
In this Issue
Upcoming Events at a Glance


Click on the event name for a link to additional details, including contact and RSVP information.  Event dates subject to change.  Click here  to view the full 2016 Redwood Region calendar online.

August 2016
Saturday8/13Pech Merle Winery
Saturday8/27Maple Creek Winery

September 2016
Saturday9/3Autocross #8
Sunday9/4Redwood Pool Party
Sunday9/18Ledsen Concours, Zone 7

Click here  for a single-page 2016 Redwood Region calendar in PDF format.

From the Editor

by Jamie DeRuiter, der Riesenbaum Editor

  We have two months of awesome events coming up this August and September.  With summer winding down these two fun filled months offer you a chance to get out before fall/winter hits us.  We have a couple of winery tours coming up, our annual pool party and the fabulous Ledsen Concours event.  By the time I write my next editor's message we will have had two more autocrosses as well.  Then, at the end of September, we have our Oktoberfest event for all you beer lovers out there.  

  I was blessed this month with many writers submitting some very cool articles.  I need all the content I can get so please feel free to submit something if you find yourself wanting to share a recent Porsche adventure.  I want to thank Ben Davoren and James Rosen for submitting their writing and photos to me this month for inclusion in our newsletter.  Volunteers are our life blood.  Thanks guys!

  Enjoy this months issue.  It was fun putting it together.  Now I have to go because I hear my 912 calling to me from the garage...

Shift Toward Adventure,

Presidents Message
mike hinton headshot 2011
by Mike Hinton, President

I won't bore all of you with the myriad of details of Craig and my 10-day trip (mostly) tracing the original 1913 route of the Lincoln Highway, which is the first dedicated transcontinental highway in the United States.  Suffice to say that we both got to see a part of America that you just don't experience when you stick to the Interstate highways.  We met many friendly people along the way (especially in Iowa), and both cars performed flawlessly all the way back, despite driving on about 20 miles of dirt/gravel roads.  I must admit that when I was driving to work on July 7 (a one-way trip of 4 miles), it seemed strange not to be driving for 10+ hours that day!
So, after my 8,110-mile round trip, I learned a few things.  First, I'm glad that I'm a Porsche owner, because I LOVE to drive, and it's hard to imagine a better car for driving than a Porsche.  Any Porsche will do.  Second, we are fortunate to live in a beautiful country, much of which is lightly populated.  Driving through farmland and small towns for hours at a time had a calming effect.  I highly recommend the experience.  Finally, the PCA lived up to its motto that the Club is about people as much as it is about cars.  When I faced by flat tire issue, it was a fellow PCA member, Chris Harrell, who came to my rescue remotely.  Without his help, I would not have been able to finish my trip.  Our Club is a great resource for its members.
So, with the big driving trip out of the way, it was time to get back into the rhythm of summer, and that means autocrosses and tours.  We had strong turnout at both of our July events, including several first-time attendees.  As expected, we had over 60 people attend the Field Stone Winery event, led by Vern Rogers.  Once again, the BBQ lunch was delicious, and the selection of wines to taste was outstanding.  In fact, the wines were so good that I joined the Wine Club.  I'm looking forward to the next Club shipments for sure!
Your Club has a busy slate of events in August.  The first weekend features another autocross (and the weather forecast looks good!), then, we have winery events on August 13 and August 27.  These events represent a great opportunity to get out and mingle with your fellow members, and most importantly, to DRIVE YOUR PORSCHE!!
As always, we welcome your input about any of our current or future events.  Please contact any of us with questions or concerns.

Mike Hinton - President, 707-963-7827,
Craig Steele - Vice-President, 707-953-1100,
Chip Witt - Secretary, 707-481-8804,
Jerry Gladstone - Treasurer, 707-525-8623,
Vern Rogers - Past President, 415-420-9567,

In The Zone
by Sandy Provasi, Zone 7 Representative
Parade wrapped up at Jay Peak Resort, Vermont at the end of June.  One of the highlights for Zone 7 was Sacramento Valley Region receiving the PCA National Region of the Year trophy. Way to go SVR!
August is a very busy month in the Provasi house. Tom is the Chair of Werks Reunion, a gathering of Porsches on Friday, August 19, during car week in Monterey County. Last year 800 cars were present and parked by model. You can enter the Concours or the Corral.  There are great door prizes for all who sign up, like a chance to win a trip to Le Mans 2017, a trip to the Porsche Experience Center in Atlanta or Michelin tires! Bring a picnic or just wander around. You are sure to see some great cars and enthusiasts. This event takes many volunteers to make it happen. We are always looking for a few more volunteers to help direct cars, do check in or help as needed. Contact Sharon Neidel at to volunteer for Werks.
Also, during car week in Monterey, the Rolex Monterey at Laguna Seca from Friday Aug. 19-21 is happening. PCA will have a Car Corral at the inside of turn 5 on Sat/Sun. The corral is sold out, but you can still come by the tent with your Porsche key for a cool drink and good spot to watch the races.
Save the date for Parade next summer. The 62nd Porsche Parade will be held in Spokane, Washington from July 9-15, 2017. It is a nice drive in your Porsche for a week in Spokane with fellow PCA members.
Looking forward-
*Treffen at Squaw Valley, Sept. 7-11
*Redwood Region Zone Concours #6 at Ledson Winery, Sept. 18th
*LPR/GGR zone Autocross weekend #6/7, Sept. 24-25th
*Yosemite Region Zone Concours #7 at Livermore Porsche, Oct. 9th

Safe driving,
Sandy Provasi
Zone 7 Rep

Kurt's Korner
by Kurt Fischer
I'm leading several fun events in the near future...want to follow the cosmetically challenged 911 SC Weissach to fun, food and of course, WINE?
August 13, 2016 - We are off to Redwood Region members...Bruce and Cheryl Lawton's Pech Merle Winery in beautiful downtown Geyserville for our 3rd annual VaVaVrooom potluck BBQ!  Bring your own plates and flatware.  Limit is 50 people so get your RSVP's in soon!
Use this link to MSR to RSVP and don't forget to bring your side dishes!
Special discounts for all attendees and with their award winning wines!
August 27, 2016 - Great back roads tour to Maple Creek of our favorite wineries with host Tom Rodrigues and his stunning wines!  Another potluck; bring your side dishes and get set for al fresco dining under the spreading oak trees!
September 4, 2016 - Time for our annual Pool Party at the wonderful home of John and Wynne Bergman's in Forestville!  We will use a caterer for this event...I'm working on Randy Apel who we have used in past years!  Save this date!  More details in the near future.
Am I seeing a pattern here?  The Redwine Region tours are in full swing for summer!
Join part of the fun crowd that enjoys our events!  Got questions?  If so, contact me at or 415-819-2210
See you on the back roads and keep the shiny side up!


ledsonLedson Concours September 18th, 2016

Mobile Works West


New online Goodie Store

Visit our NEW Goodie Store!

 To see our NEW online store click HERE.
pechPech Merle Winery Va Va Vroom 2016

Third Annual Pech Merle Winery "Va Va VROOM"
Pech Merle (pesh-mael) n.,  1.  translates to 'cave under the hill' in the ancient Occitan language  2. a boutique, family-run winery dedicated to cultivating the very best of Sonoma County.
Come celebrate those seductive headlights and rear-ends as we "Va Va VROOM" our way through beautiful Sonoma County to Alexander Valley.  After we vroom through the valley we will enjoy lunch at the Pech Merle Tasting Room in charming downtown Geyserville.
Chicken will be on the grill to accompany our award-winning lineup of Sauvignon Blanc, Ros�, Pinot Noir, Zinfandel and Cabernet Sauvignon.
We have had such amazing foods at the Porsche Pot-Lucks, the salads, side dishes and desserts will be in that same fashion, so please bring your favorite dish to share!
If your last name begins with ___ , please bring ___ :
  • *       A-G         Salad
  • *       H-N         Side Dish
  • *       O-Z         Dessert
We are thrilled to be hosting our third Porsche event and look forward to seeing all of you!
Bruce & Cheryl Lawton
  • *       Event date:  Saturday, August 13, 2016
  • *       $20.00 per person.
  • *       RSVP and pay by Thursday, August 11 using
  • *       NOTE:  Please bring your own sustainable eating service. We will provide wine glasses for wine tasting and water.
  • *       When tasting has concluded, wine will be available for purchase to enjoy with your dinner, by the glass or bottle.
  • *       Pech Merle wines will be available for purchase at a special Porsche Club discount.
  • *       Max number of people limited to 50
We will meet at Kaffe Mocha at 10:00am for a 10:30pm sharp departure for our back roads tour to the Pech Merle Tasting Room.
Pech Merle Winery address:
21001 Geyserville Avenue, Geyserville, CA 95441
Questions?  Contact Kurt Fischer at

Register for the event HERE
Field Stone Winery Tour
by Ben Davoren

Why you should come out to a Redwood PCA Event: Our latest Field Stone Winery Tour         
"It's not just the cars, it's the people". So the PCA motto goes, but for the first four years I owned my Porsche (2007 987 Boxster) I was pretty confident it was about the cars...and then I finally joined the Redwood Region PCA. Since then I have enjoyed the company of people who all delight in the same secret: we get to have more fun than any other drivers on the road, and on some of the most scenic roads in the world. Perhaps our motto should be "Can you believe how great this is?"

Saturday, July 23rd, more than 60 of us in 33 Porsches came together under ideal summer skies to share that secret on a now annual mission: a tour up to the Field Stone Winery in the Alexander Valley. Past President and Tour Organizer, Vern Rogers, got us in the mood for the drive as we dominated the parking lot near the Santa Rosa Airport with a wonderful array of colors and models, from a beautifully-maintained Speedster through a few Boxster S's that looked like they'd just left the showroom. Of course there were some rules to go through for our 55-mile route but everyone was smiling. At least 6 new members or visitors were introduced, which is just the way Vern likes it.

We split into two groups and headed out west towards Forestville along River Road, then looped back northward to run along Westside Road and then West Dry Creek Road. Everybody kept together at a fun pace; the weather was just perfect for those of us in convertibles (and we get to hear those wonderful engine sounds reverberating). Even the occasional cyclist peloton didn't engender any frustration. We all admired the vines of the Dry Creek Valley floor and the gorgeous blue sky...and extremely well-maintained roads!

A creative route took us east under Highway 101 on Dutcher Creek Road through the growing-but-still-cute town of Geyserville and back down into the Alexander Valley to our destination: Field Stone Winery, with a refreshing Sauvignon Blanc awaiting us under their tremendous old oak trees and picnic tables. Six varietal tastings let us each pick our favorites to have with tri-tip, sausages, pasta, salad, beans, and of course, great company and a great view of their vineyards. After a little meandering to take a closer look at the many decades of Porsche represented in our group, a lot of stories were shared, and dessert was topped off with either a Port or late-harvest Viognier, showing off the diversity of Field Stone's offerings. There was a steady stream of PCAers squirreling a few bottles of their new finds into their cars, strategizing which trunk or seat well would minimize the rattling or the heat for bag or box.

By mid-afternoon, I think nobody really wanted to leave, but we all recognized two things: all good things must come to an end...and there will be another Redwood PCA event soon!





Two Redwood Region leaders drive their Porsches and crisscross America
by Craig A Steele, Redwood Region Vice President
In 2015, Mike Hinton(Redwood Region President), Brenda Hinton(Mike's wife) and myself decided to drive our Porsches 3000 miles to Jay Peak for the 2016 annual Porsche Parade. Mike selected his 996 GT3.   I drove my 2006 Cayman S (last year I drove the Cayman to French Lick, IN and returned home via the Route 66). I decided to ship my Porsche to my daughter's home in Parker Colorado so my route to Vermont would only be a 2000 mile drive. In June, Mike and I started our journeys. He immediately had a tire rupture outside of Reno. Mike was able to get a replacement tire and got back on the road after a six-hour delay. Mike and I briefly overlapped our driving at the Iowa Speedway in Newton, Iowa. Otherwise, we didn't really see each other again until Vermont; the night before the start of Jay Peak Parade. Brenda Hinton flew into Burlington VT that day for our reunion at our hotel.

This is the story about our Porsche Parade (PP) experience as well as returning to the Redwood Region by navigating the original Lincoln Highway (LH), America's first interstate, established in 1913. We started at the LH Eastern Terminus sign on the corner of New York City's E. 42nd Ave and Broadway and drove 3555 miles to the LH Western Terminus' concrete marker in San Francisco's Lincoln Park across from to the Legion of Honor.  Mike and I took ten days to get back to our Northern California homes.
Sunday, June 19thwe drove the Porsches approximately two hours to JAY Peak Resort to start our Parade event. The Hinton's had booked a two bedroom condo just minutes away from the main activity center of the Parade events. Our registration process went OK, Brenda needed a name tag and Mike had volunteer duties at the art show. Brenda and I checked into the condo and unpacked the Porsches. We opted to skip the Welcome party and do a home cooked meal at our condo.
Monday, June 20thI volunteered for Concours day on the hydration team and drove a golf cart handing out lots of bottled water on an extremely hot day.
Tuesday, June 21st, we drove both the GT3 and Cayman S down  Vermont's' scenic Highway 100 to the Vermont Country Store. It took all day and we got to see a lot of what Vermont is known for including the Ben & Jerry's ice cream factory, the town of Stow, white marshmallow looking hay bales, etc. We also experienced lots of road construction, detours and delays. That evening, Mike and Brenda attended the annual PCA Presidents meeting. I stayed home relaxed after the days long drive and caught up with my FB posts and did some laundry.

Wednesday, June 22nd, we stayed in the local area and got caught in a summer rainstorm. Brenda wanted to visit a local health food store and afterword we drove to the first day of auto crossing at a local airport. Both Mike and I agreed that we were glad we skipped the AX this year to enjoy more touring.
Thursday, June 23rd, was our trip to Montreal.  Mike and Brenda had visited the city several times so they guided me through all the signs in French and visiting the best local sites. We started in the historic part of the city including a tour of the Basilique Norte-Dame. Later we walked through Montreal's Chinatown and ended up on St. Catherine Street for lunch. The border crossing back into the US was interesting because both Mike and I had not signed our passports. The border official was very nice about that and commented on our parade numbers then waived us back into Vermont.
Friday, June 24th, was our last full day at Parade. I attended five of the Tech Academy sessions. They are very informative and I learned a lot about Porsches and their care. That night the three of us had a lot of fun at the Auto Cross Banquet.
Saturday, June 25th, we headed south after leaving the resort and headed for Hartford Connecticut. Brenda and Mike wanted to visit a local Dog chapel along the way and pay respects to their departed pets. We arrived at our Hartford hotel, checked in and drove over to the Mark Twain's home and museum. That was a very special experience and expanded our knowledge of the famous American author, his family and body of work.
Sunday, June 26th, we drove in New York City's Midtown Manhattan and got caught in a parade, lots of arm waving traffic cops, potholes, taxicabs and crowds of clueless pedestrians. We decided to park the Porsches, check-in to our hotel and hoof it around the city. We had a crash course in subway travel and headed downtown to walk partway across the Brooklyn Bridge and see the 9/11 memorial museum. Later the three of us rode back to Time Square and ate at the John's world famous Pizza restaurant.
Monday, June 27th, the three of us continued our Manhattan Midtown foot exploration. First, we went to the top of the Empire State Building on one of the rare clear days. After that, we saw Time Square, Carnegie Hall, Rockefeller Center, Radio City, Central Park, etc. The three of us ended this amazing 24-hour taste of NYC by driving by the LH Eastern Terminus sign and navigating the Porsches through the Lincoln tunnel to our New Jersey hotel.

Tuesday June 28th, Mike and I bid farewell to Brenda that morning as she was flying home to SFO from Newark airport; this is where Mike and I switched into the Lincoln Highway travel mode. We needed to stay in tight formation with our Porsches finding these historic roadways. We never used the interstates or toll roads unless they were built over the original roadbeds. Each driver had a radio for inter Porsche communication. Mike plotted our journeys using an app called Waze. I was the designated sweeper with my Garmin GPS locator ready to go as backup when we got lost. Getting lost happened a lot as we figured out how to get through crowded New Jersey and the Philadelphia suburbs. We finally stopped at a Friendly Restaurant in Malvern PA, Highway 30W for food and restroom break. We checked into our Marriott's Chambersburg PA hotel after 12 hours of driving.

From that point we were in a route travel process. Each morning we got cleaned up and went to the hot breakfast offered at every Marriott then drove our route to the next Marriott. That evening after dinner, Mike would review the LH web map and taking notes on key route and locations of LH markers. While he was doing that; I was posting on Facebook our previous day photos and text. I also documented the daily trip results: stopped/moving times, miles covered as well as gas purchased and calculated the MPG. Our average daily driving to 8.3 hours per day with about an hour of not moving, mph varied from 25 to 67.
Mike and I developed into quite the travel team in an effort to stay as much of original LH roadways. We stayed in nine Marriott's hotels from New Jersey to South Lake Tahoe.  He and I are currently accumulating all the documentation to submit to the Lincoln Highway Association for their annual Recognition Award for Completion of the Coast-to-Coast Travel.
One of the questions we get asked "What do you take with you on a cross county trip". Mike would say a credit card and a AAA card. We packed extra synthetic oil, coolant, car tools, flares, manual and electric tire pumps, cloths, window cleaner, electrical car battery chargers, flashlights, extra fuses, etc. The one set of devices we depended on more than anything else were our hand held radios. They helped us find our way, broadcasted when we need to stop, report on missed photo opts , turn-offs, U turns, any roadside emergency, police presence, zombie driver alerts, etc.
Drinking water and lots of healthy snacks are important for a drivers comfort. Getting 91 or better octane gas on some routes proved difficult especially avoiding fuel laced with 10% ethanol.
We both regularly autocross with the Redwood Region. The driving skills we develop at those events are life saving during actual behind the wheel experience. Also, driving a Porsche has an additional benefit of the best brakes on the planet, the most agile steering and race-car like suspension.
A must for this journey was eating at one of the 'Dives, Diners and Drive-ins' recommended eateries. Mike and I love Salt Lake City's Red Iguana, known for their Mexican mole dishes. It is one place that we needed to visit.
Brenda Hinton posted this last message about our journey:
The boys made it home from their 3 week cross country Lincoln Highway Adventure. After traversing the LH 1913 route (the first US trans-continental highway ever built), the final tallies are in:
  • Total mileage 8037 (LH 3555 NY to SF)
  • 16 States
  • 1 Province
  • 350 gallons of gas
  • 1 chipped windshield
  • 1 flat tire
  • 8 National Historic Landmarks
  • 1 giant waterpark
  • 3 birds
  • 1 near miss on a prairie dog
  • 1 dinosaur
  • Epic number of bugs
  • 50 plus Lincoln Hwy concrete markers, signs, plaques, murals, and pole markings photographed along with one bridge
  • More dirt roads then they would have liked
  • ...And all that with No speeding tickets
Bravo!!! Mike and Craig. Next??? perhaps the Alaska Highway?
Actually we have the 2017 Spokane Porsche Parade to plan, come play with us in route to East Washington.

Pictured are Mike and Craig at the Lincoln Highway Eastern terminus sign (June 28th) and Western terminus marker (July 6th).                      

Maple Creek Winerymaple

Register HERE
Bertolli's Auto Body


Redwood Pool Partypool

Register HERE

Autocross #6, July 9th, 2016
by Grady Carter, Redwood Region Autocross Director

I will start out with a couple of autocross announcements:

  1)     A new autocross date of October 29 has been added to the schedule.  This is a replacement for the rained out autocross in March.  Here's to hoping our Indian Summer holds until then.

  2)     We are "test driving" a new guest invitation policy where Redwood Region members can invite a guest to participate (who can drive their own car) in our autocrosses.  If interested in this program please contact me at for the process of inviting a guest.

  Now for the July autocross.  We had our highest participation so far this year and what caught my eye was the fact that there were participants from four different regions: Redwood, of course, plus Diablo, Golden Gate, Sacramento Valley and California Inland Regions.  I had to look up that last one.  It is part of Zone 8 so I guess that gives James Rosen the "most distance travelled" honorable mention.

James Rosen's lime gold Boxster with his friend Mark behind the wheel

  The Out-of-Regioners did well with Carl Winkler (SVR), Deb Suttkus (Diablo), Joe Lee (GGR), and Tosh Yumae (GGR) taking home class wins in AX9, AX9-L, AX10, and S06, respectively.

  Our Redwood first timers were Paul Luca, Donna Halow, and Murphey Parker.  Donna and Murphey were driving their SUVs, an unusual site at one of our autocrosses.  Donna's Macan S proved to be the faster of the two with, I'm sure, ride height and weight being major factors over Murphey's Cayenne.  Paul also made a good showing taking first in the S04 class in his Cayman S over two Boxster S'.

Donna Halow's Macan S in action

  In our handicap adjusted competition (PAX), Bob Schoenherr, our head driving instructor, really mastered the course in his 1974 914 with a 45.269 second run to give himself a PAX time of 40.470 to find himself over a full second clear of the rest of the field.  It also pulled him within 10 points, 454 to 464, of Grady Carter for the season.

Remaining Autocrosses:

August 6
September 3
October 8
Octorber 29

Hope to see you at the next autocross and happy motoring,

Grady Carter
Redwood Autocross Director

Treffen Lake Tahoe September 7-11, 2016

Visit their website HERE

Redwood History - August 1983


Board Meeting Minutes

Chip Witt
by Chip Witt, Redwood Region Secretary

Redwood Region Board Meeting Minutes - The minutes from the July 26th, 2016 Board meeting will be available after approval at the August 30th, 2016 meeting.  Read previous board meeting minutes here.  
Our next Board Meeting is scheduled for 7:00 p.m. on August 30th, 2016 at Novato Mary's Pizza Shack, 121 San Marin Drive, Novato, CA 94945. All members are welcome to attend.  
Membership Report
by Tom Short, Redwood Region Membership Director
In July 2016, 28PCA Redwood Region members marked five or more years in the club. A special thank you goes out to five members who marked anniversaries of over 30 years. Congratulations and thank you to all of you who are marking anniversaries - I hope you are enjoying your membership and taking advantage of all the great benefits our club has to offer!
In June we welcomed five new members - I hope you take advantage of the excellent activities we have on tap this summer. You will be receiving a complimentary Redwood Region name badge shortly, along with a coupon good for a free autocross. Check out our website for upcoming autocross events. Also, you can order a name badge for your associate member there as well.
Be sure to check out the calendar on our website, and keep an eye on it as new events are added as we finalize them. I encourage everyone to participate in your club's events - it's a great way to meet other PCA members and have some fun with great people and our amazing cars

If you spot any errors or have any questions about membership please feel free to email me at or call me at 415-300-7457.
Tom Short

New Members:

Anniversaries (five years or more):

Membership Information

Please contact Tom Short, Membership Director for general information about Club membership, including changes of address and/or contact information, dual-membership inquiries, inter-region transfers, membership referrals, and name badges.

Redwood Region Members are welcome and encouraged to attend monthly Board Meetings, held on the last Tuesday of each month (except December) at 7:00 p.m. Month Day Year meeting will be at Novato Mary's Pizza Shack, 121 San Marin Drive, Novato, CA 94945.
CASA Flyer


Redwood Region Contacts
2016 Redwood Region Board of Directors

Executive Council                                                                        Appointed Directors
mike hinton headshot 2011


Jamie De Ruiter

Craig Steele, Vice President
Grady Carter



bob schoenherr headshot 2011


Chip Witt

Chip Witt, Secretary

Mac Cranford


vern rogers, Past President



   Ad-Hoc Committee


kurt fischer headshot


Tom Short

Tom Short, Membership Director
david bunch headshot 2011


Zone 7 Representative

david bunch headshot 2011



der Marktplatz

PORSCHE Panorama Collection 

 - Pick them up and they're yours!

1972 (Apr-Dec) through 1979
1981 through 1982 (Jan.-Aug.)
2003 through 2015

Cell: 415-867-7667

 1999 Boxster headlights.  Low and high beam bulbs have been removed.  Tinted film covering yellow reflectors that could be removed.  Slight haze, but no other problems.  $100  Andy Cell 707-494-0100

2004 Boxster Project Car

WP0CA29834S620883 engine failed with IMS problem at 89,000 miles. Never crashed, never tracked. 2nd owner. 5 speed manual. Exterior (black), full leather interior (black), top (black) all in good shape. New rear brakes. 4 Michelin pilot sport tires at 84,500 miles. Full service record. More pictures available.

Asking $7,500. Offers accepted. 


1969 Porsche 911 GT Race Car with 3.4L Race Engine: !

Fully developed and sorted 1969 911 GT race car with fresh 3.4L racing engine. Currently set up for PCA and Porsche Racing Club GT3 class. Current engine, suspension design and set up by Mat Lowrance of Reno Rennsport.

 PCA and NASA logbooks. Dry weight of 19xx pounds (with oil). Fresh and unpainted 993 widebody fiberglass bodywork. Phone or email for details and additional photos. !

Dual axle open trailer with large front mounted tire rack, fuel jug storage and lockable tool box. ! Spares and supplies include fuel transport bottles, funnel, et cetera. ! A turnkey racing package. $125K + to duplicate, asking $54,000 OBO !

Contact: Neil Jackson: 925.785.0247 or Located in Orinda CA.

This Carrera IV wheel was introduced for the 997.2 in 2009 but should fit any 997. They've seen about a dozen street use...and are in near-perfect condition; no curb rash or significant dings. Great for mounting AX tires, winter tires, or to upgrade your scuffed original street wheels. Mounted with Michelin Sport Cups, 235x40 F 295x30 R with 1/3+ tread left. Tires are freebies; I'm pricing for the wheels only. Hi-res pictures of individual wheels available on request. $800
Contact Mike Beavers 707-546-4698

2005 Boxster S: 63,875 mi.
Triple black, Rare factory hardback sport seats, HRE 567R wheels & stainless welded exhaust. I'm not sure the brand of exhaust it was on the car when we bought it.. Neillo Porsche in Rockland has done all the service work since we have owned it. Runs and looks great!  Additional pictures upon request.
Cell: 415-328-4718

1992/2008 964 race car: PCA GT3 Zone 7 Champion 2012, 2nd nationally and 3 time NASA/PRC GTL class champion. Currently racing with PCA & NASA log books. Jerry Woods 3.6L & G-50 6 speed, Guards GT3 LSD, coil over suspension, 'big red' brakes, two sets 10.5 & 13 by 16 Jongbloed wheels, approx. 2,100 lbs., Getty GT 2 Evo fiberglass body with 55 in. GT 3 Cup wing. All safety equipment, radio, cool shirt, etc.
The car is in excellent condition with low hours on all major components. The car has been professionally maintained by Jerry Woods Enterprises and has always had repairs/replacement as needed, for example the wheels and shock are currently being rebuilt. It was painted in June and looks great. No issues, needs or stories. The car is fast, dependable and fun to drive. It is especially easy to drive at the limit.  Easily does 1:42's at Sonoma (1:41.8 in June), 1:54's at T-Hill and 1:35's at Laguna Seca.  For more details, see pdf here.

 $59,500. Contact Gary Willard 650-477-7039 or        

1997 993 TT has 46,700 miles on it. 

Artic silver/rubicon interior. Hardback sport seats, roof liner in leather, 6 CD changer. All stock except PSS 10 suspension. Original parts come with the car.

Only repaint was front bumper. Car is fantastic, I measured the paint to verify. Looks like new! Won numerous awards in SoCal. Engine top end and turbos redone at 38,000 miles. Also clutch. Runs perfect, absolutely no problems, everything works.  More photos here

VIN: WP0AC2999VS375292
Price: $189K

Contact Info: Jochen Rohr:

1970  Porsche 911 T Targa
Meticuously maintained and upgraded by the same owner for 24 years
California car, no rust
Rare 15" Mahle magnisium wheels w/hand-painted centers
OEM Recaro Sport seats
OEM "S" front spoiler
Euro H-1 headlights
Weber conversion
rare rebuilt 4-speed transmission w/short-shift kit
4k miles on split case engine complete rebuild with "E" pistons and distributor
Dino steering wheel
26206 indicated mileage
Tornado Red/Black (change of color)
Nakamichi cd player w/5 speaker 1100 watts amplifiers
Receipts & Logbook   $75,000 
Contact Fred Miramontes
209-451-9794   or

'72 911 Racecar and licensed California car, 
built to PCA Club Racing GT-1; runs SCCA ITE
3.8L twin-turbo air-cooled motor, MSD Ignition, Haltech fuel control, est 700+ hp at safe boost levels. Meets 103db. 24-gallon FuelSafe. G50/50 transmission - rare, very strong.  Elsinor/ERP front end, 993 multi-link rear suspension.  RSR-type bodywork, mostly fiberglass and Plexiglas, drop-hood cooling, aggressive rear wing.  2170 lbs.  2 sets Fikse wheels  18/17, runs 285/30 fronts & 335/35 rears or 26*9*18 fronts & 25.5*12*17 rears.  Full logs.  $75,000. 

 Hank Watts, 408-245-4040 PDT

1 BBS wheel 16 x 8. 
 3 piece NOS, never mounted, for 911.  Not perfect, clear coat on outside rim starting to show age.  $500 

contact Steve McCrory at

Authentic BBS LM Wheel for Porsche 18" x 9.5" et55 5x130 Bolt Pattern - $500 OBO ( price change)
I have one spare, authentic BBS LM wheel for sale. It is 18" x 9.5" et55 with standard 5x130 Porsche bolt pattern. It fits perfectly as a rear wheel on 986 Boxsters, but also can work on 993 and 996 narrow body models. New these wheels run close to $1000 each plus shipping and sales tax. They are also made to order and take time for delivery. These wheels are period appropriate to '90s and early '00s Porsches and are considered by many as the most desirable aftermarket wheels.

Spec: 1 Rear Wheel: 18" x 9.5" et 55
Condition: Like-New and never mounted. There are two small knicks in the lip from being moved around in storage, otherwise it is pristine and clean enough to eat off of.  Price: $500 OBO (+ shipping and PayPal fees if not local)

Local buyers with cash-in-hand preferred (SF Bay Area), but I am willing to ship these at the buyer's expense. Contact me at or 510-882-6745.



Classified ads for Porsches and Porsche-related parts or accessories are available at no charge to PCA members and may be submitted to the editor via email by the 5th of the month to be included in that month's issue of der Riesenbaum. Ads will run for three months, space permitting, unless canceled by the seller. Classified ads are also included in the der Marktplatz section on our Club website. Editor may modify ad copy as needed based on space constraints, and is not responsible for content, errors or omissions. Commercial ads are not accepted. Please contact Sponsorship Director Simone Kopitzki at 415.299.7563 for sponsorship information and rates. 


Der Riesenbaum is the official newsletter of the Porsche Club of America, Redwood Region, encompassing Del Norte, Humboldt, Lake, Marin, Mendocino, Napa, and Sonoma Counties. This publication is intended to inform Club members about Club activities and other related matters of interest. The opinions expressed in der Riesenbaum are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official position of the Porsche Club of America, Redwood Region, its officers, or its members.


Letters to the editor, feedback, questions, and suggestions about der Riesenbaum and the Redwood Region in general are welcome. We also encourage members to submit photos and/or write-ups about Club events or related activities. Written contributions and photos are welcome and should be emailed to the editor. The submission deadline for publication in der Riesenbaum is the 5th day of the month for that month's publication. Material received after the deadline will be considered for publication the following month. The editorial staff reserves the right to edit all material submitted for publication.


All written content and images in this publication are protected by copyright. Permission is granted to reprint any original content herein provided credit is given to the author, to der Riesenbaum, and to the Porsche Club of America, Redwood Region. 


Click here to visit us on the web or here to visit our Facebook page.


Thank you all for supporting your Club!


Jamie DeRuiter, der Riesenbaum Editor

Porsche Club of America, Redwood Region


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