Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund Employer Digest
June 14, 2013
In This Issue
Employer Acess How To
Board Meeting Highlights
Quick Links
Employer Access How To:
How to report a wage adjustment

Do you know how to adjust a member's wages once they have been incorrectly reported? You can submit the adjustment via Employer Access by using the Wage Adjustments function. 

  • Click on "Report Wage Adjustments" under the Wage & Contribution Section on Employer Access homepage
  • Enter the member's SSN, month and year of the wage report you want to adjust and select the member's plan
  • Enter the total correct monthly wages and contributions in the box labeled ""Adjusted Wages." (For example, if you previously reported $1,000 and it should have been $1,200, enter $1,200, not $200)
  • Enter a reason for the adjustment
  • Click Continue
  • Check the certification box
  • Click "Adjust Wages" 

After IMRF staff reviews the adjustment, you'll receive a paper advice (either a charge or credit, depending on the adjustment type) which will also be available in your Document Archive the day after you submit the adjustment. The advice will also be reflected in your Employer Receivable Balance. For charge advices, you would make the EFT payment within 30 days.  

Board Meeting Highlights

At the May 2013 Board meeting, the Board:
  • Heard an Annual Actuarial Valuation Report and Gain/Loss Analysis, which found IMRF well funded despite market volatility
  • Heard an update on the Board Legislative Agenda bills which passed the General Assembly

Read more in the May Board Meeting Highlights 

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