
In this Issue
President's Message
From the Editors
Redwood Region Holiday Party
Annual Members' Meeting
Annual Members' Meeting
Concours 2014
Iceman Report Nov 1
Autocross Results
Redwood History
Board Meeting Minutes
Membership Report
Membership Information
Redwood Region Contacts
der Marktplatz
Upcoming Events at a Glance


Click on the event name for a link to additional details, including contact and RSVP information.  Event dates subject to change.  Click here  to view the full 2014 Redwood Region calender online.
November 2014
December 2014

January 2015



One One Fun Run



Redwood Region Tech Session Hi Tec

Click here  for a single-page 2014 Redwood Region calendar in PDF format.

President's Message

vern rogers headshot 2011
by Vern Rogers, Redwood Region President


Wow, November already. We just had our last club run for the year, and have the December 13th Holiday Party to look forward to. Our calendar meeting to plan 2015 events is done. Big thanks to Mike Hinton, Don Magdanz, James Heisey, Kurt Fischer, Chip Witt, and most especially Craig and Sandy Steele. Craig and Sandy not only hosted the meeting, but provided a sumptuous meal to all attendees. The meal really raised the bar for those hosting this event.


The last run mentioned above was a late afternoon, early evening drive through some great Sonoma and Napa back roads ending at the Plaza Bistro on the Sonoma Town Square. Don Magdanz, who most often does sweep for our runs took the lead on this one, and did a fantastic job of keeping the folks together. Don was also our contact with the Bistro. The food was excellent, and the company better. We had 20 members in attendance and all left very well fed and watered.


Autocross fans will be happy to know that we got all 9 dates that Grady submitted to the airport - our schedule for next year is set. Also of note is the fact that the airport runway expansion project is completing/has completed its last phase. We hope to have all sections of the track cleared of construction materials, including the giant pile of hay bales, before we start the 2015 season.


2015 will once again see us doing a tour to Field Stone Winery in July, as well as drives to and events at other wineries as well.


Although we have laid out a basic plan and many events for next year already, please do not hesitate to contact myself or other Redwood Board members with your suggestions for new events. Also, if you would like to become more involved in event planning and/or leadership there is plenty of opportunity and always a need. Please come out and support your club.


As noted above, this year's Holiday Party will be on the 13th of December. We will be back at Nourish in Mill Valley. This was the party location two years ago. The band will once again be Todd Morgan and the Emblems. This is the third year we have hired Todd to provide very danceable tunes for the party. If you have yet to attend one of these parties, or are new to the Region, please do come out. Food at Nourish is always fabulous and this year will be no exception. Nourish Restaurant is owned by Redwood Member Ray Kaliski, and I want to extend my thanks to him in advance. I know this year will be equal to or better than two years ago; thanks Ray! Thanks in advance to Ray's wife Carla and our own Simone Kopitzki who I know will do a beautiful job on table decorations.


That's all for now. Hope to see you on December 13th. Down the road.



From the Editors

by Jerry Gladstone, der Riesenbaum Co-Editor


Just in time for the holiday season, the Goodie Store has new Redwood Region logo wine glasses available. These are high quality 22 ounce Bordeaux-style German crystal and are only $6 each. For those of you who have been to the Field Stone Winery events, these glasses come from the same source as the winery's glasses. I bought a set for myself and also another for a gift. We are enjoying them very much and you will too. And being a Redwood Region member, you surely do not need instructions on how to use these tools.


Be sure to check out the flyer on the upcoming Holiday Party in this issue and on the website. Saturday evening, December 13th will see us at the Nourish Grill in Mill Valley for an evening of food, drink, live music, dancing and sharing holiday cheer with Porsche friends. Be sure to sign up on before the December 7th deadline. The annual Redwood Holiday Party is an event that is not to be missed.


Happy Thanksgiving and see you at the Holiday Party,



holidayRedwood Region Holiday Party - Saturday, December 13, 2014
Holiday Party

Holiday Party Menu
You will be asked to make an entr�e choice when you register.
Last day to register for this event is December 7 2014
Redwood Region events are not searchable on MSR so be sure to use the link here or the calendar.


Mobile Works West


sonnenSonnen Porsche Grand Opening - Friday, November 14, 2014

Sonnen Porsche

Annual Members' Meeting and Lunch Run - October 19, 2014

by Simone Kopitzki, Redwood Region Sponsorship Director, photos by Simone Kopitzki except as noted 


On October 19th about 40 members met in Novato to start the tour to our annual members' meeting. There were a few new members joining us for the first time and I hope they enjoyed the run as much as Thorsten and I did.


We left on our 67 mile run at about 10:30 am driving through the back roads of Marin and Sonoma Counties; we arrived around noon at the Union Hotel in Occidental.

Leaving Novato
Through the woods

Very sadly, our tour leaders Mike and Brenda had to stop at the north end of Chileno Valley Road with a flat tire. Coincidentally, Mike won a set of Michelin tires at the Tech Session at the Porsche Parade in Monterey. I hope he was able to use his prize for 20 inch tires (prize was for up to 19 inchers) - good luck on that Mike. Very sad Mike and Brenda could not make it to the lunch.

Over the mountain
Across the (Chileno) valley

When we arrived at the restaurant the tables were already set with the salads in place. The food was good as usual.

Slowly in Tomales
Arriving at the Union Hotel Occidental

Vern, our current president, thanked everyone who had contributed and supported the Club through their extraordinary efforts. He also encouraged everyone to assist the Board with future events and assignments. We are still in need of a newsletter editor for der Riesenbaum for next year. If you are interested in helping, please contact Jerry or Barbara to get information on what that help could be.

                     President Vern Rogers addressing the membership.            Photo by John Jackson.

The candidates running for 2015 executive committee positions introduced themselves and asked for the members' votes. It was very entertaining to hear their stories. I was very happy to see a new member stepping up to run for an office.


Over all it was once again a very nice run with a lot of fun. Thanks to everyone who made this event happen and especially to Don putting the event together.  

Cars Dawydiak


Concours 2014
by Steve McCrory, Redwood Region Member


Porsche Concours Photos





With the 2014 PCA Zone 7 Concours Season complete, and the Holiday Season here, it's time to look back at the year's events, and forward to 2015.  Seven events brought together Porsche Club enthusiasts from the Zone 7 Clubs of Northern California, to display and show examples of Porsche excellence, make new friends, and greet old friends from other regions.  Part of the Concours experience has always included passing on tips and advice about restoration and maintenance, as well as hearing the personal stories and history of the individual cars on display and the story of the "one that got away."  No we're not talking about the ex, but that car you didn't buy that's now worth more than your house.  For me, it was an Abarth Carrera, with two 356 coupes thrown in for $10,000.  If you see the Wayback Machine, send it to my house.  Who knew?


Special thanks go out to all who helped make the 2014 Concours Series a success; those who shared their cars for us to enjoy for display and judging, the judging teams, event chairs, and sponsors who provided locations to stage our events as well as trophies.  You know who you are; we couldn't have done it without you.


For those planning on showing a car in the 2015 Zone 7 Concours Series, it's not too early to think about preparation, especially if it involves paint and body work, or upholstery projects.  They often take more time than our first estimate, so it's good to start early.  As always, talk to Redwood's sponsors who help support our club. Next year's events will also include the second Werks Reunion, August 14, 2015 as well as Rennsport Reunion V at Laguna Seca, October.9-11, 2015.  Save the date and make your hotel reservations now.



The Iceman Report: Redwood Autocross #9 - November 1, 2014

Article and Photos by Craig A. Steele, Redwood Region Secretary


The final Redwood Region autocross of 2014 was held on Saturday, November 1st. After a night of ghosts and goblins, 45 drivers descended on our Sonoma County Airport autocross course. The drivers were treated to two-lap "enduro-style" challenge on the still cold pavement. The afternoon sun warmed the asphalt improving tire grip resulting in faster run times. I wanted my final 2014 report to focus on the most important goal of autocross: how close can one drive around a cone without knocking it out of the box. Hitting a cone gets one a one second penalty added to your run time. This often comes as a surprise (to some) at the end of the run when your time slip is handed to you.


Below are a collection of photos of various Porsche/drivers rounding the start and the station 4 turns. All drivers pictured, except Bob Schoenherr, successfully navigated the cones without contact. Which Porsche/drivers came the closest without hitting the cone. Guess the closest? E-mail me with your guess: Craig. 


Bob Schoenherr, #76: cone destroyer!
B. Davoren, #609, scoots by the station 4 cones
 on his way to his best time of 71.417 seconds.
G. Carter, #56, rounding station 4 in his
white Carrera. Best time was 70.071 seconds.

T. Bayliss, #240, slips by one of the station 4 cones as he heads to his
61.851 second two-lap time; top time of day for any driver.
M. Hinton, #109, lifts his front tire as his 911
 rounds the cones at the start turn. Best
 time: 70.387 seconds.
K. Halvorsen, #10L, in her Cayman rounds the
 start turn during her second lap. She turned
 in her best time of day at 83.931seconds.
B. Adkins, #7, in his Cayman S speeds by station 4's last cone on his way to his best time of 69.078".
S. O'Connell, #63, in her silver Boxster rounding the start turn cones on her way to a time of 73.445".
The Iceman's Cayman S - "Gator45"































This is my last Iceman Report as next season I plan to be behind the wheel of my Cayman S (above) instead of my Nikon. In mid-November, I will be driving my "Gator45" back from San Diego to Santa Rosa via Highway 1. Love those curvy Porsche-friendly roads.

Autocross Results


This link will take you to the Autocross results hosted on the Redwood Region website.   Autocross Results 




Redwood History - 1981

1982 Parade Plans - Reno - November 1981 Board minutes


A.  Look for the entry forms in the November issue of Panorama

(2014 registration on-lne)


B.  The Rally and Auto-X Awards will be given at the Saturday night banquet (individual meal ticket for this banquet is $28) -

2014 individual banquet tickets were $75.


Porsche Parade Reno 1982

Gibson Rally Report


Vowing that "no one will get lost.", Jim Gibson began the driver's meeting for Redwood Region's last rally of 1981.  Jim explained that Highway 1 was not on the rally route!


The confusion that was cleared up at the driver's meeting lingered on for most navigators right through Checkpoint one.  Plenty of free zones, the tranquil Sonoma countryside, and a few well-placed false checkpoints calmed our nerves and sharpened our wits for the next three legs.  

Redwood Region Rally

The rest of the story - der Riesenbaum Dec 1981


TRG - The Racer's Group


Board Meeting Minutes

by Craig Steele, Redwood Region Secretary

Redwood Region Board Meeting Minutes - The minutes from the October 29, 2014 Board meeting will be available after approval at the November meeting.  Read previous board meeting minutes here.
Our next Board Meeting is scheduled for 7:00 p.m. on November 25, at Ghiringhelli Pizzeria Grill & Bar, 1535 South Novato Blvd., Novato.  All members are welcome to attend.
Bertolli's Auto Body


BusiBee Bookkeeping


Membership Report

bob schoenherr headshot 2011
by Bob Schoenherr, Redwood Region Membership Director

                                Notes from Membership


Congratulations to our 40+ and 30+ year members.Look at how many new members we picked up for October. Our Region's membership continues to grow as we get to the end of 2014.  I saw some new members at our last autocross of the season on November 1st.  What a great group of people joining us at the AX. I think we have them hooked on AX.  I think you all know I sure am.


Speaking of Autocross, this 2014 season has been quite a challenge with construction distractions and other items that has made it a challenge for us to put on the quality event you expect from the Redwood Region.  The number of AXers has grown too. We pulled off another great season; Grady and I need to recognize the special group that is always there to help.


Mr Iceman, water boy, our eyes and ears at the site, Craig Steele, best way to describe Craig is Mr fill-in. Tom Markovich who helps set up the course and is always around to help. Board members Vern, Michael, James, and Greg for tech,  cleanup, and filling in when we're short handed. Gate Keeper, Kurt.  All are members who come to compete and handle their work stations like pros.  A very special thanks to the one person wrecking crew for registration, worker herder and and ... that is my sweet Anita!  

As always, please feel free to email me at or call me at 707-289-4304 with any questions.




New Members


   Primary Members




   Affiliate Members




   Dual Members




   Total Members


Welcome October New Members to the Redwood Region.  We hope to see you at an upcoming event.

October New Members






Eduardo Diaz




Red 911 Carrera

Brent Hawkins





Peter Houser


San Anselmo


Black 911 GT3

Barry Landfield




Meteor Grey Metallic Cayman

Michael Oliver   


St Helena


Amazon Green 911 Carrera 2 Cabriolet

Peter Ronzani

Yvonne Greeley



912 Targa

John Sweeney




White 911 SC

Ryan Thompson




Alpine White 944

Mike Valentine


Corte Madera


Midnight Blue 911 Carrera

Johannes Vates


Hidden Valley Lake


Red 911 Carrera S Cabriolet

Bob Warrick


Santa Rosa


Black Boxster Spyder

Frank Kovacevic

transfer from LA



911 Turbo


 October Anniversaries - 5 years and over.  Happy Anniversary and Thanks to all of you.





John Byrne



Jose Garcia



Charles Wailes



Raymond Manzano



Richard Elb



William Newton



David Benson



Scott Alber



Edward Lee



Milann Reynolds



Frank Altamura



Charles Wear



Jay Polack



David Lundgren



George Nostrant



Lawrence Proctor



Michael Hinton



Thorsten Kopitzki



Warren Weagant



Michael Palumbo



Robert Boinski



Martin Kadlecovic



Lawrence St John



Lawrence St John



Phillip Yasuhara





Membership information is based on the Porsche Club of America National database. If you feel that any of the information included in this Membership Report is inaccurate, please contact the Editor or Membership Director.

Membership Information

Please contact Bob Schoenherr, Membership Director for general information about Club membership, including changes of address and/or contact information, dual-membership inquiries, inter-region transfers, membership referrals, and name badges.

Redwood Region Members are welcome and encouraged to attend monthly Board Meetings, held on the last Tuesday of each month (except December) at 7:00 p.m. at Ghiringhelli Pizzeria Grill & Bar, 1535 South Novato Blvd., Novato.
CASA Flyer


Redwood Region Contacts
2014 Redwood Region Board of Directors

Executive Council


Appointed Directors (missing photos will be posted soon)






Ad-Hoc Committees
der Marktplatz


1966 Porsche 912
FOR SALE:   1966 Porsche 912. 

One owner, bought new in S. F. in May 1966;  now must sell due to age and infirmities.  It's been garaged in Mill Valley, CA for its life; 5 instrument dash panel, 5 speed plus reverse gearbox, std. passenger seat, bucket seat driver's seat. Speedo reads 60,000 miles but that's 160. 

It's in good condition. More photos.  Asking $17,500.  Contact via e-mail at or Phone: 415-388-8493. 
BBS Wheel for Porsche
1 BBS wheel 16 x 8.  3 piece NOS, never mounted, for 911.  Not perfect, clear coat on outside rim starting to show age.  $500

contact Steve McCrory at 
Steel wheel for Porsche

4 Steel Wheels, 15 x 6 1/2. Pro built for early 911, never mounted but scratches will need touch-up $500.

contact Steve McCrory at
Porsche Whale Tail
For Sale- 1988 911 Carrera Take-off Parts (all in very good original OEM condition) 


 Whaletail Deck- complete $750.
 Rear Bumper- complete w/side extensions $200.
 Many other stock take-offs available from my SPEC 911 Project


Please call or email Scott Buchanan 
Porsche Factory Boxster Short Shifter
Porsche Factory Boxster/911 Short Shift Console/Kit - $350

For sale is a less than 8,000 mile used but like new factory Porsche short shift kit, part number 997-424-983-00.  The kit reduces shift throw distance by up to 35% on the 986 & 996 cars (somewhat less on the 996 & 997 cars).
I put it in my 2004 Boxster S and it took about 1.5 hours, the biggest part of the time was spent removing the center console.  It's pretty straight-forward and lots of videos and instructions online.  IMHO, it's one of the most best performance improvements you can make for the money and feels much tighter than the stock shifter assembly.  I got a good deal on a GT3 shift console so I replaced my short-shifter with that (and it actually has a longer throw, just a different feel).  It is slightly firm to engage 1st gear when cold however it warms up quickly and is so much nicer overall.   
The kit/console retails for ~$505.  As I understand it, the kit will work on 986, 987, 996, and 997, and Cayman models through 2012.
Phone:  415-889-3755  mail: 
Price:  $350 w/ Petaluma or San Rafael pickup, will ship for additional cost
Porsche PanoramaI want to give my 38 years of Panoramas  to  whomever wants them. Hopefully someone would be able to utilize them  in a learning/teaching situation about Porsches.

They are in Santa Rosa, please come pick them up.
 Gary Bayless, 
BBS wheel for Porsche
Authentic BBS LM Wheel for Porsche 18" x 9.5" et55 5x130 Bolt Pattern - $800 
I have one spare, authentic BBS LM wheel for sale. It is 18" x 9.5" et55 with standard 5x130 Porsche bolt pattern. It fits perfectly as a rear wheel on 986 Boxsters, but also can work on 993 and 996 narrow body models. New these wheels run close to $1000 each plus shipping and sales tax. They are also made to order and take time for delivery. These wheels are period appropriate to '90s and early '00s Porsches and are considered by many as the most desirable aftermarket wheels.

Spec: 1 Rear Wheel: 18" x 9.5" et 55
Condition: Like-New and never mounted. There are two small knicks in the lip from being moved around in storage, otherwise it is pristine and clean enough to eat off of.  Price: $800 firm. (+ shipping and PayPal fees if not local)

Local buyers with cash-in-hand preferred (SF Bay Area), but I am willing to ship these at the buyer's expense. Contact me at or 510-882-6745.
928 Forged FuchsGot Wheels?

Several sets of four platinum anodized 928 Fuchs FORGED Flat Dish "S" wheels available.

Size is 7J x 16.  ET65 backspacing.  Part # 928 361 021 05.
Approximately 18.5 lbs each.  Strongest, lightest wheels Porsche offered.
Some minor cosmetic flaws, but perfect for track or winter wheels.

$200 for a set of four.  (also have two in silver finish same size $50 each.)  Used up sticky tires included free of charge!

James Heisey: 
no photo   

2000-2004 Boxster S front bumper,  arctic silver                             $350/OBO

Alan Straub - Contact me at :  or by phone 707 996 9331 or 415 332 9331

Fikse Wheels
Fikse Wheels 11x18, 8.5x18  Sized for a 2004 GT3 but will fit many others even a Boxster with rear spacers. .Like new!!   $2400/OBO
Alan Straub - Contact me at : or by phone 707 996 9331 or 415 332 9331

Classified ads for Porsches and Porsche-related parts or accessories are available at no charge to PCA members and may be submitted to the editor via email by the 5th of the month to be included in that month's issue of der Riesenbaum. Ads will run for three months, space permitting, unless canceled by the seller. Classified ads are also included in the der Marktplatz section on our Club website. Editor may modify ad copy as needed based on space constraints, and is not responsible for content, errors or omissions. Commercial ads are not accepted. Please contact Sponsorship Director Simone Kopitzki at 415.299.7563 for sponsorship information and rates.   


Der Riesenbaum is the official newsletter of the Porsche Club of America, Redwood Region, encompassing Del Norte, Humboldt, Lake, Marin, Mendocino, Napa, and Sonoma Counties. This publication is intended to inform Club members about Club activities and other related matters of interest. The opinions expressed in der Riesenbaum are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official position of the Porsche Club of America, Redwood Region, its officers, or its members.


Letters to the editor, feedback, questions, and suggestions about der Riesenbaum and the Redwood Region in general are welcome. We also encourage members to submit photos and/or write-ups about Club events or related activities. Written contributions and photos are welcome and should be emailed to the editor. The submission deadline for publication in der Riesenbaum is the 5th day of the month for that month's publication. Material received after the deadline will be considered for publication the following month. The editorial staff reserves the right to edit all material submitted for publication.


All written content and images in this publication are protected by copyright. Permission is granted to reprint any original content herein provided credit is given to the author, to der Riesenbaum, and to the Porsche Club of America, Redwood Region. 


Click here to visit us on the web or here to visit our Facebook page.


Thank you all for supporting your Club!


Barbara McCrory & Jerry Gladstone, der Riesenbaum Co-Editors

Porsche Club of America, Redwood Region


2012 PCA RR Logo Gray Bkd

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