Tahoe Truckee Community Foundation Newsletter
Share in the Joy of Generosity with the Queen of Hearts Women's Fund! 
The Joy of Generosity 10 Year Event Invite
Learn about the next decade of generosity and a special announcement to advance women as leaders in our community.

Wednesday June 29th from 5:00 - 7:00pm: Gather at Gallery Keoki for an exclusive preview of the first ever commemorative Women of Squaw Valley and Alpine Meadows Ski Patrol Calendar. Keoki and featured patrollers will present incredible stories about these heroes of the mountain, and the Women's Fund will give an overview on all of the work they've done and all there is to look forward to! There will also be wine and appetizers. Learn more and RSVP here.
Thursday August 4th 4:30 - 7:30pm: A celebratory reception at Jake's on the Lake honors existing supporters and those who are new to the Women's Fund. TTCF has a special announcement which will celebrate and advance women as leaders in our community! Please RSVP early as space is limited; register here
What increases your skills, makes you more likeable, and is something you can share or keep to yourself?  Volunteers working on Community House
Volunteering in North Tahoe - Truckee! 

Just a friendly reminder that there are over 80 nonprofit volunteer opportunities on www.givebacktahoe.org! These are opportunities that can involve your whole family for just one gorgeous alpine summer day and others that you can explore on a regular basis. Volunteering is good for the community, and even better for you! Volunteers are more grateful, feel more connected to their community and neighbors, and increase their skill sets. Volunteer today! 
Latino Leadership Committee: A voice shaping our community.
A brightly colored tile mural of a tree.
"Colors of Life" Mural created by the Latino Leadership Committee.
Committee invites stakeholders and policy makers to share dialogue.

Four years ago, the North Tahoe Family Resource Center (NTFRC), located in TTCF's Community House building, offered a Life Leadership workshop with the intention to develop participant understanding of mental health and healthful habits, as well as to build the self-esteem of our local Latino residents. Since then, the Latino Leadership Committee has formed to support its members and the region by becoming local leaders involved in neighborhood concerns, policy making, and community development. With NTFRC's support and Community House in Kings Beach as a home base, the Latino Leadership Committee is just getting started. Read our Sierra Sun article here
Our community stands together for our must vulnerable neighbors.
Inside of the EWC at night.
Emergency Cold Weather Warming Center (EWC) saves lives this winter.

The EWC's pilot season was the first "good winter" our region has had in years. Its opening, and the absence of reported deaths due to extreme weather exposure, is in thanks to the overwhelming support that our community shared along with United for Action (UFA) who led the charge for establishing a safe shelter for our most vulnerable neighbors. The center was open for a total of 25 nights, but the profound and unanticipated successes reach far beyond a single evening. Read more here
2016 Regional Housing Study Update
Housing Study Update logo
The final update is on its way.

As we await the final format of the housing study, we're excited to share some of the stories from the community public forums that we feel capture unique perspectives about how housing impacts our entire community; view them here. We expect to have the final study early July, visit our website for more details. 

June 2016 |  Volume 3, Issue 6