Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund Employer Digest
January 15, 2014
In This Issue
Board of Trustee Election, 2014 Board Officers
Board Meeting Highlights
Quick Links
General Memo 646 
2013 Trustee El
ection Results,
2014 Board Officers

In 2013, IMRF conducted one Executive Trustee election. The results of the election were certified at the IMRF Board of Trustees December Board meeting:


Executive Trustee Five-Year Term
Sue Stanish
David C. Miller
Write-in Candidates
Spoiled Ballots 10 


Ms. Stanish is Director of Finance for the Naperville Park District. Her five-year term of office runs from January 1, 2014, through December 31, 2018.



2014 Board officers

At its December meeting, the IMRF Board of Trustees also elected the following new Board officers for 2014: 

  • President - Natalie Copper 
  • Vice President -John Piechocinski   
  • Secretary - Tom Kuehne   


 See General Memo 646

IMRF to release sample GASB 68

**Please share this with the person responsible for completing your annual financial statement, e.g. your finance director**


In June 2012, the Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) issued GASB Statement No. 68, Accounting and Reporting for Pensions.


It applies to units of government for fiscal years beginning after June 15, 2014.


Sample GASB 68 for your review


IMRF has developed a preliminary approach for reporting the information your employer will need to meet future GASB 68 requirements. Please review this sample document to begin familiarizing yourself with how IMRF will report the information your employer needs to comply with GASB 68.


Sample GASB 68 specific to your employer


Next week, IMRF will provide (via Employer Access) another sample document: a preliminary GASB 68 that will include your employer's specific Net Pension Liability using fiscal year 2012 data. IMRF will alert you via an Employer Access Secure Message when this sample document is available. This document is for informational purposes only. Don't use it in your financial statements.


If you have any questions, please contact Employer Relations Supervisor Audrey Brown-Ryce at or at (630) 706-4246, or Employer Account Analyst Corey Lockwood at or at (630) 706-4226.

December Board Meeting Highlights

At the December 2013 Board meeting, the Board:
  • Certified results of 2013 Executive Trustee Election
  • Elected 2014 Board Officers 
  • Approved new employers

Read more in the December Board Meeting Highlights 

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