
In this Issue
President's Message
From the Interim Co-Editor(s)
Porsche World Roadshow
Kurt's Korner
It's all about the roads!
Zone 7 Concours #1
Zone 7 Concours #2
Zone 7 Concours #3
Redwood AX #6
Autocross Results
Legends of the Autobahn
Personal Porsches
PCA Escape to L.A.
Tech Talk
"The" sports car
Five Years Ago
Membership Report
Membership Information
Redwood Region Contacts
der Marktplatz
Upcoming Events at a Glance


Click on the event name for a link to additional details, including contact and RSVP information.  Events and dates subject to change.   Click here to view the full Redwood Region calendar online.

June 2013
Sun            6/16               Zone 7 Sacramento Valley Niello Concours #2, Rocklin 
Fri Sat Sun  6/21, 22, 23   PCA Club Race, Laguna Seca 
Sun-Sat       6/23-29         Porsche Parade, Traverse City, Michigan 
Tue              6/25             Redwood Region Board Meeting 
Sat              6/29             Redwood Region Dinner Run to Plaza Bistro Sonoma  This is a                                             change from the Pech Merle event originally scheduled for
                                      this date.
July 2013
Sat               7/13           Redwood Region Porsches on the Plaza 
Sat Sun        7/13 14       PCA Golden Gate Region DE/TT, Thunderhill 
Sun              7/14           Zone 7 Monterey Concours #3, Carmel Valley 
Sat               7/20           Redwood Region Autocross #6 
Sat               7/27           Redwood Region Fair Niente Wine Tour 
Tue               7/30           Redwood Region Board Meeting 

Click here for a single page 2013 Redwood Region calendar in PDF format.

President's Message

vern rogers headshot 2011
by Vern Rogers, Redwood Region President

I am sitting in front of my computer screen anticipating Redwood's two days of Zone 7 Autocrosses this weekend.  Last month I wrote about the planned changes to my '83 SC -- some have come to pass, some are not yet done.The lightweight battery (Odyssey PC680) arrived on time, but the aluminum housing to mount it to the smuggler's box wall did not. I decided to fabricate it myself from the pictures I had seen. It was actually a lot of fun to do and it came out even better than the one I had ordered. It's amazing what you can do with rudimentary fabrication tools (clamps, a cast iron table saw, a vise, and a weighted rawhide mallet).


This work gave me the bug to do more in the trunk. After relocating the battery, I got inspired by the smuggler's box and blower motor covers I saw on Rennline, and built them as well. I have included pictures below.The more I work on this car the more I love it.

Lightweight Battery - Odyssey PC680
Smuggler's Box Cover 






















The SSI's I ordered back in the beginning of May have yet to arrive. For those that do not know, company ownership has changed, and manufacturing has moved to Denmark.  I now have an anticipated arrival date of June 21.  The good news is the website that I ordered from agreed to a 20% discount for my trouble. I just hope the build quality is as good as before (fingers crossed).  While I wait for these heat exchangers to arrive, I continue to puzzle over what kind of muffler to buy.  The stock muffler will no longer suffice as it has a single input, whereas the SSI's need two.  I have looked at Dansk, Bursch, M&K, and am open to looking at others.Brad at Hi Tec was good enough to bring in his SC for me to listen to. Although I loved the sound it made, the jury is still out on just what to purchase. If you have an SC with modified exhaust, I would definitely appreciate an opportunity to hear it. 


Okay, enough about my car... June starts our Region into the busy months.Below you will see that we have not only the two days of autocross, but a three-day tour through Northern California on some of the State's best secondary roads (still time to sign-up for this one!).  We originally had a drive and dinner scheduled at Pech Merle Winery for the 29th, but due to permit timing we have had to reschedule this event to later in the year. It has been replaced by a dinner run to the Plaza Bistro in Sonoma.  Those of you that attended this event last year know how great the food is.  We hope to see you back.


July will continue the trend. Porsches on the Plaza promises to be even better this year than last.  Our Event Director and Treasurer, both avid bicycling enthusiasts, are providing added value to the July 13 event by organizing bike rides to take place in conjunction with the car show. As in past years, all proceeds will go to our charity, CASA, who will have a booth on the Plaza.  Please come out, show your car, and do a good deed for the challenged youth of Sonoma County. July also has a Redwood autocross and a wine tour (Far Niente). August activities include another wine tour (Fieldstone in Alexander Valley), autocross #7, and although not a Redwood event, Legends of the Autobahn and Holy week in Monterey. I have received big help on putting together the driving route for the Fieldstone Tour from new member Scott Buchannan.  Susan and I met Scott and his wife Diane on this year's Whale Tale Rallye. Thank you Scott for all the scouting and driving of our proposed routes.


As I have said many times before, if you have an event that you would like to see and help the club put on, please contact any Board member.  


That's all for now. Down the road,


From the Interim Co-Editor(s)

Jerry headshot
by Jerry Gladstone, der Riesenbaum Interim Co-Editor

The summer season's activities are now in full swing with autocrosses, concours, tours and dinners aplenty. Redwood Region and Zone 7 activities and events are featured in this issue of der Riesenbaum -- check them out. This issue also brings you reports on recent events and a variety of articles we hope you find interesting and enjoyable. New this month is what we hope to be an ongoing feature -- Personal Porsches. This month, Craig Steele, Redwood Region Secretary, shares the story of his 996. If you have an interesting personal Porsche and story, we would like to hear from you (and so would the membership).

Vern mentioned that there will be a bicycle ride as part of the Sonoma Porsches on the Plaza event (7/13/13). There will be three separate rides, each of different length and pace-- there should be one to your liking. I will lead one of the rides: from the Sonoma Plaza to Cuttings Wharf. You cyclists out there, please join us on one of the rides. Stay tuned for more information from Don Magdanz, Event Director.

Cheers, Jerry 

Hi Tec Ad 2011



Porsche World Roadshow at Sonoma Raceway - Saturday, May 11, 2013

by Tom Markovich, Redwood Region Member       

Last August I was given the opportunity to participate in the Porsche World Road Show at Point Alameda: a more intense (although shorter) test drive than you would expect at a dealer. Fortunately I had the opportunity to participate again, but this year at Sonoma Raceway with actual track time! Vern Rogers and I signed up for the 7:45 am segment (I got there at 7:00 since I woke up the first time at 3:20 am), had the introduction to the schedule of events and was assigned to group 2 of 2. Both groups were treated to a demonstration of two Carreras on a water covered skid pad to show the difference between two wheel vs. four wheel drive/with stability control and without. I never considered four wheel drive in a sports car before, now I am a convert. Without stability control the first car (full time, professional Porsche driver), spun out and the one with four wheel drive lost traction and control. With stability control, no loss of control and much faster; impressive. Porsche Road Show '13.1


We then moved to the track where three groups of four cars (plus lead driver) were ready for our testing. Following the leader as close as possible (he tried to keep the pack together), we did a lap of the portion of Sonoma Raceway used for Nascar racing. Starting with the 2014 Cayman, then the Carrera, Cayman S and Carrera 4S, we did one lap, changed driver/passenger, did another lap then changed cars. Depending upon the other drivers, we were able to go at a speed exceeding dealership test drives. While the power of these cars was impressive, their braking is exemplary. A portion of Sonoma Raceway requires a very hard braking before a nearly 90degree turn and these cars slowed with no drama, flat, firm. Wow!

Porsche Road Show '13.4


Next stop was the low speed SUV/sedan autocross course (just not as fast as our Sonoma County airport venue). This portion was focused on the difference between the two styles of each class. The Panamera hybrid vs. V6 gasoline powered car and the Cayenne vs. Cayenne diesel. The most measurable difference for me was the initial torque of the hybrid and diesel and the lighter weight of the V6. Four people, 150 mph (on the autobahn) for hours at a time, these vehicles are unimaginable. While my focus was performance, the interiors and exteriors are world class. Rich leathers, brushed aluminum and stainless steel, sport seats with an electric extension of the seat bottom for us who need more leg support (get the 14 way power seat; money well spent). Wow! A static display of Carreras, Boxster, Cayenne and Cayman models were available for inspection, seat adjustments and storage considerations (I think my current Cayman has more room for golf clubs but would not get me to the course in the same level of style). Our parting gift was a Porsche hat in black. Porsche is doing ten of these three day events across the country (our event was the first on their calendar), so if you have the opportunity to attend, take it, great fun. Porsche Road Show '13.3


PS. Porsche is developing two venues to provide a facility for people to have the "Porsche Experience" in a controlled environment. One is being developed in Atlanta in conjunction with their headquarters and one in Carson, California. While not racetracks, they will provide areas for education in low traction driving, autocross, off-road and high performance driving. The Southern California facility is expected to be open sometime in 2014. Considering how professional these roadshows are run, you can only imagine what these facilities will offer.

Porsche Road Show '13.2  


dawydiak ad


Kurt's Korner: Sonoma Historics Motorsports Festival - Sunday, May 19, 2013  

by Kurt Fischer, Past President, Redwood Regionkurt fischer headshot


Dateline - 7:45 am. I arrive at Race Sonoma with the sun peeking out of the low fog and with winds about 20 knots ready for a great day of vintage racing.


David Bunch and Sharon Neidel arrive shortly thereafter in the Porsche Support Vehicle (PSV) loaded with a pop up tent, flags, banners, chairs and water for the setup of the Redwood Region's car corral.  

Ronald Breeze Photo

Cars start arriving slowly but surely and the corral-parking wizard, Mike Klunk, eases them into logical rows. Being good German car people we like precision lines, and Mike arranges them well.  The weather is warming up and looking for temperatures in the mid-80' is going to be a fun day!


Since we are unofficially the "Redwine Region", we also look forward to the Wine Pavilion with samplings from local vineyards, food, chocolate, and of course great people watching.  Since this part of the Historics happens at lunchtime,we are not missing important races.  It is a wonderful time catching up with people we sometimes only see at these races.


I spend time in the grandstands with Steve and Wendy Vest, friends form Diablo Region,

watching the various classes run. The afternoon is now warm and up on the Turn 2 hill the winds really have kicked up. I decide to head back to the corral area to find our banners have all blown over, the flags are down, but all is in good shape. 

Ronald Breeze Photo

We had about 50 Porsches in the corral; down from our normal 100+ cars as a number of other car events are happening this same weekend.  For those of you that have never been to the Historics, you cannot believe the cars that are up close and personal in the paddock area and on the track.    It is car person's heaven and I highly recommend that you join us next year.


1967 910-025
1967 910-025    Kurt Fischer Photo

<------- The 910's Business End     Kurt Fischer Photo                   

Allstate Ad


roadsRedwood Region's "It's All About the Roads" Mille Tour, June 21-23, 2013
It's all about the roads
Hotel and Itinerary Information      Flyer     RSVP to Steve Glenn after you make your hotel reservations
                                                                    Steve Glenn or call 707.566.9951



Loma Prieta Region and Parts Heaven Zone 7 Concours #1                by Barbara McCrory

1987 Porsche 944
Your reporter on the street (me) decided during the winter to show the 1987 Porsche 944 in the Zone 7 Concours series.   The last time Steve and I participated was with a 1967 911 in the Competition Category way back in the last decade. 1967 Porsche 911  







Loma Prieta and Parts Heaven hosted the first Zone 7 Concours Sunday, June 2, 2013.  This concours also features a swap meet which was well attended by many who needed just that special part that is no longer made.  I was too busy cleaning to take advantage of the swap meet though.  As I did the last dusting of the car, I thought there must be something that makes these people show up every year with clean cars.  So I decided to ask some of the participants why they do this, and what they hope for in a Judge.


Top Ten Reasons why Porsche people show a car at a concours more than once and their wish list for a Judge.


 10.   I washed the car twice, why not?

   9.   I want the Judge's fingers to be bigger than mine.

   8.   I show up because I am in charge, and I have a new car so why not?

   7.   I wanted to see how my car placed relative to the other crazy people.

   6.  It gets me out of the house on Sunday.


To be continued after Sacramento Valley Region Niello Concours on June 16, 2013.  You too can get a chance to participate in the top ten.  Just look for the Almond Beige Metallic 1987 Porsche 944 - - - and have your answers ready.


Redwood Region cars..................waiting to be Judged 


Porsche 911
John Jackson's 911
Porsche 914
Bob Schoenherr's 914



nielloSacramento Valley Niello Zone 7 Concours #2, Sunday, June 16, 2013 
Zone 7 Concours
mbyMonterey Bay Zone 7 Concours #3, Sunday, July 14, 2013 
MBY Concours
PDF form for completion here.  (Working links in the flyer above can be found in the pdf version of this flyer. ed)

axRedwood Region Autocross #6, Saturday, July 20, 2013
  Porsche at Autocross

See the Redwood website Autocross page for more information: 
Grady Carter Autocross Director email: 
Bob Schoenherr Autocross Co-Director email: 

Autocross Results

This link will take you to the Autocross results hosted on the Redwood Region website.  Autocross Results



Whitman's Auto Body


Legends of the Autobahn, Friday, August 16, 2013

Legends of the Autobahn
Registration is now open for this event at 
Event Flyer here

Personal Porsches: Craig Steele's 996 

Story and Photos by Craig Steele, Redwood Region Secretary

                                               Our Legend from Autobahn (Dismantlers)


In mid-2009 my son Sean Steele sent an e-mail: "Hey Dad does your friend Rhoann still want a Porsche?"  When I opened the picture file there was a cute '99 Porsche 911 Cabriolet (996), Guards Red with tan interior. Sean owns and operates Autobahn Dismantlers of El Cajon, specializing in used BMW and Porsche auto parts.


Just for fun I forwarded the Porsche picture to my wife, Sandy. She came into my office minutes later and said: "Let's buy that Porsche!"  In an instant we shifted our universe and became Porsche owners.       I called my son and asked how much do you want for the car? He said: "For you Dad, $21,000 with my personal parental warranty." The car had a cracked head causing a leak into the coolant system. Sean had one of his Porsche master mechanic clients re-built the entire engine back to factory specifications. The car was in mint condition, save the engine, spending her time touring Southern California and it was always parked in the garage at night. She had 47,000 miles and came with a hardtop to make her a coupe during the rainy season.   


Two Wheels Off at Turn 2 Laguna Seca

The car was ready to drive to it's new home on December 13, 2009.  I flew down to San Diego and drove the Porsche 600 miles back to Santa Rosa. I had only driven two Porsches in my life! Both were test drives of less than 20 minutes each. So I started out cautiously as I drove North. When I got past Los Angeles I started to see what this hot red machine could do. Highway 5 proved to be a great learning experience. I started doing exits and merges so I could feel the braking and acceleration. WOW! It was the most exciting drive to Santa Rosa I had ever taken.


Sandy and I joined PCA - Redwood Region in January 2010 and attended most of the club activities offered. I started participating in autocrosses to improve my driving skills. To date I have driven 12,000 Porsche miles and every mile has a story full of fun, friendship and freedom. My wife and I love this hot red car and what it adds to our lives.  We love the breakfast runs, the overnight events and the annual holiday party. It does redefine the journey and our enjoyment of "Porsche family."


It is our legend from the Autobahn of El Cajon. 

Red Porsche
My own Legend of the Autobahn

proshop ad


PCA Escape to L.A. October 24 - 27, 2013

Escape to L.A. 
 Hotel Registration Link:  Sheraton Fairplex Hotel and Conference Center 
 Escape to L.A. Newsletter here 






Tech Talk: Proper Washing Techniques                  
Proper Washing Techniques
Article reprinted courtesy of Sacramento Valley Region PCA, June 2013 Drifter

TRG The Racer's Group


"The" sports car celebrates a special anniversary

Porsche 911  
Article courtesy of Niello Porsche, Rocklin

Redwood History: Zone 7 Autocross 2008 

 Porsche clock

Five Years Ago in Redwood Region 

from der Riesenbaum 2008     


On Saturday night, about 15 Zone 7 autocrossers met at Johnny Garlic's restaurant in Windsor for our post-autocross dinner. We were awarded door prizes of wines from Mosaic Vineyards -- our sponsor for many years. I think everybody took home a bottle of fine wine! A great time was had by all.


Sunday morning dawned again to sun-filled skies and hot air balloons launching near our site. The balloons are always a wonderful sight as they slowly push into the blue skies over Sonoma County.  The drivers were treated to a record 11 runs on our "mini" road course autocross site.


  Tristan Bayless photos


BusiBee Bookkeeping



Board Meeting Minutes
Craig Steele by Craig Steele, Redwood Region Secretary

Redwood Region Board Meeting Minutes -   The minutes from the April 30, 2013 Board meeting will be available after approval at the May meetingMinutes  This link takes you to copies of previous meeting minutes hosted on the PCA Redwood Region Website.


Our next Board Meeting is scheduled for 7:00 p.m. on June 25th, at Ghiringhelli Pizzeria Grill & Bar, 1535 South Novato Blvd., Novato. All members are welcome to attend. 

Membership Report

bob schoenherr headshot 2011
by Bob Schoenherr, Redwood Region Membership Director

The May 2013 membership report for period ending May 31, 2013  



                                             Notes from Membership    



Summer is heating up and events happening everywhere! Seven new members joined the Redwood Region and 3 of our distinguished members are enjoying 30 or more year anniversaries in the club: Ray Fiore, Kim Fiori and Jerry Curry.


Anita and I just got back from the season's first Zone 7 concours and swap meet in Hayward at Parts Heaven.  A fantastic turnout including Redwood members Barbara McCrory, John Jackson, Vern Rogers, Michael Hinton, Andy Brian, Simone and Thorsten Kopitzki, Anita and myself.  Parts Heaven and Loma Prieta put on a good event.  "The Green Machine" -- our 1971 914 -- did very well along with John entering his 911 and Barbara her 944. Barbara in the gold car and John with the black; I thought I was back to the "John Player Special" days. A zone event just lets you know how lucky we are to have this many regions so close together, something for everyone.


Membership is very steady for the Redwood region with our numbers not varying any more than 2% at any time.  We are the "have fun region", maybe that is why we hang on to our members.




New Members


   Primary Members


Transfers in


   Affiliate Members


Transfers out


   Dual Members




   Total Members







Welcome New Members to the Redwood Region!  We hope to see you at an upcoming event.  






David Cotton


Marlena Weinstein

1988 911 silver

Robert Johns



1975 911s silver

Bryan Lawton



2007 911 Red

Henry Mattei

Santa Rosa


1989 Carrera

Emma Ramshaw

San Rafael


No car listed

Donald Revere



1964 356C coupe Red

 Happy Anniversary and thanks to all of you. 




Anniverysary Date

Raymond Fiore




Kim Fiori




Jerry Curry


Santa Rosa, CA


Kevin Buckler


Petaluma, CA


Lawrence Bennett


Mill Valley, CA


Brent Klopfer


Gualala, CA


Andrew Brian


Santa Rosa, CA


James Bruce


Sonoma, CA


Jose-maria Castro


Belvedere Tiburon, CA


Bret Boutet


Novato, CA


Pansy Dea-Dair


Novato, CA


Stephanie Del bosco


Lakeport, CA


Kathy Silverfield


Tiburon, CA


Brian Vineys


Rohnert Park, CA


Rob Woollen


San Rafael, CA


Howard Low


Mill Valley, CA


Jim McVicar


Santa Rosa, CA


Bruce Lawton


Rohnert Park, CA


Chris Vail


Mill Valley, CA


John B Berg


Fairfax, CA


Diane Einstein


Petaluma, CA


Gary Fellers


Novato, CA


George Kellar


Sausalito, CA


Michael Lamb


San Anselmo, CA


Charles Stotler


Eureka, CA


Penny Wolin


Sebastopol, CA


Robert Coleman


San Rafael, CA


Martin Detels


Greenbrae, CA


Brian Nannery


Larkspur, CA


Thomas Strobel


Novato, CA


Penny Bair


Sonoma, CA


Jim Lewis


Petaluma, CA


Glen Marks


Middletown, CA


Joan Robideaux


San Rafael, CA


Gary Watts


San Rafael, CA


Jim Gehrs


Santa Rosa, CA


Brannon Klopfer


Gualala, CA


Jonathan Kramer


Mill Valley, CA


John Loftus


Napa, CA


Stevie Cerami


Petaluma, CA


Mike Illingworth


Windsor, CA


Ryan Miron


Santa Rosa, CA


Hartley Postlethwaite


Annapolis, MD


Chip Witt


Cotati, CA


Jorge Filho


Sausalito, CA


Fred Giarrusso


Napa, CA


Cindy Gibbons


The Sea Ranch, CA


Attonette Ginochio


Napa, CA


Ron Guest


Sonoma, CA




Membership information is based on the Porsche Club of America National database. If you feel that any of the information included in this Membership Report is inaccurate, please contact the Editor or Membership Director.

Membership Information

Please contact Bob Schoenherr, Membership Director for general information about Club membership, including changes of address and/or contact information, dual-membership inquiries, inter-region transfers, membership referrals, and name badges.

Redwood Region Members are welcome and encouraged to attend monthly Board Meetings, held on the last Tuesday of each month (except December) at 7:00 p.m. at Ghiringhelli Pizzeria Grill & Bar, 1535 South Novato Blvd., Novato.
CASA Flyer


Redwood Region Contacts
2013 Redwood Region Board of Directors

Executive Council


Appointed Directors

der Marktplatz

  1999 Porsche Boxster

For Sale 1999 Boxster Arctic Silver,Boxster Red interior, Tiptronic, 109K miles 

I purchased this Boxster with 74K miles and have the original CarFax that came with it when I took ownership. I have made the following upgrades to the car (partial list): Pedros' Enthusiast motor mount, Techno Brace, LN Engineering ceramic IMS bearing kit, upgraded silicon RMS, new crankcase bolts, Porsche ROW M030 sport suspension, 2001 Boxster S Big Red calipers and cross drilled rotors, GT3 front brake cooling ducts, GAAH top with glass rear window, Fabspeed headers and Dansk sport muffler. Extensive service records with oil and filter changes at 5K miles as well as all maintenance items including Tiptronic transmission service at 90K miles. Parts replaced include OEM water pump, thermostat, windshield, fuel pump, rear wheel bearings and rear axle housing. The car was completely sanded down, all dings removed and repainted with Porsche factory Arctic Silver and clear coat. Boxster 550 Spyder tail lights, fogged head lights replaced with upgraded European non-egg yolk lights and clear side marker lights. Worn seats replaced. Interior has full leather option. No history of collisions. Tires are Hankook V12 rear with 6/32 tread and fronts are Sumitomo ZRIII with 5/32 tread. OBC hack done so mpg, temp, average speed and speed chime can be accessed. Everything works as it should, AC blows cold and car easily passes smog. I have all manuals and receipts. Includes Porsche OEM fitted outdoor car cover and OEM leather bra. Call for complete information and history. Price $14,500.

Ron Breeze    707-486-2049 





Porsche Collector Calendar 2005 including Coin Medal Token $30 415-299-7563









Porsche 2005 Historic Calendar Book - original sealed, Collector's Item $50 415-299-7563







Boxster taillights  


Red Boxster/Caymen Tail Lights MY 2005-2008, Set $200 415-299-7563     









Set of Front Tires, 235/35/19 N1, Michelin Pilot Sport, approximately 5K miles, tread depth 7/32 (6 mm). New is 7 mm. $250 or best offer or 415-299-7563

















Panorama Collection  




Porsche Panorama Collection. January 1997 through December 2012 -- complete except for the November 2007 issue. In pristine condition; ideal for the collector or Porsche history buff.  $125 for entire set.

Jerry Gladstone 707-322-3657






1973 Porsche 914 2.0

1973 Porsche 914 2.0     Asking Price: $14,500
Information:  I am the third owner of the car.  The first owners were teachers from Pasadena who purchased the car new in 73 in Los Angeles.  The second owner purchased it from them in 1978 and remained in Los Angeles until relocating to Mountain View in the mid 80's.  The car was actively driven at various SCCA and PCA timed rally events. The owner sold because of her arthritis and inability to enjoy the car. It was resprayed it in the early 90's. I literally had to interview and show my PCA credentials for consideration as a buyer.  The paint is in very good condition, the entire engine was removed, with the bay completely cleaned and all issues mitigated. When I purchased it, the car was located in a shrine/garage surrounded by 35 years of rare Porsche memorabilia.  It has original mini-rally badges from Vasek Polak, PCA, and SCCA events in Southern California at Riverside. In the service book, it has service stamps by Andial -- truly historic material. The car has about 9k miles a year for about 360k miles, and every service is documented with mileage logs.  For over a decade prior to my purchase it has been serviced by Heyer Performance in Mountain View; they can be called as a reference.            EJ Achtner  Skype:  EJ_Achtner


Owner's Manual  -  Original 1970 Porsche 911T.  Overall condition good except rip in back page.  $50

Work Shop Manual - VGC.  No grease or smudge marks.  Porsche 911 1964-69 Autobook, Kenneth Ball Autopress LTD. 176 pages $45.    Roderick Moore   


Porsche 996/986 Wheels 


996/986 Carrera 5 spoke wheels. 8x18 (225 X 40's) & 10x18's(285 X 30's). With Conti Sport Contact N2's which will need replacement soon. Wheels are in exceptional shape and except for one small rock ding on one spoke they are "as new". Low miles still have original factory weights. For someone wishing to mount in a 986 I also have 24mm spacers and extended wheel bolts (for rear wheels) for that application. All for $800 OBO.

B. Kelly      707-933-8199   







Classified ads for Porsches and Porsche-related parts or accessories are available at no charge to PCA members and may be submitted to the editor via email by the 15th of each month to be included in the next month's issue of der Riesenbaum. Ads will run for three months, space permitting, unless canceled by the seller. Classified ads are also included in the der Marktplatz section on our Club website. Editor may modify ad copy as needed based on space constraints, and is not responsible for content, errors or omissions. Commercial ads are not accepted. Please contact Sponsorship Director Simone Kopitzki at 415.299.7563 for sponsorship information and rates.   

Der Riesenbaum is the official newsletter of the Porsche Club of America, Redwood Region, encompassing Del Norte, Humboldt, Lake, Marin, Mendocino, Napa, and Sonoma Counties. This publication is intended to inform Club members about Club activities and other related matters of interest. The opinions expressed in der Riesenbaum are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official position of the Porsche Club of America, Redwood Region, its officers, or its members.


Letters to the editor, feedback, questions, and suggestions about der Riesenbaum and the Redwood Region in general are welcome. We also encourage members to submit photos and/or write-ups about Club events or related activities. Written contributions and photos are welcome and should be emailed to the editor. The submission deadline for publication in der Riesenbaum is the 15th day of the month preceding the month of publication. Material received after the deadline will be considered for publication the following month. The editorial staff reserves the right to edit all material submitted for publication.


All written content and images in this publication are protected by copyright. Permission is granted to reprint any original content herein provided credit is given to the author, to der Riesenbaum, and to the Porsche Club of America, Redwood Region. 


Click here to visit us on the web or here to visit our Facebook page.


Thank you all for supporting your Club!


Barbara McCrory & Jerry Gladstone, der Riesenbaum Co-Editors   

Porsche Club of America, Redwood Region


2012 PCA RR Logo Gray Bkd
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