Charlene Ann Baumbich

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April 2013
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Do you

Not too many questions, just a little something to help you purposefully think about your life.

surveylink This link will take you right to it!

Remember: this is NOT a test. It's just a chance to weigh in--on yourself.  

Do we Hang On or
Let Go?

Fast Stats:
*As a group, we are HANGER ON-ERS = 71%
*We pay attention to expiration labels
*31% of us smell expired food first then make our decision (raises hand)
*38% check the date and if it's expired, we toss it out immediately
*11% of us have eaten salad dressing expired for more than six months
*69% of us save memories via digital means; 65% use verbal storytelling (there is overlap here)
*On my call to action challenge to find something from where you were sitting you could get rid of, we were about equally divided on actually taking that action.

Some of the most Notable
Specifics:*Ever drop someone off your Christmas list?

"Yes. It was difficult because it was more than dropping the person off my Christmas list. It was realizing that the only time I heard from the person was when things were "bad" in her life. It made me re-evaluate the whole "friendship" and let the person go completely."

*What is the hardest thing for you to let go of?

--a 15-year old  son embarking on a different path
--wanting mother's approval
--loved ones we've lost (many of us)
--forgiving those doing us wrong
--a vacation
--old way of doing things
--wanting family relationships that simply will never be
--resentment and wounds ranging from some as old as high school to denied insurance claims
--worries and concerns
--books (doink!) and recipes

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My First Ever

about four generations of women in my family and their quilting (not) projects
Old quilt squares in mom's drawer
Dear TwinkleGrammers,
Well, almost. When you wake up and the temperature is barely out of the teens ... Still, the calendar says it's spring, so it must be so. After all, robins are singing in the neighborhood again and the greens of daffodils have surged through the earth.
Dear Spring, I am watching closely, rooting for your every labored-breath attempt to bust through winter's spell.
As usual, "something happened" to me recently that got me to thinking. Thus Today's Message which has to do with awfulizing. If you've never heard that term before, I think the story will give you a good "show not tell" example of what an awfulizing attack looks like when in full bloom. (Spring!)
As usual, I've put together a short survey on the topic. There are no right or wrong answers, only a chance for you to self assess, vent, move closer to letting go that thing that needs loosening.
Once you're done with Today's Message and the survey (if you dare, but TRUST ME, it's FUN!), poke around the rest of the TwinkleGram to find my Mother's Day sale in the CharStarStore, my fav responses to the last survey about Hanging On and Letting Go. Got a few other tidbitty things too.
Peace and grins,
-- If you are reading this online (say you came here from a Tweet) and don't want to miss future editions, go here to see what you're in for, then TwinkleGram yourself!--

So one day while brushing my teeth I'm thinking how happy I am with my current combination of products* like toothbrush, toothpaste (keep your mouth closed cuz it REALLY foams!) and tooth-picking (this video is a RIOT! Been there! LOVELOVELOVE these little squishy things!)/flossing (this stuff is stretchy, just The Best!). And my discipline! Blue ribbon worthy, I'd say. I'm brushing up and down rather than side to side. I'm carefully making sure to reach every single spot. I keep the ab-fab floss by my lounge chair so during episodes of say Glee (I am a total Gleek), Yukon Man (fascinating) or House Hunters International (a girl can dream, can't she?) I can have at it.


Lately my teeth feel slick-clean and my gums are healthy. Nothing bleeds. Nothing hurts. No chunks of teeth have fallen into my mouth like ginormous glacier calvings


After I finish my brushing reverie, I put my face close to the mirror and pull my gums way back to have a validating look-see. This is when I notice: a flaming red spot on my gum right above my eye tooth, or canine (cuspid) as the chart says. Huh. Wassup with that?


The next day I check again. Still flaming. Not sore, but REDREDRED. 


The next day it's not quite as red, so perhaps whatever it is will go away.


The next day it's flaming again.


And so this goes for about six weeks when it's time to make an appointment for my annual teeth cleaning. (Okay, I'm not perfect.) Now I'm worried: I'm sure it's gum cancer or some other horrid thing.


"So, how's everything?" the hygienist asks.


"Oh, you'll see," I say, figuring the severe redness will cause her to gasp so hard she'll suck her entire protective mask down her throat.


"Right there?" she asks, putting her gloved finger on it.


"Yea." I want to say Yep but my lips can't close. 


She goes about her checking and cleaning, all the while giving me praise. "You're doing a great job!" she says. "No bleeding. No big pockets. Looks good."


The dentist comes in, confers with the hygienist. Everything is great. "But she does have a concern."


I look at him, heart racing. "You'll see!"


He pokes around The HORROR, asks me if it hurts. I give him my best mouth-pryed-open guttural response of a long O, which is a no-lipped No.


He sits back in his chair. I wait for biopsy instructions. "Are you right handed?" he asks.


"Es." What? Am I right handed? 


"Which side of your mouth do you begin brushing?"




"Right there?" he asks, touching The Spot again.




"I think you've irritated your gum by applying to much pressure. It's not uncommon. We have a little more energy when we first begin to brush. From now on, either start on a different side of your mouth, or better yet,  gently use only the tip of your toothbrush bristles there, making sure not to scour. Give it a chance to settle down. I think that should do it. If not, let us know."


Magic. Within a week, the red spot is gone. I don't have cancer or any other mouth crud. I only suffer the results of my own aggressive hand. Overdoing a good thing, the consequence of using a terrific brush with long stiffer bristles at the end which are great for reaching the backs of those rear  molars. But not so great for tender gums.  


The moral of this story is ... um ... Sometimes we are our own worst enemy, even when we think we're Doing Good. We are not a victim; we are the perpetrator. Things that "go wrong" are not always the work of the devil, or the fault of "that other". Sometimes, it's just ignorant us.


Perhaps this is a good time for you to make a list of things that seem wrong in your life. (Just your top three, okay? Don't overwhelm yourself. :-)) Circle them with your mind's eye. Take a close and careful--and HONEST--look from all sides.    

Ask yourself this question: Are you perhaps what is known as AWFULIZING?  


The first time I heard this term I raised my hand, even though there wasn't a specific question. I knew AWFULIZING was far too often one of my default modes. To see a red spot on your gum and decide it must be cancer: awfulizing. Get it?  


Check your list again. Maybe you can cross something off because once you catch yourself awfulizing, whatever the "it" is no longer exists as a threat. Replace awfulizing with trusting: This too shall pass. 


I once saw a quote that said, "Worry is a misuse of imagination." Yessiree.


Is there something on that list you can instantly better? You'd be surprised how often one gentle positive action on your part (stop scouring the issue to death!) can heal a wound.  


*offer peace rather than friction

*let go of a grudge

*ask for help (give the self-sustaining ego a rest)

*listen without interruption

*find a new way


The Lord knows our thoughts, that they are but an empty breath. -- Psalm 94:11 NRSV


 *I receive NO KICKBACKS, coupons, credits or monetary compensation from these products. They are just my current favorites.  


Did this bring to mind a story you just have to share with me? Go right ahead: 



 Who doesn't need a reminder?!


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Finding Our Way Home Cover
"Finding Our Way Home" by Charlene Ann Baumbich is a wonderful "feel good" story about love, healing, perseverance, and most of all grace. ... When I turned the last page of this book, I let out a sigh - a peaceful, contented, "feel good" sigh.     ~~ Pam Mayes,
       Book blogger
  Don't forget:
  • I love hearing from you  
  • Hate flossing? Try a new floss. They are not created equal.
  • Keep the floss where you hands are often idle, like by the TV or near your computer monitor.  
  • Awfulizing can happen to anyone. Check yourself often. 
  • Don't think you want to "do" the survey? Seriously, some of the multiple choice answers are FUNNY!
  • GUM brand Soft-Picks RULE! Seriously, I think they're better than floss. I receive no compensation for saying that, they're simply one of my latest pleasures and obsessions. :) 

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