Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund Employer Digest
January 15, 2013
In This Issue
Board of Trustee Elections, 2013 Board Officers
Board Adopts Formal Funding Policy
Board Meeting Highlights
Quick Links
General Memo 632
2012 Trustee El
ection Results,
2013 Board Officers

In 2012, IMRF conducted one Executive Trustee election and one Employee Trustee election. The results of the elections were certified at the IMRF Board of Trustees December Board meeting:


Executive Trustee Five-Year Term
Tom Kuehne 
David C. Miller
Write-in Candidates
Spoiled Ballots 14


Mr. Kuehne is Finance Director/Treasurer for the Village of Arlington Heights. His five-year term of office runs from January 1, 2013, through December 31, 2017.

Employee Trustee Three-Year Term
Jeffrey Stulir 
Write-in Candidates
Spoiled Ballots 178


Mr. Stulir is Inmate Services Officer for Rock Island County Sheriff's Department. His three-year partial term of office runs from January 1, 2013, through December 31, 2015.


2013 Board officers

At its December meeting, the IMRF Board of Trustees also elected the following new Board officers for 2013: 

  • President - William Stafford
  • Vice President - Natalie Copper
  • Secretary - John Piechocinski  


See General Memo  632 

General Memo 633
IMRF Board Adopts Formal Funding Policy

At the December 21, 2012, Board Meeting, the IMRF Board of Trustees adopted a formal funding policy.

The policy formalizes longstanding practices at IMRF, and is intended to help minimize confusion among IMRF employers following the release of new guidelines on accounting and reporting practices in Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) Statement No. 68.

IMRF will continue to use the Annual Required Contribution (ARC) calculation embedded in GASB Statement No. 27 to determine employer contribution rates. This approach is consistent with actuarial best practices, supports IMRF's 100% funding goal, maintains intergenerational equity, and minimizes disruptions to employers.


See General Memo  633 

December Board Meeting Highlights

At the December 2012 Board meeting, the Board:
  • Honored exiting Executive Trustee Ruth Faklis
  • Certified results of 2012 Executive, Employee Trustee Elections
  • Elected 2013 Board Officers 
  • Adopted a comprehensive funding policy
  • Approved the 2013 Board meeting schedule
  • Approved program vendor for Modernization project 

Read more in the December Board Meeting Highlights 

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