Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund Employer Digest
October 31, 2013
In This Issue
2014 Final Rate Notices
Don't forget to vote!
Questions about Affordable Care Act?
Which member earnings do you report?
Quick Links

Your 2014 Final Rate Notice is now available in the Employer Document Archive of Employer Access. Once you log in to your
Employer Access account, visit the Document Archive. The rate notice will be under the EFINANCE category.

Questions about your specific rate?
If you have questions about your specific rate, please call 1-800-ASK-IMRF (1-800-275-4673) and speak with a Member Services Representative or call IMRF's Employer Relations Analyst, Corey Lockwood, at 1-630- 706-4226. 


Don't forget to vote!

Executive Trustee Election ballots due back by December 12, 2013  

This fall, IMRF employers will elect one Executive Trustee for a five-year term of office. Ballot packets were mailed on October 17, 2013, to your Employers' Authorized Agents or Governing Bodies, depending upon voting authority.

Don't forget to vote and return your ballot to IMRF!

Questions about the Affordable Care Act?

IMRF's endorsed Health plan consultant, Doyle Rowe LTD, has insurance specialists to help IMRF retirees and members planning for retirement review their health plan options, including new possibilities offered under the Affordable Care Act.

Contact Doyle Rowe LTD online by visiting or by calling 1-800-564-7227.

Which member earnings do you report? 

Compensation for IMRF earnings purposes falls under a basic rule: most forms of compensation paid from the start of employment through the first calendar month after the end of employment are considered IMRF earnings. Generally, wages are reported to IMRF when paid--not earned. 

A few types of compensation often cause confusion.

IMRF Earnings: 

  • Cash payments in lieu of health insurance that are less than the cost of the employer's premium for the foregone health insurance.

Not IMRF Earnings:    

  • Cash payments in lieu of health insurance that are equal to the cost of the employer's premium for the foregone health insurance. 

IMRF Earnings if a resolution is on file with IMRF: 

  • Section 125 Cafeteria Plan contributions.  


You can read more--including examples of other "confusing" compensation--in the full October 2013 Reminder.  

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