

At the February 27, 2015, Board Meeting, the Board:

  • Heard progress reports related to the 2014-2016 Strategic Plan
  • Approved GASB 68-related budget adjustments
  • Learned employers' credited portion rate of the 2014 investment return
  • Approved death and disability benefit rates for 2016
  • Heard projections on the 2015 benefit payments and the 2015 Supplemental Benefit Payment (the "13th Payment")
  • Set five committees for 2015
  • Approved the participation of three new employers.

Review a complete report in the February 2015 Board Meeting Highlights. 


The next regularly scheduled Board meeting will be held May 29, 2015, at IMRF's Oak Brook headquarters.

TwoRegister Online for 
Authorized Agent Workshops

The 2015 Authorized Agent Workshop schedule is available online for review and registration. These workshops offer employers comprehensive one-day training in IMRF processes and issues.


The workshops - the first held Wednesday, March 25, in Peoria, Illinois - are designed for Authorized Agents and other employer representatives. Staff members who assist employers with day-to-day IMRF processes (including enrollment, payroll reporting, benefit applications, and Member inquiries) are invited to attend.


Employers may review the full schedule then log-in to their Employer Access account to register for a workshop in their area.

2211 York Road, Suite 500
Oak Brook, IL 60523-2337
Phone: 1-800-ASK-IMRF (1-800-275-4673)

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